Tag Archives: supercomputing

The Twitter Diaries: 2009-11-22: Portland


^ Portland autumn

  • RT @italylogue: Just had a fantabulous dinner at Ping in Old Town Portland with @DeirdreS & the husband. – definitely wonderful! Thanks! #
  • oh, great. I have a video to publish, and our blogging platform is down. #
  • Video: Brendan Gregg on DTrace | Sun Learning eXchange http://bit.ly/2vusEk #
  • waiting to finish capturing a vid, then off to Hilton for breakfast, setup, and another day of filming HPC talks. #
  • repurposing: HPC centers have been created from a Van de Graff generator silo & a fish research institute. different re-architecture probs #
  • this odd sensation of almost numbness in my right arm and hand is probably not a good sign… I should be typing less? #
  • HPC storage panel video from yesterday already in compression. Pity I won’t have bandwidth to upload it til tonight. #
  • (panels are easy to edit – zero to few slides to put in) #
  • whoa. Brendan Gregg on DTrace gets 52 views in the first hour. I guess I know who my star performers are. http://bit.ly/RRxLy #
  • video: Code to Currency: Experience sharing from commercial open source [storage] vendors – Open Storage Summit Feb ’09 http://bit.ly/whoyo #
  • food for thought on prozac et al: YouTube – Drugs or Love? Helen Fisher at WorldFuture 2007 http://bit.ly/33Ar0c #
  • @bubbva thanks – all good advice. These conference chairs are murder on my butt. At least I’m on my 17″ MacBook Pro, so keyboard is large. in reply to bubbva #
  • @ben: “Australians = star performers”. Dunno abt Aussies in general, only got the one so far. My other vid stars are Ben, Bryan, & Bonwick. #
  • @glynnfoster no, but I can’t log into blogs.sun.com… in reply to glynnfoster #
  • can’t possibly keep up with Andy’s slide flips to note the timing, but it doesn’t matter because he won’t give them to me anyway. NDA. #
  • hell, the man even talks too fast to follow #
  • To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling tired and irritable and not at all like running a party tonight… #
  • A very good local beer has improved my mood. Bracing myself for an onslaught of students demanding t shirts #


  • Party winding down, went well. Last opensolaris iPods raffled, students fed, Sun folks hanging out… #
  • back in my hotel room. Didn’t feel like walking to find an open bar in downtown Portland on a Sunday, but not quite ready to sleep yet… #
  • well, today is not starting out well. Trying to figure out why Flash for live streaming crashes (any) browser wi both UStream & FlashMeeting #
  • SAM-QFS BoF streaming now at – http://bit.ly/1hPlFD can someone tell me if there’s sound? Looks like it, but I can’t hear it on my local #
  • yay, video stream is working! http://bit.ly/1hPlFD (wish I knew why…) #
  • feeling very… meh. 3rd day trapped inside a hotel conference room doesn’t help. Hope to get out on the town tonight, & visit Powell’s #
  • damn, damn, damn #
  • @mfernest who is? #li #
  • RT @missbhavens:Damn, damn, damn! http://bit.ly/m0rGS – yeah, that pretty well covers it, thanks. #
  • @mfernest glad you like ’em. Let me know what you find most useful – I don’t get much feedback, it’d be useful to know what people want in reply to mfernest #
  • I repeat: damn, damn, damn. It’s one of those days at Sun again. #
  • @dudulima Yes, we do! in reply to dudulima #
  • @sumaya I’m fine. Some people I care about are not. in reply to sumaya #
  • I have been mostly in this room, in this chair, since 7:30 am. Really, really want this day to be over. #
  • YouTube – Leonard Cohen “Ain’t No cure for love”
    http://bit.ly/1G0QiJ #
  • @rohrer is dangerous – every time I go near a store with her I buy something. This time: books at Powell’s & a dress by a local designer #
  • looking forward to a nice dinner out with friends again, and then sleeping in tomorrow! #
  • Portland is chilly and damp and I just ate too much breakfast, but at least the sun is shining. Off to the convention center… #
  • lined up filming plans for SC09 today, then came back to the hotel to nurse a sick headache. #
  • the headache isn’t quite gone, but a nap helped #
  • Huge black rimmed glasses and facial hardware seem to be trendy among the young in Portland. I still don’t get it #
  • Filming the Lustre ZFS BoF #sc09. Sound quality nit what I’d like, oh well. Headache still present. #
  • @shanebrauner should be, as soon as I have time to edit. Kinda backlogged at the mo in reply to shanebrauner #
  • @shanebraun all my public video goes on blogs.sun.com/video so everything I do here at #sc09 will go there. Thanks for asking! #
  • Even colder in Portland now and my socks are inadequate. Must go shopping. #
  • @robbogio facial hardware = eyebrow studs, lip rings, etc. in reply to robbogio #
  • long night of sleep after yesterday’s quasi-migraine. Hoping to not have a repeat today. #
  • missing my coffee-in-bed ritual, but the hotel brew-it-yourself stuff is too awful to contemplate. #
  • Xmas cheer at starbucks wd be getting on my nerves if not balanced by “Don’t think twice, it’s alright” #
  • Getting caffeine in before heading back to the show floor. Do I need any more tshirts? #
  • The mic that last night could barely pick up a sound is loud and clear today. WTF? Interference from equipt on the show floor? #
  • Twitter/FB is better when you know people you care about are paying attention. But you’re still never famous to your own family. #
  • #sc09 The Register booth 2195 is unmanned and full of t-shirts. Only xl and larger, sadly #
  • Since I’m at #sc09 I’m going to actually sit and watch demos of cool stuff even if I don’t understand it. So I’m at the NASA stand #


