Tag Archives: Twitter

The Twitter Diaries: Sept 4-11, 2010

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I guess I’m having a 2nd childhood: my home is full of bright colors, robots, Legos, stuffed toys, comic artwork, Christmas lights… #
The Twitter Diaries: Aug – with photos of the closure of MPK, and a couple of famous Solaris faces – and a robot! #
RT @michellefabio: Well duh >> Life is beautiful -when you have a villa in Italy : http://ow.ly/2zKeT – and when you can afford one… ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
My wkd so far: Costco, edit videos, Korean spa, friends to dinner, website, edit videos, email… Seem to have missed the holiday concept. #
Thank you @NomdeB the perfect note to end my 900-page copyedit of the DTrace book: The The Impotence of Proofreading #
Just discovered the Company Updates features on LinkedIn. Is there a way to go further back in time? #
@timbray Heard about you at OSCON last night from someone who attended your Android giveaway. Sorry I wasn’t there this year. #
Good crop of tomatoes on the way, considering the size of my balcony garden – which is just right for me now. #

breakfast French toast with sauteed fresh peach, and of course bacon. Lunch will be pasta with broccoli and sausage. I make sure I eat well. #
very confused hummingbird – I brought the feeder in to clean and refill. If he’d seen me, he might have attacked. #
Delightful day at @afranq‘s meeting interesting international people. One of the perks of living in the Bay Area – lots of ’em around! #
Isn’t it easy to only talk to people you agree with? To only read the newspapers you like, the authors you admire? #
@michellefabio Lived in a house on Lake Como 4 years, lovely place til you need to actually, like, have a normal job or something. #
stumbled across this past – but still current – piece on my own blog: Communicating with Your Customers #
I have a zillion reasons to feel stressed & distressed. But I’m blessed in my friends and love where I’m living. So life is good anyway. #
And now we have creative spammer names: Sincerely Your, Kawacatoose Cawthron. That deserves to be a protagonist in a novel. #
The signs are there, for anyone who cares to read them… #
Whatever. #
Oh, it’s going to be one of those days, is it? #
At least my wait for the shuttle in Mountain View gives me a chance to enjoy the sunshine. #
Six employees waiting half an hour for a shuttle that never arrived. How much company money did that waste? We’re in a taxi now. #
NEW white paper: Create a More Efficient Storage Infrastructure with the Oracle Solaris 10 Operating System – http://bit.ly/bIMyoj #
Looks as if everyone’s receiving their care packages of schwag. #
VirtualBox Rollback (and the magic of ZFS) – The Observatory http://bit.ly/ceROQk #
Need a desktop twitter client that allows for proxy settings. Suggestions? #
@fotographyINDIA: Amazing Article, WOW!! MUST READ- Capturing the Himalayas: the Art of Hiking with (cont) http://tl.gd/3heet7 #
Okay now the weird paranoid shuttle driver is driving like a maniac, I damn near went flying across the bus. This commute ends today. #
When injuries to paper, wooden, or plastic symbols are more important than injuries to living beings, something is very wrong in the world. #
Time to fix the hair. I wish the inside of my head was as easy to fix.ร‚ย  #

@blackbeltncrazy wow, Fox Chapel- foes that ever bring back memories. #
@blackbeltncrazy spent a few years of my childhood in much poorer parts of Pittsburgh. #
@blackbeltncrazy shadyside and later homestead #
@Danjite Policy wonk is the person; policy wank is what they do. #
New video! Introducing Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/akVoUj #
New video! Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2 Release – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/bPk2ew #
NEW! Oracle Solaris ZFS Log Devices – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/duHd2P #
realized the headache and fatigue probably had to do with not eating anything much since yesterday #
NEW! Oracle Solaris Triple Parity RAID-Z – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/bAdYTs #
NEW Oracle Solaris ZFS Pool Recovery – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/bkfzR7 #
Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2 is now available for download http://bit.ly/aONSUO #
Developing Enterprise Applications with Oracle Solaris Studio Whitepaper http://bit.ly/9Hp0FJ #
@italylogue ‘fraid not. I haven’t yet gone to any lengths to find good Italian eatables outside of Italy. Someday may be driven to it. #
NEW Oracle Solaris ZFS System Duty Cycle Scheduling Class – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/aY6uOi #
Being up at all hours to upload video probably also contributing to my current feeling of I want to sleep for a week. #
NEW Oracle Solaris ZFS Pool Split – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/b7a4W9 #
My case, I rest it. #
whole slew o’ new Solaris white papers: Technical Articles – Solaris Developer Center http://bit.ly/d1hdul #
RT @CMastication: I want your ugly, I want your disease; I want your everything as long as it’s free Lady Gaga, Open Source early adopters #
@Roam2Rome for years had probs even w US credit card because of foreign billing address. You have to somehow maintain a presence. #
@Roam2Rome can u get Italian paypal? I think that’s how I did it yrs ago. #
RT @ElReg: Oracle and NetApp dismiss ZFS lawsuits: Let’s all hug NetApp and Oracle have agreed to dismiss… http://bit.ly/aFAnQu #
Americans are very good at selling things, lousy at supporting services. Now it’s UPS’ turn to prove that they don’t know how to do it. #
@alecmuffett I believe he has a kennel full, ready to be unleashed like Rottweilers at the slightest provocation. #
Dear UPS: You screwed up, you do NOT get to cite procedures and tell me what you can and can’t do to fix it. I PAID you to pick this up. #
@EvanAtUPS @pfuetz Thanks, I think we’ve got it resolved. Just wish I hadn’t had to spend so much time on the phone over it. #
A Complete Oracle Solaris Platform Update to open the new Oracle Solaris Blog (Oracle Solaris) http://bit.ly/ai2q1d #
@WinnieWongSF I have successfully picked up Agent HotPants before, but it wasn’t you. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@WinnieWongSF I have been privileged to play Go Games twice so far, would love to join in from the other side sometime – looks like fun! #
RT @ProfOrganizer: What happens when you cross Google Instant with Tom Lehrer?ร‚ย  – OMG Best use of Tom Lehrer EVER #
Looking for things to do in SF this weekend… #
New paper: http://bit.ly/bzbtZ7 Oracle Solaris: In a Class by Itself – features that separate Oracle Solaris from other enterprise UNIX OSs #
NOT looking forrward to more medical torture this afternoon. #
It is a sad but inescapable truth in life that you can only help those who want to be helped, and who want to help themselves to begin with. #
Getting my nose numbed up again but only on one side. So it’ll only hurt half as much, right? #
Nose itches. Hope I don’t sneeze out this metal crochet needle the dr has stuck up my nostril #
Yes, this is what he stuck into my sinus.ร‚ย  #

trying to think of creative recipes involving a LOT of broccoli #
I do not own a television and have no way to watch the networks. Don’t miss it at all. #
one of my most popular posts/videos ever: India Vlog: Mehndi #
Beginning to hope that all the torture is doing what it’s meant to and I may finally, after YEARS, get these nasty buggers out of my sinuses #
I bought this on my March India trip, read avidly, highly recommend: The Toss of a Lemon by Padma Viswanathan http://amzn.to/ayKdbW #
More appropriate commemoration might be to do what we all normally do on Saturdays, thereby proving that terrorism has not cowed us one bit. #
If you’re going to have a car hand-detailed, it bloody well ought to be a Rolls (or is that a Bentley?).ร‚ย  #

@NomdeB Sample? Cool. I’m afraid to buy a Kindle. My book spending would quickly spiral out of control. #
Damn, so much to do this weekend, but have got to get AWAY from the keyboard. #
This one’s for my Brazilian friends, and other friends I made in Brazil.ร‚ย  #

I’m being a tourist today. #

would you mind walking around? It’s for the (Chilean) miners.ร‚ย  #


Since you can’t be here today, I bring the day to you. #


O. M. G. (below) #

Boney M Tickets

Calorie overload, can’t get more than halfway through this beer. Nap time… #

The Twitter Diaries: Aug 1-Sep 4, 2010

@NomdeB Namaste, Bitches Coffee Mug from Zazzle.com – yes, I’d love one from the company store! Gives guests pause ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
EVP John Fowler to detail plans for Oracle’s servers, storage and operating systems MarketWatch #
@mtuckerb either that or we’re not on the same train! #
@blackbeltncrazy Masseur – I can do everything else myself. #
why is KPMG spamming my corporate email to tell me they’ll be at OOW? Yeah, so will I, we’ll all be working. So? #
tomorrow is Indian Independence Day, so prepare now: Learn India’s National Anthem #
@blackbeltncrazy Multicultural is not the same as multireligious. There are Muslims in and from many countries and cultures of the world. #
@blackbeltncrazy If something claims to be multicultural, it is a non-sequitur to slam it for not (also) being multireligious. #
@blackbeltncrazy Just not seeing how it’s relevant. Multicultural =/= multifaith. The two sometimes go hand-in-hand, but not necessarily. #
RT @Jo_Miller: How Smart Women Win at Office Politics http://ow.ly/2pPNR – useful for men as well! #
Hungry? An oldie-and-goodie about a day of fine food and wine in Italy’s Valtellina: Guests of Conti Sertoli Salis #
Hmm, shoulda known I’d seen that harpsichord before when I visited my cousin Celia at New Year’s #
For the record: my site was called Countries Beginning with I BEFORE that damned book was published. #
@italylogue Starting to wonder if the book was in fact to be titled Beginning with I and she had to change it because of my site… #
Ms Gilbert, reality is that few Italisn can afford to exquisitely and delightfully do nothing – someone has to pay for all that pasta. #
…just like most Indians can’t afford to spend much time in ashrams, nor Indonesians chasing down healers. #
RT @fraying: A few photos of stuff the same distance from the World Trade Center as the Ground Zero Mosque #
at least for /this/ engineering mtg I have been around the technology in question long enough not to feel like a complete idiot. #
@OReillyUG The Music Man, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Buffy series… #
a draft [of air] is considered extremely dangerous, causing anything from a cold to paralysisร‚ย  #

^ this place needed a big plant… And a refugee rat #
@italylogue scrivere la propria storia I suppose. #
Terms of Address: What to Call People in India #
some fun old videos I had forgotten about: The Lake Como Car Ferry #
how Rossella got her name #
India Videoblog: Jaipur How to Tie a Turban #
DTrace for Ruby is available Joyeurร‚ย  #

^ She keeps the Moet Chandon in a pretty cabinet… #

^ uh hmmm #
RT @mightygodking This is fab. Miss Ghana’s costume = glorious. Miss Kazakhstan’s, insane.ร‚ย  – thanks, literally LOLing! #
@mkapor One former mental hospital got turned into a Sun Microsystems campus #

^ร‚ย  #
I really hate the marketing crap I’m forced to listen to while on hold for customer service. I’m looking at you, Tivo, but all are guilty. #
is it normal as a US consumer to spend a lot of time on service requests? Calling to fix messed up accounts seems to take a lot of my time. #
Hate dealing with customer service because it takes several tries to get people to understand how to spell my name. Pronounce it? Hah! #
@mkapor Thank you for that. We’ve had enough cheap jokes around the Sun name. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
in the middle of a complex negotiation with AT&T about bad billing, the call drops. Will he call me back? #
@GeorgeTrujillo hmm #
apparently I should just start my own moving company. I seem to do a lot of shifting boxes around. #
If you’ve been wondering about my references to editing lately, here’s what that’s all about: http://amzn.to/daSQIQ (nope, not video!) #
Aside from editing, I also speak: ๐Ÿ˜‰ Employees Making Videos: What’s working? What’s Not? – Communitelligenceร‚ย  #
RT @Jason89 1 in 5 Americans think Obama is Muslim? Personally it bothers me that he’s Christian. I like to pretend he’s secretly an atheist #
@mamaswati To the people who are pushing the idea, yes, it is a smear. Or were you being disingenuous? #
Today’s schedule: medical nose torture, followed by a drive to MPK to move (more) boxes. But I think I get a dosa for lunch, yay! #
Turning up 15 minutes early for that appointment may in the long run prove to have been a life-changing event. #
@bubbva coming up next week: This is Nasal Tap! #
1 more load of stuff to bring up from the car; my apt is a temporary holding area for small expensive items that we don’t want to go missing #
@akumar they’re not the only ones. Hopefully they give you money instead and let you decide where to invest it. #
dreamed last night that the co. gave me a Blackberry, and I started crying for my iPhone. Not usually that tech-obsessed, IRL. #
What Is It About 20-Somethings? – http://nyti.ms/dljJMu I disagree that choices made in your 20s are forever. We all keep growing & changing #
Funny spam subject of the day: Give your thingy staying charge #
Final push on DTrace book this weekend (I’m copyediting all 1000 pages), lots of work to do – but I’m soooo sleepy. Gray SF weather no help. #
Was supposed to go to a film school BBQ this aft, now not sure I have the psychic energy to socialize with people I don’t know well. #
thanks to Teresa for remembering I wanted Legos and rescuing some from the moving recycle mound for me! #
A nudist colony outside Beaumont, Texas? Now you KNOW that story’s bullshit. #
@planspark But imagine what the German word for it would be! #
@charlvn I’ll just go warm up the Death Star, shall I? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
Give! #
Editing this book has done 2 things: tho I’ll never be an engineer, I’ve learned a LOT about DTrace. And remembered I’m a very good writer. #
Doing what all true blooded Americans do on Sunday morning: shopping. #
Italian satire: Learn Italian in Song: Tu Vuo Fa o Talebano #

^ the things I do for my company include acting as a temporary storage depot during the Great MPK Move #
@pelegri I’m still figuring out my native country after spending most of my life overseas. Much to love, but some things are just weird. #
RT @nicolamattina: Religious madness in Italy: every 7 yrs procession, men strike themselves w a nail-studded sponge #
An interior office with no windows. Without sunlight, I fall asleep. Well, I’m just as excited as I can be about this move. #
@ben It’s a productivity problem for me. There’s a reason I live in an apartment with huge windows and lots of sun – I need it. #
Now I have nothing to move from my MPK office – my ergo keyboard, USB hub, and lock cable have vanished. #
looks as if we finally get summer, now that I’ve bought tight skinny jeans that are way too warm in the heat… #
@jlb13 @jczorkmid what’s a vacation? #

^ keeping me busy: the Books for Engineers giveaway. #
Even when you’ve known for a while it was bound to happen, you’re still sad when it finally does. #
@reiger I’m not sure I have one. If I did, I broke it ages ago. #
@jlb13 I can leave work easily enough, relaxing usually escapes me. Tho I am reaching a point where lying on a beach with a drink… #
@JoyceSolano gimlet with home made lime syrup #
@sararosso should be fine, see you there #
@JoyceSolano It is, and much needed just at the moment. Had to add soda – too strong otherwise. #
@melanierenzulli guess I shouldn’t feel bad that I have no idea who either of them is. #
@melanierenzulli I feel squicky about FB profile pics of people’s kids. It feels like I have no identity of my own, Probably overreacting. #
@melanierenzulli My kid’s had her own online existence for so long that putting her in my profile pic is redundant #
@melanierenzulli Actually she complained that I had not posted any baby pics of her on Facebook, so I did – a lot of them. #
after six weeks of no alcohol due to antibiotics, I am a very cheap date. Not that I was an expensive one before. #
@bubbva @jscarp Sounds like we’re all a bunch of old ladies. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@strlen I looove the heat. I can never feel totally relaxed in cold weather, heat makes me happily limp. #
nothing like starting the morning a non-working phone tree. I HATE these stupid automated systems, especially when they DON’T WORK #
I feel sorry for customer service reps. By the time we finally reach them, we are so frustrated by the process we’re already furious. #
@NomdeB Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. #
@tomcoates problem is that most SF architecture is not equipped for this. In a building made for heat, you’d be fine. #
@nico_mar Seems like that shouldn’t be an either/or… #
Hey, industry folks: for updates on fresh tech content about Solaris for admins and developers, you should follow my buddy Rick @OTN_Garage #
random lyric of the day: Either you are closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware… #
…of the caliber of disaster indicated by the presence of a pool table in your community. Well, ya got trouble my friends. #
Seems as if every other tourist in SF is Italian #
@nico_mar consulting business? write better spam! #
Middle aged man in plaid shirt and khakis getting a pink polish pedicure. I love San Francisco. #
@Crescenzo OTOH, making them unhappy does not make them particularly engaged. #
be calm in the face of all common disgraces, and know what they’re doing it for #
Long, busy day ahead. Much food and coffee will be needed! #
I have no nostalgic attachment to Sun’s MPK campus nor many possessions to move. But somehow ending up moving lots o stuff. Lots. #
I adore colleagues who bring donuts to meetings, especially when I have been moving boxes all morning and seriously needed the calories. #

^ taking a necessary break in a busy day. Boxes to move, vid to shoot, book to edit… #

^ Solaris authors Darryl Gove (Multicore Application Programming: for Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris) and Brendan Gregg (DTrace: Dynamic Tracing in Solaris, Mac OS X and FreeBSD) #
@pfuetz mostly, a few buildings will be in use for a while. The team I work with is going to Santa Clara to sit close to our engineers #
Dear Corporate IT: Please do not assume I have a Windows computer at my disposal. It would help if you’d asked me, eh? #
RT @oracletechnet: OTN Live! – Brendan Gregg right after Charles Philips on Monday morning, Sept 20 – helluva lead-in! #
@thinguy As my British friends would say, can’t be arsed. The workaround was to print the docs and scan them to create a single pdf. Gah! #
@jeffreytaylor As long as you don’t start clutching your face and screaming obnoxiously. #
Finally got rid of the last of 2500 t-shirts. Now I can definitively say there are no smalls or mediums left, nor anything else! #

^ final days in MPK #

^ I guess it’s just as well Sun never did any advertising #
@nonstick friday. Most of us will lose access forever #
As expected, if has been a long, long day. Not quite home yet, either. #
Back & arms sore from moving stuff yesterday, where’s a corporate perk massage when I need one? #
new Italian surname questions in the comments, can anyone help? Italian Surnames Funny, Surprising, & Just Plain Weird #
@NomdeB corp movers taking care of std stuff, but we’ve got small electronics that might disappear, books, old show materials, recyclables.. #
@bklein34 That’s why I DON’T fly United – so many old-timers that we non-frequents have no hope of, e.g., getting the seats we want. #
thanks to Bruna for answering a bunch of reader questions on the origins of Italian Surnames (in comments)ร‚ย  #
@riccardo_iommi Thanks I’ve been meaning for a long time to write about the HUGE similarities between Italian and Indian culture. #
This looks like fun: http://www.raasforacause.com/ #
this is a grassroots citizens movement brought to you by a bunch of oil billionaires.ร‚ย  #
@jimpick – You might want to explain that no one at Joyent shot it. #
@jasonh Nope. I just hate to think of any of you guys taking a gun to an animal that cute. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
Running on adrenaline and coffee. Certainly not food or sleep. #
earworm of the day #
After stuff has been disappearing for weeks, this morning security finally got a memo and ?s me taking out a box of… t-shirts. #
@nonstick You slapped her, right? #
My kid is at the moment participating in a Lady Gaga flashmob in Milan. She’s dressed in yellow/black tape, I don’t know how much of it… #
@billstreeter Self-hatred at its finest! #
@NomdeB Yes, and if she gets enough attention she’ll get tickets to the concert. I look forward to photos and video. #
@423Comm Ross and I don’t have a typical mother-daughter relationship. For which I am thankful. #
Turns out I will still be responsible for closets full of leftovers in MPK… We’ll call that a priviledge, I guess. #
Beware of geeks bearing gifts. Some girls get flowers, I get… CPUs. #
In Guerneville CA looking at beautiful glass jewelry #

^ breakfast! #
@NomdeB she wimped out – it was raining. #

Heading to SFO to drop off my friend, then a full day of meetings and filming. I’ll be tired tonight… #
Solaris’ dtrace tool is not just a marketing gag, but is real value for all production enviroments.ร‚ย  #
Will brave a new train+shuttle combination tomorrow morning to see my new office digs in Santa Clara. Here’s hoping… #
These marketing words, they just slide right off my consciousness. #
I do find it amusing that, reading marketing words about technology, I can put engineering names and faces to much of it. #
@NomdeB most days. I do work on the train, so there’s hope that it won’t be too bad. #
Now where do I find thus danged shuttle? #
A trio of former MPK denizens huddled together at Mtn View Caltrain, waiting for transport. #
Okay… No one told the shuttle folks to expect more passengers in Mtn View today. Barely enough seats for us all. #
Deeply frustrated – none of my normal communications channels are working in my new office. Back to using Twitter via web page. #
tech claims I need a driver to run the printer, MacOSx version only available as a stuffit file. Xerox, this is not a native Mac format #
Note to baseball fans on caltrain: you are not in the stadium yet, please moderate your voices. #
@bicyclemark @biccio might know someone and/or qualify himself. #
@alanc Crazy? I wouldn’t presume to judge. Old you’re definitely not. #
Gotta say: today has pretty much royally sucked. #
@kirkwy While cleaning out corporate storage, I was appalled at how much paper we used to use. Binders full. Did we even need it then? #
Working on cool, fun plans to market the DTrace book, now that my copy edit job on it is done… What do y’all want to see on DTrace? #
@NomdeB @madhuri567 yes I need something to warn people I’m in a particularly vindictive and destructive mood… (cont) http://tl.gd/3efe8o #
OMG I didn’t know coffee could BE that bad. #
2nd day in new office draws to a close. Still can’t print or use essential tools (irc, Tweetdeck, AIM). No idea why on any of those. Gah! #
@bubbva I’m on a Mac. One colleague had it work intantly, others not. #
So my strategy for coping with a windowless office is I will take all phone meetings in the lovely,sunny courtyard. #
This train is already gonna take 72 mins to get to SF. Being late is totally unacceptable. #
Never considered myself a fashion maven, but 13 yrs in Milan had some effect. Just want to shake people and ask what were you thinking?!? #
@nonstick @bklein34 at hotel once I called desk to complain abt noise upstairs-they seemed to be jumping from bed to bed. … #
@nonstick @bklein34 … Are you sure about that room #? Yes, why? the people in that room are here for an AARP convention! #
@bubbva some people can wear almost anything well; you’re one of those. #
Think I’m suffering from Dark Office Affective Disorder. Felt fine and happy til I arrived at my dungeon. Now dark and surly. #
Can’t use Tweetdeck from office – no proxy settings. Is there a good Twitter client that fixes this? #
This is the view from my office. Inspiring, isn’t it? http://yfrog.com/16vx2drj #
@riccardo_iommi You’re probably not in that meeting every day. #
@riccardo_iommi Not if I can help it. Not sure yet. #
@pfuetz These buildings are not part of the original asylum complex, but purpose-built. By an architect who should have been committed. #
@pfuetz It’s a beautiful campus outside, but there are a lot of windowless interior offices. No prizes for people-friendly design. #
Home sweet loony bin. It is a very pretty campus. http://yfrog.com/jv54674376j #
http://yfrog.com/b9nc3vj #
When you’re down in the dumps and not ready to deal, decide what it is that you need. Is it money or love, is it learning to live or… #
I am very tired of leading horses to water only to watch them die of thirst. #
About to have horrible things done inside my head. Then I would like to just sleep for a week. #
This is a strange and new sensation. Also tastes bad. #
There is no dignity in medical procedures. #
Getting hungry, don’t know if I still will be by the time this is over. #
Ow ow ow. #
In case you ever need to know: having needles punched through bone, no matter how thin, is NOT fun. #
@italylogue draining my sinuses. Ow. #
I believe my current condition requires chocolate cupcakes and pistachio ice cream. To be seen if this condition allows me to procure them. #
@c_bright yes, that’s exactly what I had in mind. Just have to hie myself over to Whole Foods to get it… #
My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don’t Love Jesus – Jimmy Buffettร‚ย  – Actually, my feet don’t stink… #
Gotta like his taste in equipment #
@SamHarrisOrg Data on Italy is suspect. Italians SAY they are very Catholic, but don’t act it – e.g. rarely go to church #
@SamHarrisOrg and this: Pope-O-Vision #
Should I be alarmed that the only famous name I recognize in my tweet stream at the moment is Oliver Cromwell? #
@dcagle @hudsonette People get way too worked up about symbols #
You can hear it on the Coconut Telegraph, just who comes and goes…ร‚ย  #
It’s my job to be different than the rest And that’s enough reason to go for me… #

The Twitter Diaries: Jun 14-July 30, 2010 รขโ‚ฌโ€œ San Francisco

@italylogue what time and where online can I watch [the World Cup]ร‚ย  (if not in meetings…)? #worldcup #italy #
@iamsrk you have exactly the same face in both pics, and both are a little worrying. You okay? #

YouTube – What’s Really Happening In Grand Isle Louisiana – You Won’t Believe This!!!ร‚ย  #
@drewjensen Whose ideal is it for gov’t to be local? There are some things that can only be done at a national level, & some done better. #
RT @StopBeck: Glenn Beck: Abraham Lincoln. Good guy? [Or,] bad guy? – I agree that it is good to ? everything, but Lincoln as bad guy…? #
@Myrna_SF I buy it at my local Whole Foods or at the farmers’ market at the Ferry Bldg – the Creamery has a stand there every Saturday. #
I hope Delivery Exception means FedEx delivered my new iPhone to the concierge. They sure didn’t ring my bell. #
OMG I had forgotten all about Babe Rainbow. My dad had one of these for years, wonder where it went. http://bit.ly/9JnLSo #
RT @rajadurai: Presenting DTrace @ #oscon 8:30am Monday. Recording will be available soon. #

YouTube – Chris Anderson ’74 – Distinguished Alumnus Ceremony – Woodstock Schoolร‚ย ร‚ย  #
Squirrel! #
As per your concern, I would like to transfer this chat to the concern department related to your concern. – umm, yes, please do. #
Dear AT&T: Why has my iPhone suddenly decided I need a PIN to access voicemail, and why is it impossible to find out what that PIN is? #
I understand your concern, however, there is no option required to get connect with the concern department related to your concern. #
Does anyone know how to reach a human being at AT&T who can tell me how to reset my voicemail PIN? The phone tree offers no relevant options #
@thinguy I’m going to cry. Billing zip isn’t my own zip, probably because O pays. I have no idea what the billing zip may be. #
@italylogue uh, that’s a trick question, right? All of them. #
@lindseyfowler I’ve had pretty good experiences with AT&T customer service up to now. Finally did get it solved. #
@llcrowe Gonna talk about my guerilla stuff? Sadly, that’s about all that’s still visible… blogs.sun.com/video #
@llcrowe You do realize I’m in marketing now? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
In spite of the nasty colony of bugs living in my sinuses, I’m doing (virtual) happy dances today – I have things to feel good about, too! #
@almightygod old men who CLAIM to be virgins. #
okay, social media break over, back to… that other stuff I’m doing. #
Solaris ZFS Performance Tuning: Synchronous Writes and the ZIL #
Learning way more about DTrace than I ever expected to need to know. #
WTF? Why does AT&T now imagine that I live in Michigan? #
My life is full of contrast, change, and contradiction. And I’m fine with that. #
@manfrys yu’re about to unlock a whole lot o unfollows #
How we communicate now: daughter tagged a photo I’m not actually in, to let me know her friends have discovered & loved my carom board. #
@Zee advice I give all about-to-weds: Just make sure you spend more time, brainpower, and money on the /marriage/ than on the wedding. #
okay, time to shut down the distractions for the day. Well, most of them. #
@ATTJason thank you. Just as long as I don’t have to move to Michigan. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
the verge: dead woman walking #
Very happy that I can get a good masala dosa for lunch one block from my home! Ruchi San Francisco #

I told you once, you son of a gun – I’m the best that’s ever been #
@jkstark We already had good dosas in SF, but that was way down in the Mission. This place opened near me just a couple of months ago – yum! #
Props to Apple – iPhone sans case just landed on a tile floor and survived. Told you I drop things! #
The End of Forgetting http://nyti.ms/dab7st we need to learn new ways of defining ourselves without reference to what others say about us #
So I started watching True Blood (season 1) last night. I think I’ll just carry on with that now, to give my brain a rest… #
Only 2 episodes per disc? What’s up with that? #
@vdotw Like! Much better than the one book I read from that series, in fact. #
@lskrocki Whoa, I never got that kind of treatment! Count yourself very, very lucky. #
@lskrocki (Well, and deserving, too!) #
@blackbeltncrazy Sorry, no TV and not buying DVDs anymore (no storage space!); I get ’em from Netflix and watch on my 17 MacBook. #
RT @OTN_Garage: Rumors abound that Systems Admin & Developer community (that’s you) of Oracle Technology Network will be ready wicked soon. #
@thinguy cool have fun! #
@Joanmarie probably not the same shows-secret project I’m working on. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@ianhf seems like that wd be a no-brained… #
Got my head examined, now awaiting the verdict. But y’all already know I’m crazy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
Multitasking on the iPhone makes up for a multitude of sins. #
@Joanmarie later we can compare notes. Right now – my brain hurts! #
@bsousapt no, but would be willing to try a review unit. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
I have seen the inside of my head. It is not pretty. #
@nomdeb – check new comment on Famous TCKs: Third-Culture Kids in the News and in History #
@nonstick I’d better get a drink in before starting next round of antibiotics #
@NomdeB I need to get back my copy of Hobson-Jobson #
RT @avinashkaushik: how amazing would it be to have a 35 iPad in every person’s hand? http://zqi.me/ctW8h8 #goindiago #
@vdotw ooh, good idea. Make mine Maker’s Mark. #
@vdotw now I’m hungry! Do have Maker’s Mark, tho. Having a wee drink before I have to start antibiotics again #
@italylogue I’ve usually found that the women look more like their high school selves than the men. #

RT @ToddMichaelsen: Woah, @ninapaley video All Creative Work is Derivative (w/ my music)ร‚ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ #
Scroll down for the best argument for reincarnation ever #
Hmm, I guess El Reg doesn’t pay attention on weekends. #
Too sick to join film classmates auditioning today, they are very kindly doing it for me (and filming). Somehow we’ll get this thing made. #
Watching a piece of news disseminate. This will be an interesting exercise in the reach of social media. #
trying to summon energy to go to store so I at least have something interesting to eat. Netflix won’t deiver True Blood til Monday, dammit. #

Heard It Through The Grapevineร‚ย  #

Sign me up! – Jane Austen’s Fight Clubร‚ย  #
I need a rent-a-mom, to bring me chicken soup in bed and say There, there. Not that my real mom ever did much of that. #
@NomdeB True Blood? No, they have to send DVDs, and it’s only two episodes per disc, which seems like a ripoff. Buffy was 4 per disc. #
Codeine high not my fav (as if I had a fave high!), but it beats what I was feeling before. Pasta w fresh tomatoes, basil & mozz also help #
RT @tgardner: Remembering the 70s. Heavy Horses, one of the three great folk-prog-rock Tull outings. Tremendous. – ooh, yes, good memory #
I could do this in my sleep! Which is good, because I’m doing it rather stoned on codeine. #
@bklein34 I think there’s a literal videos version of that; if so, you should totally check it out. #
posted a comment to the wrong place, so it was wholly inscrutable yet weirdly appropriate. #
I Worry #
I need immediate delivery of Legos. #
@Joanmarie I could very happily do without sinuses! #
@blackbeltncrazy I’ll bet it could. Have you tried? #
Watching Hogfather, a Discworld movie. #
@NomdeB missed that, will have to look. #
woke up before 6, but managed to go back to sleep until nearly 10. I think my body is trying to tell me something… #
targeted advertising means that, as a result of 1 visit (no buy) to Zappos, I now see shoe ads everywhere. Dunno if this is good or bad. #
Last year I spent 5 weeks of midsummer in the other hemisphere. This year I’m spending it in San Francisco. = no real summer. ๐Ÿ™ #
@Zappos_Service they don’t bother me,but thanks – I do need shoes. I appreciated that I could click a link to learn why this ad is here. #
Sunday brunch: cinnamon French toast with pecans, sauteed peach slices and, of course, bacon! And coffee. #
RT @blackbeltncrazy: I vow not to tweet any nonsense today. – that takes all the fun out of it! #
How do I feel today? Death warmed over pretty much covers it. #
@penelopetrunk You could try Stop me if you’ve heard this before… #
@craigmorgan where’s this? #
@alanc They responded to me about that on Twitter last week – known problem, they’re fixing it. #attfail #
@bklein34 @paytonsun @walterpayton Knew I had this somewhere: http://bit.ly/beM6xm #greatestofalltime #
@bicyclemark The reality is that most babies do look like Winston Churchill, but we can’t say that to the adoring new parents. #
@bicyclemark My aunt, confronted with a spectacularly ugly newborn, stuttered out: What a… baby. #
@LindaStone If you’re not going to read it again (or ever), out it goes. #
@LindaStone Sorry to hear it, that definitely makes it harder. In that case, wait before you give away anything irreplaceable. #
Good-bye, Sun : The Observation Deck http://bit.ly/cs39Vp ๐Ÿ™ #
Bryan Cantrill says Good-bye, Sun http://bit.ly/cs39Vp ๐Ÿ™ #
@paolovalde non avevi detto che San Francisco e’ piena di italiani d’estate? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@jeffreytaylor Much-needed and well deserved! #
@saraford Ugh, in Houston of all places… #
@saraford hmm, yes, Cajun food is the one thing I haven’t yet found in SF, though it may well exist here. #
@glynnfoster I guess you didn’t hear the news… House of Shields is no more. #
@saraford I await an invitation! #
@glynnfoster You and a lot of other people. #
Between medications and the heavy-duty editing work I’ve been doing for days, I think I’m achieving some sort of geek cosmic consciousness. #
Being ill is boring. #
Actually, I don’t feel too bad. As long as I don’t, like, get out of bed or anything. #
Geek Humor P3 bug http://bit.ly/aZ075o #
RT @mjnelson: Want: http://j.mp/bAofPC – me, too! Also don’t miss the Abba covers in Hindi on that page. #
I believe the respectable term is… marketing. #
@NomdeB And/or common mindset, character, way of thinking – which may occur with/because of common background, but not only. #
In Milan, a city law requires locals to constantly be smiling or risk being fined. http://bit.ly/dC34kB #
RT @jkstark: @NomdeB Why does Hollywood feel need to destroy all great foreign films? Are people too afraid to read subtitles? – Too lazy #
Drawback to working from home & online (a lot) is that no one knows when you’re actually to ill to show up in person. #
@sogrady Can you see the back of you own head? If not, how good are you with mirrors? #
I swear the finches are observing me. #
Problem w illness is accepting the need to be still. I think: Oh, I feel better, now I’ll go do x. But I’m not better, & soon regret it. #
@ebertchicago at least they’ve covered all their bases #
@feliciaday The more you tan now, the more you will need botox later. Don’t go there. #
@NomdeB make sweet tomato chutney. Jaffrey recipe. #
I’m awake, I think. What day is it today? #
@NomdeB Making your own isn’t hard, and it’s delicious! #
If all the gays in the Catholic church were to leave it at once they would cause it serious operational problems. http://bit.ly/bjTW8x #
Glenn Beck’s Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close to Having a Body Count http://huff.to/9V3oRV #
Changed sheets on the bed I’m spending way too much time in, now to summon energy to wash them, & the bathrobe I’ve been wearing for days. #
Fuga di talento is much the same in Spanish as in Italian. #
We’re gonna have an emergency here: I’m running out of bird seed. #
Medical humor: questionnaire on symptoms and social/emotional consequences of your rhinosinusitis is titled the SINO-NASAL OUTCOME TEST. #
So what do people think about Mozy backup? #
@NomdeB hmm. Wonder how that would do on a sunny balcony in San Francisco. #
@NomdeB ps where did you get it? #
@standaloneSA damn, which I felt up to attending, to say thanks to the folks who keep our modern world running. #
@standaloneSA Not til Friday at the earliest, have a sinus procedure scheduled for Thursday #
iPhone case finally arrived, now to see whether it cures the calls dropped for no apparent reason problem. Betting not. #
Having more info doesn’t make us less free to decide. More we have, better we can make a free, independent conclusion http://bit.ly/bgchTk #
@standaloneSA Balloon sinuplasty, if it works, should be the least invasive option. Antibiotics haven’t made a dent, so few choices left. #
DTracing Your Website – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/a5Zikp #
Another new/old video: Built-in Virtualization for OpenSolaris: Containers, Sun Logical Domains (LDOMs), and xen http://bit.ly/ddHkLS #
Could probably make an effective horror film out of what’s living in my sinuses, for those who like that sort of thing… #
Did I forget to tell you guys about this one? Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace http://bit.ly/9fxpVF #
my Legos have supposedly shipped, but UPS doesn’t recognize the tracking numbers. Want Legos now! #
@ebertchicago Perhaps the lobster didn’t like being called a fish. #
My Mr Deity Season 3 DVD shipped today! http://bit.ly/11zb9w #
Yummy Indian street food being delivered soon, a cup of tea, then I’ll get on with the big secret project. (Yes, I’m still ill, too.) #
Hummingbird sucks down as much nectar as he can, then hovers, looking from me to feeder & back: You know it’s getting empty, right? RIGHT? #
@pfuetz argh, well, the preso is over a year old… #
@NomdeB I just burned my only small cooking pot making nectar for the hummingbirds. Damn. #
@SFoskett That is one problem I definitely do not have. #
@NomdeB I’m getting along with 1 small pot, 1 v large (pasta boiler) pot, 1 deep saute pan. My kitchen is so small, don’t want to fill it #
RT @hcsaltiel: @DeirdreS Hi! I’ll be giving a tech talk next Wednesday for Oracle about virtualization, and case studies. – cool! where? #
The Secret of Successful Entrepreneurs? A vast network of random connections http://bit.ly/9do2gA via @NomdeB – I do random really well ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
having to recover video on my own site, this is one I’m glad to see again: Una Su Un Milione http://bit.ly/4SMbe6 #
To take my mind off tomorrow’s ordeal, watching Kaminey (Bad Guys). Rec’d with it a free copy of Himmat (Honor) which has Naseeruddin Shah #
@vdotw I love anchovies, not so sure about putting them in my drinks, though… #
hearing and semi-translating Hindi while editing English. Multicultural multilingual multitasking! #
And, BTW, an old school friend of mine is in this movie! #
hmm… and I think the name of another old friend just flashed by in the special thanks to credits. #
@NomdeB Actually, Anne Rice has become a hard-core Catholic… #
@NomdeB Thank god. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@NomdeB re-watching Coupling – lots of giggles a great antidote to tonight’s nerves. #
@NomdeB I’m sure it’ll seem like nothing… No, I’m not sure, actually I think it’s gonna be pretty horrible and gross. But it Must Be Done. #
RT @NomdeB: Bollywood Dance WOSA style. You’ll see some familiar faces. http://bit.ly/97bSGM – we Woodstockers always know how to have fun! #
I survived, my sinuses are clear now. Massive headache, but I’m discovering the joys of Vicodin. #
Oracle Solaris, OEL, and Oracle VM Available on All Certified non-Sun Hardware – OTN Garage http://bit.ly/bifqoH #
@bubbva Thanks – I am also glad to know I’m not dead! #
My first meal post-surgery is supposed to be liquid. Does a chocolate cupcake count? #
Saw actual live network TV in the waiting room for half an hour or so. That will last me a good 6 months. #
@melanierenzulli I have trouble defining hometown. On Facebook it says Mussoorie, India which is about as close as I’ve got. #
hmm. There’s a cadre of Deirdres who follow each other because we’re fairly rare. Now I have a Straughan follower – even rarer! #
@jeffhuber I had probs where Skype seemed to interfere with the corp conference call system, causing bad quality for all. You’re not? #
Compromise: first I will have hot chicken broth, then I will eat the cupcake. #
@c0t0d0s0 Congratulations – Lรฏยฟยฝneburg is a beautiful city! #
What is this sensation of air in my head? And am I actually smelling the ocean (or the bay)? Didn’t realize my sense had been so affected. #
@AnnieGaus Run and tell, that, homeboy! Love it. He can be my brother anytime he wants. #
Best. Cupcake. Ever. #
@bklein34 Whole Foods. Basic chocolate. If I had more than one, I would be eating myself sick… #
While no doubt handy, Ebooks won’t really attract me til I can get them used or a whole lot cheaper. #
Beginning to suspect I am really going to miss that one Vicodin when it wears off. Yes, I have codeine, but it’s not the same, is it? #
AdSense thinks people coming to my site are looking to date Italians. Umm, okay… #
@blackbeltncrazy True of employers and clients in all fields. The point is that they keep paying you to talk, whether or not they listen. #
@juliebenz Reminisce. Tell behind-the-scenes stories. This might jog your memory: http://bit.ly/cKRoO5 #
RT @casinclair: Always wanted to do TEDxEvil. Dictators, weapons mfrs, disgraced CEOs present, announce TEDxEvil Prize – candidates abound! #
My daughter had a good idea recently: I want kittehs! #
Discharge papers from surgery today advise Avoid making important decisions for 24 hours. #
@NomdeB Naming a dog after friends’ kids is either a huge compliment to that family or somewhat creepy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@NomdeB Hmph. Deirdre a bit drab when compared with newer Irish imports. In my interpretation of the myth, she had 3 husbands. At once. #
@NomdeB And daughter’s name is nowhere to be found. Americans overlook Rossella, the Italian translation of Scarlett. #
@NomdeB The Sanskrit means illusion, makes a lot of sense for anyone in, er, the entertainment industry. #
@italylogue You should see the horoscope a Javanese magician did on me many years ago. Now there’s a travel story… #
@NomdeB Tara, too. #
@msgilligan Is that on the oil side or the hurricane side? Or are they all hurricane sides? #
@blackbeltncrazy Ah, that does put rather a different spin on it. #
@vdotw Balloon sinusplasty, aka sinus roto-rooter. Not sure it’s a total cure, but… fingers crossed! #
Heard this on SmugMug today, struck me as appropriate, in a tangential sort of way – P!nk – So What http://bit.ly/czNw0L #
RT @c0t0d0s0: Oracle Premier Support for Operating Systems on non-Oracle hardware: Yesterdays announcement regardi… http://bit.ly/dbhIcm #
@lskrocki Minor, but nasty enough in its way. Here’s hoping it worked! #
RT @WinnieWongSF: Why Fernando?: http://wp.me/pPjuY-9A – Winnie’s a film school buddy, I hope to be well enough to help on her shoot #
For a limited time, you can save 30 when you purchase Solaris Internals or Solaris Performance and Tools. http://bit.ly/ccM0ld #
RT @c0t0d0s0: Happy SysAdminDay: The world celebrates the 11th SysAdminDay today. To all the users out there: This… http://bit.ly/9pRabt #
I slept from 9:30 to midnight. It would be nice to go back to sleep soon. Post-surgery jet lag? (I was only under for an hour!) #

The Twitter Diaries to 2010-06-13: San Francisco

hurt myself carrying stuff fm y’day’s Costco run, but now have stick blender, Brita, and (indispensable to every US household!) Corningware #

added to Getting Started with Solaris playlist: System Services, Networking http://bit.ly/bsdlfj #

@sogrady amen #

we tame our monsters, both current and historical, by ridiculing them: http://bit.ly/bB50Y9 #

Rule of thumb: when lack of something annoys me more than 3 times, just buy the damn thing already. Today, it’s a toaster. #

recovered: Fibre Channel Concepts – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/5m3zGK #

RT @oraclenerd: Thoughts on #Exadata – http://www.oraclenerd.com/2010/05/exadata-quotes.html #

@vdotw generally younger people seem to be worse at estimating ages. Especially men. #

@Chuckumentary Heavens, were you in any doubt? If I’m expected to be a bland corp rep online, I fail big time. Fortunately, not expected. #

FB procedure for when you think a friend’s account has been hacked is singularly unhelpful. I don’t have another way to contact this person. #

RT @SamHarrisOrg: Found: the most infuriating person on earth… http://nyti.ms/dlOyQo – She, like the pope, should be arrested. Sickening. #

A friend tweets in Italian, I translate: The barista across the street says: ‘I’m married, but it’s nothing serious.’ #

@serendipitousP If I’d had the Legos I wanted as a kid, I might have grown up to be an architect. Must buy some now. #

the funniest sign I have yet to see on the Internet, and my mother took the photo: http://bit.ly/ctRK2c #

Flu + allergies + cramps. Can I declare today over and just sleep til tomorrow? #

RT @davest: Strong women: http://wp.me/pkZF7-5i – nice to hear from a man who loves and is proud of strong women! #

aww, they’re so cute… Always makes me think of @italylogue http://bit.ly/cRFs4f #

@italylogue meh, not enough Cannavaro, too much Ronaldo. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #

@italylogue not sure, I’ll try to find out. #

@rbanffy Heard the page owner panicked and removed it after threats, FB recovered it when he had 2nd thoughts. it’s there now #

@italylogue Ross says it might be Little Tony: http://bit.ly/deitsq #

today I’ll plant my kitchen garden in 2 big pots on the balcony: basil, thyme, sage, coriander, nasturtium, parsley, rosemary… #

Do journalists ever feel embarrassed about the drivel they put out? #

added a smugmug gallery to Italian Train Graffiti http://bit.ly/b7V6Sl #

morning smile Traveling in New Zealand http://bit.ly/a7D0Eq #

the first manual/user guide I ever wrote: http://bit.ly/btYUgS #

Thx to TiVo/hulu I don’t have to worry about when a show will be on. But find I barely even care anymore IF it will. I’m my own soap opera. #

Gotta say, my tweeps, that the intense focus on #Lost seems a little Over The Top. After all, this isn’t BUFFY we’re talking about. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #

We never see the POV of the classic Italian mamma. Does she get sick of the role? It’s not one you ever get to resign from, apparently. #

New! Index of songs: Translations of Italian Popular Songs http://bit.ly/bbLchE #

4.5 hours?!? You people are crazy. I’ll watch Gone with the Wind on Netflix, rather. #

Right, I’m siging off Twitter for the night. Have zero interest in a million tweets about Lost. #

Face it, girls – I’m older and have more insurance – http://bit.ly/bnKU6c #

oh, damn, I’ve GOT to go to New York! To see Angela Lansbury in A Little Night Music. #

@bloatedlesbian lord I hope you’re being facetious, otherwise I will have to slap you. #

@NomdeB so did you get rained on in the end? #

The very purest form of birth control ever devised. Ever, http://nyti.ms/byHw6x #

We have disproved the statement that There are no Atheists in Foxholes http://bit.ly/adqRIe #

Church wants Ital govt to encourage couples to have children; 50 have none. http://bit.ly/bQVWkS – Could get into some major snark here… #

Potting soil left over from herb planting. This is unacceptable. Ordered a larger planter box, will buy heirloom tomato seedlings. #

@bubbva that’d be great, thanks! is it something I can carry back on Caltrain? I prefer not to drive if possible #

@NomdeB saw that, but don’t have a place to hang them outside. Considering hanging houseplants inside, which is effectively a greenhouse #

@bubbva cool, thanks. I may decide to drive in late Thurs as I have a friend to pick up at SFO that evening. #

RT @openstorage: Fishworks – Sun Storage 7000 2010.Q1.1.0 Release: With our apologies for the delay in announcing here http://bit.ly/aoBPgz #

#techcastlive tomw 10am PDT w Joost Pronk on Oracle Solaris virtualization; bring your ?s – he’s a great explainer! http://bit.ly/9nnZRj #

Ross took some amazing photos in SF, so far available only on FB, but I stole these great portraits of me: http://bit.ly/9UZUHk #

There was a hummingbird fluttering outside the balcony door just now, apparently attracted by the little shiny mirrors. Must get a feeder! #

white paper: How to use Oracle Solaris DTrace in Oracle Solaris and OpenSolaris System http://bit.ly/cEcgfd #

can’t tell if I’ve got a cold, bad allergies, or some combination of the two (or something else). Whatever it is, enough already! #

@gracekboyle I saw the biggest tool is a disconcerting phrase alongside your Twitter icon. #

Italian senator proposes starting school a month later to help tourism http://bit.ly/bDsgU7 #

@NomdeB been wanting a hibiscus plant, but they weren’t in yet at the garden center I went to. Bougainvillea wdn’t survive the wind. #

@dfugate At the very least, that is /grounds/ for spousal abuse. #

My six degrees of separation is so weird it amazes even me. I think I’m almost to Kevin Bacon now. #

The scenery included an exquisite @oracle banner! I think it’s the airport! RT Paris: day one http://u.nu/6d2ja (via @GuyKawasaki) #

@NomdeB thanks for the tip. I was planning on taking my Italian guest there as a cultural experience. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #

The older, HTML portions of my site infected with malware again. How did this happen? #

just wasted a couple of minutes figuring out I have to register for blip.tv support separately from blip.tv site. Guys, fix this. #

starting soon! TechCast Live http://bit.ly/9qXG7R – Joost on virtualization, bring your questions! #

#TechCastLive http://bit.ly/9qXG7R – Joost on virtualization – LIVE NOW! #

Looking for more info on Oracle Solaris virtualization after #techcastlive? Try here for lots of video: http://bit.ly/9yxLX1 #

Wow, I feel like absolute crap. Need emergency delivery of hot toddies, chocolate, and hugs! #

RT @macsun: Accelerating Cloud Adoption via Standards & Collaboration panel webcast. See it here: http://snia.org/cloud #

RT @SAGEProgram: You know you’ve been in India too long when… http://bit.ly/b2x1Dv #

@bubbva great, thanks. Hoping I feel well enough to make it in this week. #

@davewiner Funny, I would have been thrilled to get flowers. #

@robbogio wil you make it out to this coast this time? #

Young people with a well-off family behind them go abroad, and get along. All the others are left behind. http://bit.ly/9ezJml #

Busi quit state broadcaster RAI’s flagship evening TG1 news in protest at its allegedly pro-government editorial line. http://bit.ly/dvYvY6 #

no need for Italian Church to imitate the German Church and set up a special commission to look into sex abuse cases. http://bit.ly/d89MAh #

@NomdeB no, haven’t got around to trying it yet. #

Sorting out iPhones (moving mine to a corp plan), got a (very helpful) AT&T rep named Deidre. There are a few of us around. #

so excited about new toaster, had toast (with cheese, olives, salad, chutney…) for dinner last night. Now don’t want toast for breakfast. #

looks as if my site has been unquarantined by Google – I’d be grateful for confirmation! – Countries Beginning with I http://bit.ly/1194h9 #

new video: The Problems Solaris Solves – 4 – Diagnosing Live Systems with DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/amVoJX #

@ben @dogcow hmm, love Vegemite, but it’s a luxury import here. Never tried it with onion. #

@trine thanks! Now let’s see whether I’ve pinpointed source of the infection – might be the old Windows machine I’ve been updating html on #

@jwillie The Lipizzaner Stallions and Other Wonders of Vienna http://bit.ly/90yRCe – and, as Billy Joel says, Vienna waits for you. #

@hemantmehta do your students think you have a high, squeaky voice that mutters unintelligible phrases? #fb #

Countries Beginning with I Wouldnt Surprise Me a Bit http://bit.ly/a3j7aG #

@juliebenz or there’s something seriously wrong with her tastebuds. Poor thing. #

RT @vambenepe: Ellison calls Exadata our iPhone (http://bit.ly/ckuqlF via @ORCL_Linux) < Less likely to forget a prototype in a bar < ROFL #

Feeling whiny and irritable. This is what happens when they try to make me write (shudder) marketing words. #

@bubbva thanks. Still hoping for tomorrow, but we’ll see. Pretty dragged out at the moment. #

@jeffreytaylor Nothing like has-been desperation to change a once-honorable man’s views… Of course, we knew he was desperate with Palin… #

@Britopian I had some similar thoughts a few years ago: Communicating with Your Customers http://bit.ly/asKwOj #

RT @PizzoC: I may have gotten up but I’m damned if I’m going to accomplish anything. – Amen, brother! Not sure I even got up. Damn sinuses #

Combating hatred with humor: Friendly Atheist by @hemantsblog The Boot Protest http://bit.ly/cMcG3D #

way to go British Airways: btw strikes, ash cloud, & incompetent booking staff, daughter having v hard time changing her tix back to Italy #

so much to do, if only I could find two brain cells to rub together. #

RT @OracleBlogs: Video Whiteboard on Exadata Smart Flash Cache – http://ow.ly/17wwLb #

having tea in hopes it will wake me up for the drive to SFO to pick up a friend coming to visit from Italy. #

@italylogue with pictures? OF COURSE. #

@italylogue do you have a link to the D&G ads they did last time around? was sorely tempted to steal posters out of the Milan metro… #

^^^ can’t get my car out of the damned garage to go get my friend. The parking company better reimburse the taxi she now has to take. #

@italylogue Watching Football http://bit.ly/9LTlEV #

RT @jimgris: Huge thanks & best wishes to @schahn http://bit.ly/bDQSui. OpenSolaris would not have been possible without his leadership . #

speaking Italian intensely, about intense topics, for two hours. Unaccustomed mental exercise! #

@rbanffy true. My mannerisms change when I speak Italian, not sure about personality. Rusty at the moment, though. #

received my advance copy of Tony Hsieh’s Delivering Happiness http://bit.ly/bT1iSR @dhbook – shd make interesting holiday reading #

@dhbook …so the first job offer Tony Hsieh got leaving Harvard? Yup – Oracle. #

@ajkeen I’ll come watch all the Italy games with you, if that helps – guess I’ll need to find somewhere to watch since I don’t have a TV. #

RT @TomBolini: the last masterpiece of Caravaggio (1610) Il Martirio di Sant’Orsola (@ Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano) http://4sq.com/cMQ5l4 #

RT @nicolamattina: Dice il Vaticano che… translation: The Vatican says that hell will be harder for pedophiles – great deterrent! #

Yo-yo championship going on in Goldfn Gate park. Always something in this city! #

It appears that girl yo-yoers are rare. #

http://twitpic.com/1s8gvp Silvia #

This place wd be still more fun with a kid. #

a nice day out at market, museum, and park ended with an excellent Persian dinner at Lavash http://bit.ly/cTVVfd #

thanks to one Woodstocker, today saw another I hadn’t seen in years. Somehow we always have interesting lives. Persian meal was appropriate. #

Countries Beginning with I The Original Basilisk Stare http://bit.ly/c7POE6 #

They thought they wanted to be taken out of themselves, and every art humans dreamt up took them further /in/. Terry Pratchett #

just tried this, works pretty well: Clean Your Bathtub With A Grapefruit & Salt http://bit.ly/aCHHoV #

@NomdeB if the chemistry is right, I suspect, the person looks good to /you/ regardless of third-party opinions on their looks. #

@NomdeB and that’s what they sell on shopping channels for 20, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don’t think I actually own silver cutlery etc at the moment #

had forgotten about these, nice collab between Ross’ photos and my video http://bit.ly/du48dP #

@billstreeter I suspect Malia is wiser, kinder, and infinitely more mature than Glenn Beck. She who laughs last… #

new video: Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/9fxpVF #

Countries Beginning with I Home Update http://bit.ly/bHBkWU #

Hmm. I post a DTrace video on a (US) holiday weekend and it gets retweeted six times. I guess I can see what folks want more of! #

RT @NomdeB: @DeirdreS Oh that is the CUTEST stuffed sheep… – isn’t he great? He goes baaaaah, too. #

@hosamalali Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/9fxpVF #

for those who want more, all my DTrace video can be found here: http://bit.ly/anHOwN #

Oracle Solaris is the number one choice for mission-critical systems http://bit.ly/dhBMHQ #

a video recipe for the holiday feast: sticky chewy Chinese BBQ ribs http://bit.ly/cENtxC #

Countries Beginning with I Conversation in a Bar http://bit.ly/cKJ6wG #

if you were on holiday this wkd and missed it, new vid: Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace http://bit.ly/9fxpVF #

@bubbva Remind me where you are, I can probably take them home on the train today #

@italylogue Gattuso! Yay! #

@bubbva perfect timing: got home to find my new planter box had arrived from Amazon #

video replay: TechCast on Oracle Solaris Virtualization – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/c0h4UB #

@montymunford Dum Maro Dum as a movie? Huh. #

@montymunford The most fun to play, I suspect. And now you’ve met another famous dastard, Tenzing. #

@bubbva yes, they look pretty happy this morning #

Work today was mostly about moving boxes, opening them up to see exactly what was inside, counting up, and putting away again. #

@jlb13 umm, no, don’t do that. You’d probably be arrested for suspicious behavior. #

Seeing a big white Apple logo go up on Moscone Center. I guess there’s a conference coming. I could be within spitting distance of Jobs. Yay #

@craigmorgan Argh. My neighborhood will be crawling with Apple fanboys. Think I’ll go hang out in the Castro. #

@NomdeB Maybe Al and Tipper broke up in disagreement over lyrics? #

daily LOL: Indian Arranged Marriage http://bit.ly/aBc6sq #

@dfugate sounds as if you could barter for each others’ services #

@#^#^ allergy season. Lots of intellectually-demanding work to do, and I feel as if my head is stuffed with cotton. #

I get twitchy when people tell me they don’t possess a valid passport. If that were me, I would go into an absolute panic. #

Fell down stairs onto concrete. Nothing broken, but the knee is going to hurt for a while. And the skinned finger. #

@bubbva @bsousapt made it to lunch and back, now icing the knee. Hard to touch type while trying to not bleed on the keyboard. Not my week! #

@jeffreytaylor Yay! Many many yay! #

Oracle Solaris Studio Express 6/10 is now available! http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/downloads/express/index.jsp #StudioExpress #

someone who willfully and routinely asserts distortions as fact should not be given such a prominent platform. http://bit.ly/9kQeZY #

Need a way on Facebook to indicate have a deep, visceral, vomit-inducing hatred of. Y’know, NOT like. #

new video on the launch of Oracle Solaris Studio Express – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/aTktdW #

@bubbva I use TaxiMagic to order up Luxor cabs via GPS. Pay cash, tho – there’s a surcharge to use the app’s credit card feature. #

About to see shrek in 3d IMAX #

Today’s fall was sorta like falling off horses used to be. But that was onto sand, not concrete, and I was a lot younger. Ow, ow, ow. #

how did I manage to bang up my left arm and my right leg in the same fall? Must have been impressive to watch. Unintended acrobatics. #

@vdotw Ow! And of course instinct is to protect the child, so I bet the bruises were all yours. At least I didn’t bang my head. #

the new English that will emerge in the world, will come from India http://bit.ly/9N12NY – liberally mixed with Indian languages! #

up early to see my friend off back to Italy, not driving her – areas of pain all over my poor battered body #

Watching a second big white apple go up on Moscone North. Kinda miss the old rainbow apple. #

Small wounds can be surprisingly painful. Time to find out what it’s like to shower with a lot of skin missing from one finger. #

@jlb13 Probably vaudeville, though everyone who saw it was kindly concerned, including a FedEx guy with a Texas Longhorns cap on. #

@NomdeB Should be fine on my shots, with all the travel. It’s just one of those stupid little wounds that will be annoying until it closes. #

@vdotw Fun, mommy! Do it again! #

Hmm, I’d lost sight of this one: Examining ZFS On-Disk Format Using mdb and zdb: Max Bruning – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/cYXCq6 #

here’s one for the storage performance geeks: Visualizing System Latency – ACM Queue http://bit.ly/bhq75o #

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning in SF, feeling relaxed and happy and wondering – very idly – what to do with the day. #

@NomdeB hmm, yes, but all too much effort for this weekend. We drove down to Santa Cruz last, next week I get very busy with film course… #

@NomdeB lazy day on my nice sunny balcony would also qualify #

@urbanturbanguy uh oh, now I have to work at being scintillating and fascinating! #

@NomdeB Shrek was great, would have been impressive even in plain old flat screen. And fun. #

RT @stevewoolf: At this moment: web video writer’s group http://flic.kr/p/87T3EK – where? #

Countries Beginning with I Balcony Garden http://bit.ly/d5jmUy #

@urbanturbanguy AGGGHHHHH! Uh, no. Totally out of my demographic. Will you settle for SRK? #

re. balcony garden, am resisting the temptation to buy window boxes to hang along the rails. Need a big indoor plant, but bored of the usual #

also, just rearranged the living room, which is easy to do when furniture = 1 twin bed, 1 sm armchair, 2 end tables, cowskin, cushions #

@urbanturbanguy I follow @sachin_rt as well, but he doesn’t tweet as often. SRK is both entertaining and sweet Both seem like nice guys IRL. #

scared off the city pigeons from balcony with squirts of water, now scruffy finches are back, and getting bolder. Gonna be in the house soon #

drinking Malbec, eating Toblerone, watcing HP6. A nice way to spend Saturday night after a hectic week. #

People change and forget to tell each other, http://nyti.ms/bX6fvv #

driving back from Santa Cruz last wkd, passed a sports car on Hwy 17 with the license plate Teramo. Huh. http://bit.ly/d1CQVS #

Americans are genetically risk-takers, descended from people who upped & left their home countries, taking a huge risk to build a new life. #

…What does that do to/for our society, our economy, our national psyche? #

@helena_andrews In books, I recommend Chelsea Quinn Yarbro’s Saint Germain series, but go back to the older ones like Blood Games #bdjm #

@helena_andrews I discuss some more vampire books etc. you might like here: http://bit.ly/cKRoO5 #

@johnnysunshine Going back to the original human diaspora is taking it a bit far; recent history is far more likely to affect current soc #

I can think of a million things I would rather do than wrestle with the corp VPN today… #

@johnnysunshine NB What I said also applies to Canadians, a bit differently to Aussies/Kiwis. #

Forgot how cute Bring it On is #

RT @jlb13: Holy crap, real daiquiris are awesome. #IBA #ftw – recipe? #

a little light viewing for a Sunday evening – Performance: The Not a Problem Problem – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/c50vgM #

@mjasay Kids on planes are fine when parents at least TRY to make it easier on fellow passengers. Some seem to abdicate all responsibility. #

Does Andouille sausage go with pierogis? #

@SaraD I had shoes my daughter wanted to wear, but by the time her feet were big enough she’d mostly lost interest. Except for that one pair #

@SaraD they have, in fact, mysteriously disappeared! #

Oh, yes, WWDC is in my ‘hood this week. I fled to Menlo Park. #

video fixed! Performance: The Not a Problem Problem – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/a09Tuq #

Spent the train trip writing an article, haven’t done that in a while. #

Oh, yes, WWDC is in my ‘hood this week. I fled to Menlo Park. #

Day did not start well. Having no wifiOn campus is not improving it #

Shakedown cruise on new cafeteria not going well, v slow lines. How much employee time are we wasting? #

video fixed! Performance: The Not a Problem Problem – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/a09Tuq #

Moved more boxes around today. Somehow I became the tsar of t-shirts. #

@dave_miner you’re right, there was an upside. #

film course delayed by a week which, in the current state of my life, feels almost like a vacation. Or at least a reprieve. #

@jessicacolley please let me know what you hear – I’ll have to deal with that sooner or later. #

new: Brendan Gregg and Roch Bourbonnais share the thought process they use to troubleshoot system performance problems http://bit.ly/99NOWb #

RT @faseidl: Tim Minchin never pulls a punch – The Good Book (Live) http://bit.ly/93hAKe – Rock! Thanks! #

If God is real, and religious believers can perceive him… why is anyone an atheist? http://bit.ly/90Z96g #

RT @vicweast: the contortions attempted to control women’s sexuality are truly astonishing: http://tiny.cc/l5lld #

@montymunford I had a lot of cute young Brazilian guys want their picture taken with me, if that counts. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #

Still working on my article about the #deliveringhappiness book @zappos hey, at least it’ll be long. #


RT @om: Kids are like farts, you can tolerate only your own: brazilian st saying – Italians say Every cockroach is beautiful to its mother #

Liaise, liaise, liaise… Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing all morning. And counting t-shirts. #

who’s at MPK today? Contact me. Stuff to give away. #

more T-shirts?!? #

RT @oracletechnet: @JavaOneConf & @oracledevelop are best sources of up-to-date info about those respective conferences #socialmediaoverload #

@rbanffy Menlo Park, a bit out of geographic range for you I’m afraid. #

@montymunford wow, your own stunts, too! In the best #bollywood tradition #

@montymunford Do try not to be hospitalized. #

nothing like starting the day with a credit card hassle #

CC co sorted it quickly. Customer svc seems to be improving across all companies. Anything’s better thn Telecom Italia http://bit.ly/bLMd1p #

Given all I’ve just read about @zappos, shoulda expected it: rec’d 2 hardback copies of #deliveringhappiness book from Amazon. #

They don’t feel safe in coming out because they are afraid of repercussions on their family or professional life, http://bit.ly/aem7su #

Learned on Twitter: many ppl I consider otherwise rational & intelligent are obsessed with sports. I don’t get that, any more than religion. #

Dunno why the v thot of DMV makes me tense, actual experiences not bad. Too many yrs of Italian bureaucracy? #

@NomdeB that whole tribalism thing eludes me. We belong to the v small but v inclusive tribe of Woodstockers, I guess. #

@NomdeB people are always looking for an us to belong to and a them to exclude. Blah. #

Looks as if I’ll be here a while. This may end up being a personal day, except for the working dinner tonight. #

The DMV employee standing in front of the car asks: is it 2 door or 4 door? 4 wheels? ?????! #

Took an hr to get car VIN officially looked at. Now waiting fr my # to be called. Adding statewide lost productivity to CA budget probs #

When I was in college, we were boycotting apartheid South Africa. So happy to see it host the World Cup. #

RT @NomdeB: @ProfOrganizer Any advice for @kdoland on Roman hotels? – not from me, but @italylogue can probably point you #

the DMV adventure ended, after 1.5 hours & chat w nice Lithuanian about FIFA, in triumph & new license plates. Fll’d by burger & choc shake #

Italians are largely oblivious to the routine trampling on the rights of suspects & others caught up in investigations. http://bit.ly/avu9jt #

@saraford I asked my cuz, once a zydeco instructor, what zydeco dance was like. It’s like having sex, only standing up. Works for me! #

Is @saraford intimidated by anything? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I doubt it. #

It’s good when colleagues are also friends with whom you can share laughs over a bottle of wine. Team-building at its best! #

@bklein34 One of the most important uses of twitter is blowing off steam about relatives who upset us – preferablly without them knowing. #

@elizadushku you make dork look awfully good. #

nothing like starting the day with a financial screwup due to their damned confusing website… #

RT @NomdeB: Jai Ho! AR Rahman World Tour. http://bit.ly/cMeCXT – he’s in SF June 26th – Oracle Arena. – Woohoo! Who’s coming with me? #

ZFS Discovery Day: Demo – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/9sU6NK #

dunno why this disappeared off the blog, but it’s back now: Performance: Experimentation – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/99NOWb #

At SF’s Old 1st Presby for #sfgmc concert of Rutter’s Magnificat. #

RT @StopBeck: Glenn Beck says Obama has a reaction to typical white people bred into him. http://bit.ly/c06Wte – he hated his own mother? #

http://twitpic.com/1w9drs dueling social media @sfgmc Magnificat concert #

SF Girls’ Chorus Alumnae amazing! #

RT @davewiner: Naked bicyclists in the Mission. http://r2.ly/3zfj – that just looks uncomfortable #

Passed a passel of hard-looking women, dressed to the 9s with f*ck-me shoes. What’s up at sfmoma tonight? #

wake me up when it’s over #

Skyy ginger vodka + San Pellegrino limonata + blueberries = killer summer cocktail. #

Thou Our Refuge sung by @sfgmc http://bit.ly/acTEsG #

@jeffreytaylor you’re welcome, lots more to come! How was the evening concert #

@jeffreytaylor Fantastic! So well-deserved! #

Damn. I think I’ve painted myself into a corner with my review of the #deliveringhappiness book. #

@SFGMC watch this space – more on the way! Thanks for a fantastic performance. #

Damn, not enough time to see my friend at the Crafts Fair in Berkeley before my 1:15 hair appointment. Too much running around for a weekend #

Countries Beginning with I Delivering Happiness – read, comment, and win a copy @dhbook http://bit.ly/bWqDd3 #

been a while since I exercised my writing muscles (the ones in my brain). That was fun… #

The Twitter Diaries to 2010-05-10: SF, Chicago

back & better than ever, with slides: Trusted Extensions & Demo http://bit.ly/90yVj3 – Glenn Faden at Solaris Security Summit, Nov 2009. #
Still ill; energy completely sapped by coffee, shower, & a bit of unpacking. At times it /would/ be nice to have someone to take care of me. #
bigger, better, with slides! Thin Client Delivery for the Enterprise – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/cm1aEU #
@ubifrieda O Teatro Magico, Brasiliani #
@DeirdreS Welcome to big in USA. ๐Ÿ™‚ Was watching International house hunters other day. Golly US has so many more mod cons & loads of space. #
did I tweet this yet? New video – Maximizing Application Performance with Sun Studio – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/akeA5T #
@mschoenu unfortunately, the avg cost of living in Italy is higher than the avg salary, if you can get a job at all. Lovely country, but… #
Heartbreaking when people who wd & want to be great parents cannot be. Perhaps worse that many who are so bad at it so easily become parents #
@TheWorldCalls If you still need help w/that Italian phrase, try @DeirdreS @seancarlos @rosso #
@mkapor recently was on a flight w parents who apparently believed in let it cry itself to sleep. NOT acceptable on planes. #
I totally belong in this city. #
Hmm. I don’t get to sleep more than 5 or 6 hours a night now? #
RT @chrisfaron: late #followfriday @monicacesarato @noziotravel @DeirdreS @ciaolaura @stephenfry @RunwayGirl #ff #
That’s an interesting & engaging question RT @DeirdreS: Who are you people and why are you following me? #
Using DTrace for Gnome Performance Analysis – new video from OSDEVCON 2009 http://bit.ly/aWgUV2 #
My arms hurt from moving boxes, which I had to do because neither shipping nor facilities would. Workplace injury. Need a massage. #
created a playlist on YouTube, cannot for the life of me figure out how to tell anyone how to get to it, or even get to it myself. ??? #
@bubbva remind me when and where performance will be? #fb #
I have so many stories, that are not mine to tell… Sounds like a line from a song or poem, but it’s simply my life. #
@montymunford can’t dm you unless u follow me. I & my daughter both graduated from Woodstock school, glad to give any info you want #
RT @TEDchris: Should we fear aliens? Jill Tarter’s response to Stephen Hawking http://bit.ly/98iBth #
@substudio actually, figuring out how to preserve and safely share our logsrithmically growing digital lives is a fascinating challenge #
Guy in a black suit with secret service style earphone walking the train. Why? #
@substudio LOL. No, they’re not talking about garden sheds #
another OSDEVCON video: ZFS Internal Structures http://bit.ly/c6U0Wo #
new video from OSDEVCON: Dead ends in Multithreads Application Development – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/99SU98 #
RT @CommunispaceCEO: Gehry: Our culture doesn’t support the visual kids. They are marginalized because they can’t get an A in math. #
lunch catching up with T made the trek to Menlo worthwhile. #
@bubbva bldg 18, but may move unless my teammates start showing up around here! #
@NomdeB turmeric and honey taken how? #
I like being on campus with colleagues, but these days I also love working from my own apt. #
Have you considered that I defend this point with tenacity and passion because I am sure I’m right about it? #
I’ve learned my lesson: any form of commuting falls apart when it rains here; better to work from home when there’s weather. #
@bubbva good tip thx tho today’s prob was the shuttle due to a traffic light being out #
@bubbva I should be in most mon, tues, fri, love to have lunch together! #
I am happy to fight when the cause is worthy, but I’m tired of fighting the same damn battles over and over and over… #
@Joanmarie more like job-related whack-a-mole. The same pesky problems keep rearing their ugly heads. #
RT @ben: Listening to @glynnfoster on Solaris and Oracle virtualisation – yay Glynn! #
why don’t you just leave, then? – I wonder why it is always those like me who are asked that question? http://bit.ly/9JcusJ #
Mayor Franco Tentorio said he believed the images of same-sex couples kissing might upset some members of the public. http://bit.ly/945ReO #
why, yes, I am having beer and chocolate cake for dinner, thank you very much. #
wondering whether I should split my twitter into two accounts, one for work/techie, one for… everything else. Your thoughts? #
RT @montymunford: <AND SO SAY ALL OF US!> RT @gambino: Brazil official urges more sex for better health http://bit.ly/d5AIYW -dancing, too! #
@bubbva ouch! #fb #
@reiger uh…. which part? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@izzyvideo have yet to see one, have no particular yearnings. #
@glynnfoster I suspect that even not quite your best was still plenty good. #
@ebertchicago Vincere more accurately translates as to win. I’ll have to see the film to understand how the title fits. #
is there an easy way to import a bunch of pages from one WordPress blog into another? #
saw a rainbow over SF this morning, now looking at blue sky through rain-streaked windows. #
@davegraham I like it. Wd you rather be remembered lying bizarrely formal and composed in a coffin, or doing something you loved? #
@digitalsista For ~30 yrs I’ve been just me online, don’t need/want multiple identities. Have seen multiple IDs become probs for others… #
@digitalsista …with everything/one so connected, worlds collide, then messy public reconciliation of multiple selves becomes necessary. #
Umm, I guess I just answered my own question about whether to split my Tweetstream. I’ve always been one single me, better stay that way. #
my southern roots are showing: making biscuits for breakfast. No molasses to go with them, alas. #
storage folks: how many of you remember blogs.sun.com/storage ? Was it useful? Want it back? #
@missbhavens I had a tiny insect inside the screen of a Dell years ago, crawling around til I accidentally squashed him. His corpse remained #
New! Storage FMA – Eric Schrock presents at the Open Storage Summit 2009 http://bit.ly/duE9c8 (yes, this is very late… long story!) #
HATE how FB apps get around hide settings by giving subfeatures diff names. May have to start hiding everyone who uses these annoyances. #
nice at-home dinner with old friends who have also left Italy. I think we’re a movement by now. @euaccess @rosso we’re waiting for yooooo… #
RT @planspark: Toes, meet furniture. Ouch! – I broke two toes (one on each foot) within a month last summer. Bad furniture, bad! #
@PizzoC have you heard the Chenille Sisters’ version? La la la listen to your mamma… #
@rosso that’s right! We’ll have enough for our own high tech trade association. #
problem with a Skype phone is it makes me appear to be always online. So the kid called at 4:30 am and I’ve been awake ever since. Yawn. #
@faseidl thanks, but I don’t think that works when the only connection to skype is the skype phone #
dreamt that Larry came & (nicely) told me to clean up paper on my desk because it looked untidy. Cdn’t tell him it was my daughter’s mess. #
trying out local cheeses: last night: Humboldt Fog goat chese with a layer of ash inside, and Cowgirl Creamery’s Red Hawk. Both very yummy. #
@tgardner sign at restaurant at St Maarten nudist beach: No shoes, no shirt, no shorts – no problem! #
@penelopetrunk sure that’s not just to impress the guests? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
investigating a spike in traffic to my site, found this Impara linglese con Elio e le Storie Tese! http://bit.ly/ctjDrP #
…pretty cool to have my site pointed out by a famous Italian band! #
@johnnysunshine meet @italylogue @c_bright , good friends, travelers geeks & Portland res/experts. Jess/Chris, John’s a cool colleague #
I know the human race is doing the best it can but, hells bells! that’s only an explanation, it’s not an excuse. Don Marquis #
RT @zephoria: I just watched The Internet is Made of Cats. http://bit.ly/9zUQKq My life is complete. I’m officially happy. #
@NomdeB ate way too much of that Red Hawk today, with Acme ciabatta bread and grapes it was purrrrrfect. #
@feliciaday weirdly, people seem to get madder over free stuff they miss out on than something they never had a chance at, at all #
Storage Re-Provisioning with COMSTAR http://bit.ly/dwRoHv – Mike LaSpina’s real-world experience, presented at the Storage Summit 09 #
wearing my copy-editing hat (I didn’t want to, they made me), growling at things like em dashes that should have been colons #
if cutting-edge takes a hyphen in the title, it also takes it in the body text. Decide! #
…though I’d rather leave out cutting-edge altogether… #
Performance Instrumentation Counters – An informal discussion among Roch Bourbonnais, Brendan Gregg, and Jim Mauro. http://bit.ly/cq8smi #
My timing is completely off today. Doesn’t help that the corporate iCal thinks I’m still in Colorado. #
Performance Instrumentation Counters – An informal discussion among Roch Bourbonnais, Brendan Gregg, and Jim Mauro http://bit.ly/cq8smi #
@SaberMarketing thanks. Did you guys start following me because I talked about Maker’s Mark? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
weekend? Ikea, Costco, Chinatown, test new vacuum, cook, maybe play with cats in the sunshine in J&J’s garden… I’ll think of something! #
are you a young person looking for true adventure? Woodstock Gap Semester in the Himalaya http://bit.ly/cKkiNC #
Exhausted by constant demands to be aware of, let alone care about, everyone’s pet causes. All worthy, but there’s only so much of me! #
@msgilligan FB definitely spawns them, but I get stuff on Twitter as well. @johnnysunshine Agreed, I don’t see the point of mere awareness #
@llcrowe I don’t think Brendan shouting at hard disks was heart touching. Compelling sort of. Still the most viral thing Sun ever did. #
@thinguy I wasn’t at the old Sun long enough to be so emotionally invested. And, anyway, I need the job. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@jlb13 My daughter at ~18 mos discovered that glass was breakable. Accidental the 1st time, not the 2nd! Not only #boys #break #shit #
@Roam2Rome I miss rambutans, and mangosteens were my childhood favorties. Nowadays it’s mangos, but those imported to the US are just sad. #
June will be back to school month for me (yes, in addition to my day job). All set for an extremely busy summer. #
@bklein34 digital film (10 wks), and ZFS administration (3 days) #
@legeza no! thanks for the alert. It shows in the overview as being 17 mins, but only runs for 1… will fix #
woke up at 6:30 in a panic: Where am I supposed to be today? Had to think hard to figure out it was Saturday. But I still have work to do. #
new video! Introduction to the Chime Visualization Tool for DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/aJMjvA #
@jlb13 it was funny, tho, the look of pure mischief she gave me as she raised the glass bottle over her little head & flung it to the floor #
@kbeninato won’t do any good; people see truth where they wish to. And that goes for all sides. #
@NomdeB this one should be good – 10 week intensive course at the Berkeley Digital Film Institute. Will have teh mad skillz! #
Countries Beginning with I Living, Room http://bit.ly/c1zVgg #
@zaps benvenuto a San Francisco, mio nuovo paese! #
@lskrocki I wasn’t a Sunny all that long, but, while I saw lots of women in engineering there, not many seemed to make it to the exec ranks. #
the trip to Ikea alone is tiring, then there’s the new stuff to haul up and put together, then I tested the new vacuum cleaner… tired! #
I don’t miss Italy most of the time, and/but it’s nice to be around people who know exactly what I mean when I talk about it. #
@zaps lavoro per la Oracle, ex-Sun Microsystems #
did I forget to let you guys know about this amazing talk? Rethinking Passwords – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/akEFZy #
it appears that I will be neither giving nor receiving anything for Mother’s Day. Dysfunctional is my middle name. #
Very angry and/or crazy guy screaming and swearing on the street. For the rest of us, it’s a lovely, sunny Sunday morning. #
Roch Bourbonnais on LUN Alignment – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/9jqyk5 #
finch nibbles away from my improvised bird feeder, while keeping a wary eye on me through the bedroom window. No photos! #
part 2 fixed! Performance Instrumentation Counters – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/cq8smi #
makes me crazy when a blog is beautifully designed and photo’d, but cannot spell #
@Danjite just had some Humboldt Fog Chevre the other night, there’s still a bit left. Now I’ll think of you when I eat it #cheese #
@Danjite by the time it got there it would probably be classifiable as a chemical weapon! #
Source Juicer A New Way to Build Solaris Software – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/9ZDLRT – OSDEVCON 2009 #
I might eventually get a TV to go with the Tivo, DVD player, and dozens of DVDs. But it seems like more hassle than it’s worth. #
RT @jeffreytaylor: I wish I could find a tool that could eliminate repetition of the same news items across all social media. #
Blogs.sun.com is back with a oon-to-expand list of Solaris storage videos #
Blogs.sun.com/storage is back with a soon-to-expand list of Solaris storage videos. #
Uh oh. Train ahead of us broken down. Wonder how long this will take #
Finally feeling like myself again, back to my usual energy, with more optimisum & enthusiasm than I’ve had for a while. World, watch out! #
Listening to a call while standing in line for a movie ticket – multitasking! #
a sterling example of open communications! Kudos, Shamu folks. – RT @Shamu: The Return of @Shamu? http://bit.ly/c4mjH1 #
Oh, right… my neighborhood will be overrun with web 2.0 people this week, keeping the local bars hopping. #
people keep asking if I miss Italy. Don’t need to – Italy appears intent on coming to me, at least for a visit! And I’m enjoying that. #
@vdotw uh oh exception for what? #
RT @oracletechnet: It’s true, Mason St. between OFarrell and Ellis will be completely tented for the developer community. #javaone10 #
@NomdeB as the mansaid, privacy is dead. Guess it’s time for us all to come out of any closets we may be in. #
you who must leave everything that you cannot control. It begins with your family, but soon it comes round to your soul… #
DMV: the great leveller #
Another horrible license photo. Of course I look lost if you make me take my glasses off! #
RT @Oracle: View new #Oracle Complete video http://bit.ly/9X59tP #ironman2 – the new Oracle dress code: no necktie required. #
I’m now a (re)licensed CA driver – kinda forgot I had a CA lic yrs ago, but stupidly let it lapse because I’ll never live in the US again #
@bsousapt well, that was in the Bush era. Many other expats felt the same. But some are returning now, especially from Italy. #
@bsousapt I’m more accustomed to being an expat than a native, but this is the right place for me to be now, and I’m happy. #
part 2 of a beginners’ guide: Getting Started with Solaris-2-Where is Everything? – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/dBgW4P #
a short index of Oracle Storage bloggers http://bit.ly/ae9MzI #
@bsousapt I would not define anyone involved with ZFS as small in any way. #
@NomdeB http://gretachristina.typepad.com/ opined that these hypocrites fight hardest against what they fear most in themselves. #
so my site is somehow infected with badware, and Google is so intent on protecting me that it’s difficult-to-impossible to find and fix #
yeah, I needed that like a hole in the head today. I don’t have time for a personal site to have problems right now. #
RT @lhawthorn: FISL has opened its CfP – *the* Brasilian #FOSS conference. http://bit.ly/FISLCFP & enter email address to submit paper #
wtching an Eddie Izzard concert via Netflix. I’ve been in this West End theatre; I think we saw Spamalot there. I see way too many shows. #
okay, JT, in your honor I’m watching Prince Caspian. This story I don’t remember a bit of,except that there’s an annoying talking mouse #
waitaminute, weren’t these ruins in The Return of the King? #
@robbogio I had an address of convenience, but they kept trying to call me for jury duty… #
@DeirdreS Not so much- more a case of the sure is cold out, but can’t wear longjohns ‘cos I will be in Auckland pre-winter sleepys. #
@bsousapt wonder how. Suspect it’s a recent plugin #
Woman on train has very loud, clanky bracelets. Glad I don’t share an office with her #
Google’s attempts to keep me from harm make it damn nearly impossible to fix the problem they are pointing out. Gah! #
@jkstark ah, thanks, that is a huge help! Somehow all the how to fix this help pages neglected to mention this. #
@FakeAPStylebook now explain tenets vs tenants and peek vs peak vs pique (with sneak) #
have a bad case of I don’t want to be sitting at this desk. Spring fever? #
@Danjite I missed most of my summer last year, will have to find someplace warmer than SF to enjoy some sunshine this year. #
it’s a crisp spring day outside, why am I freezing in the overdone A/C in the office? More reasons to work from home… #
@bklein34 yay! You guys do a good job on customer service, too. #
RT @leapingwoman: a friend is aghast at yet another celebrity’s infidelity. – What planet is your friend from? #
@HumanityCritic Oh, dear, you mean you’re a standard-issue heterosexual male? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
@dudulima yup, they are. I could also go to the SF office which is quite near where I now live. Don’t know how the A/C is there, though. #
@dudulima I like to work where my colleagues are, but we’re scattered across the campus so I don’t really see them. Might as well WFH. #
RT @mashable: 10 of Under-25s Think Its Okay to Text During Sex – http://bit.ly/a9KEVE- kids today! No sense of priorities! #
Alligator meets Terminator: Caiman and AI – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/95vUbE #
Getting Started with Solaris-4-Managing Software – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/bct42p #
why is @newsweek following me? Am I a news source now? (Not that I mind, just wondering…) #
@craigmorgan If there is, it’s something I don’t even know! #
coming up: Iron Man 2 at 10 am, then fly to Chicago for SAGE board meeting & to see an old videoblogging bud, back to SF Saturday night. #
@jlb13 good lord, what are they doing to you? #ouch #
RT @zalez: Cleaning up my #Facebook profile like @alecmuffett: http://is.gd/bWXLe #
Guy on the plane reading Karl Rove. I’m reading George Carlin, so I guess we’re balanced. Perhaps not fair. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
Iron Man 2: total guy movie. Except that scene of Stark in a muscle shirt. At least Scarlett did not attempt to kick ass in 6 stilettoes. #
We found it on the Oracle grid. huh? I thought we didn’t telegraph our launches? #
@NomdeB I actually had nothing to get rid of. I’ve been online so long that anything that has ever been public about me already is. #
RT @DeirdreS: Iron Man 2: total guy movie. Except that scene of Stark in a muscle shirt. At least Scarlett did not attempt to kick ass i … #
Shoulda spent the flight reading docs for tomw’s meeting. Read George Carlin’s bio instead. He was an icon of my youth. #
The day is kind of weird when you start it with a big action movie. Esp when your big boss is in it. My life already felt like fiction. #
‘course I’m not much more likely to meet Ellison than I am to meet Downey… #
@bklein34 I’m in an American Taxi right this sec on my way to Vernon hills oh I’ve arrived #
Talking about how to offer amazing educational experiences in Asia #
@zalez pls send email so I remember I can fix when home on sundau #
@bklein34 yep. We need a private location service that only works with people we want it to #
long but productive day in SAGE http://bit.ly/12TPv1 board meeting. Day job stuff will have to get done on Sunday #
looks as if I succeeded in getting the malware out of my site to Google’s satisfaction #
turns out I don’t need to be in Chicago tomorrow morning, so taking an early flight back to SF. Work to do, but also some social life. #
@leapingwoman love to! Just on my way back from Chicago, this will be my last trip for a while #
So tired of TSA theater #
It’s a change to be on a flight that’s not jam packed and a fight for bin space #
Landed SFO. Now want to NOT fly for a while. #
@hemantmehta and,like him, you can dance bhangra #
5 am wakeup call in Chicago was a LONG time ago. Damn I’m tired. #
@jeffreytaylor sounds like a good sense to have #
You tore my heart out and stomped that sucker flat. Yeah, happy Mother’s Day to you, too, Mom. #
Two people today have told me I should write a book based on my life. Would give Augusten Burroughs a run for his money, believe me. #
@29mig you missed your MIG, wife, and children – in that order? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
remembering my best mother: a heck of a gal, judging by her kin folk and the way she requested to be remembered. http://bit.ly/bmfPNx #
RT @seancarlos: Major airports in northern Italy closed due to #ashcloud #
@missbhavens yum! I hope to make chutneys again this summer, when tomatoes and apricots are in season #
@missbhavens oooh.. recipe? I love chutneys and cheeses together, and there’s a lot of awfully good cheese in California #
@jimpick I think I’d start with the sweater… #
@mxcia I married into an Italian family and my daughter is at least as much Italian as American, but I myself am… well, something else! #
built another Billy bookshelf and got the legs on the bed. Now my back hurts. I think that’s enough furniture for a while. #
video fixed: Immutable Service Containers – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/9K87b2 #
doing a very tedious but very necessary inventory of video – what’s recovered, what still needs to be, what we can let fade away #
The heathen class has all the good music. We might as well invite a few of them to our next party. http://huff.to/9s3TBP #
dang there’s a lot of stuff to deal with in normal adult life, let alone when you have a life full of interesting situations #
new must-see video: smugmug’s @DonMacAskill on Open Storage & ZFS in a Linux World – Oracle Solaris Video http://bit.ly/deBFKf #
Ooof, long day already. Time for a break. (Now that the boss can see my IM status, I feel a need to announce these things. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) #