^ Josh Simons and ? – SC09 show floor

  • Okay, I’m a geek. Big computing turns me on. #
  • Hope I get to go to sc10 – in New Orleans! #
  • The Oregon convention ctr has a wine tasting room. Have to check that out when I finish filming this aft #
  • Just saw some1 with a mouth exactly like that of the Grinch while his heart was still 2 sizes too small. Didn’t know that cd exist IRL #
  • Now that I’m in marketing, do i have to wear heels to shows? Cause I don’t think I’d survive that #
  • @lskrocki they’re crazy. They should take you on whatever terms in reply to lskrocki #
  • Escaping the convention center to gk walk around a bit. Back at 3 for scheduled filming #
  • @glynnfoster true – I’ve never seen you in heels ; ) in reply to glynnfoster #
  • quick hotel room break before returning to film #sc09. The missed weekend is beginning to tell on me. #
  • Filmed an interview w Rob Leland of Sandia. Now awaiting next victim #
  • And now Florent Parent of Clumeq. Next up: Happy Sithole from Cape Town #
  • @lbridenne76 huh? Don’t understand the sense of the 2 min video comment in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • Learning that some folks prefer my “amateur” video setup – less intimidating to be in front of. Helps when they also know me #
  • Tasting wine at the conv ctr #sc09 – 4 tastes for $6. 1st up “Accolade” which seems pretty much like a prosecco #
  • @lbridenne76 yup,marketing. It’s okay -I’ve survived marketing before. ; ) and I’ve always operated on the borders anyway in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • Really liking this 2007 Stuckagain Heights Pinot noir. #
  • Excellente #
  • @lbridenne76 interesting, but I’m not convinced it’s relevant to what I do. We get surprisingly long views of long, very technical content. in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • last night in Portland, wondring what @italylogue and @c_bright will come up with for dinner! ; ) #
  • had a courteous exchange of views w a couple going to protest “govt health care” at Al Gore’s speech in Portland tonight. #
  • @mxcia I would love conference socks, but objective is to get your name/brand/logo spread across as much of the visible universe as possible in reply to mxcia #
  • was going to catch up on some OGB stuff this morning, but wifi in this hotel room is sucking so badly I can’t get much of anywhere #
  • Starbucks oatmeal for breakfast was a good idea. Wish I liked their coffee as well. #
  • maybe I should just go to the airport and hope the free wifi there is better #
  • looking forward to spending some time with my kid next week before she takes off for Italy and Australia. Yes, she takes after her mother #
  • Puzzled by gift shop items that say “believe”. Believe what? Anything you’re told? #
  • What I dislike in all this travel is tsa. So tedious. I wish I believed it’s effective #
  • @davest the wifi at PDX is great! Haven’t tried the coffee yt. in reply to davest #
  • Slept well enough, but still very tired. Definitely in need of the upcoming holidays. #
  • @jdlasica maybe I’m missing something here, but – so what? I travel thru airports as much as on roads, and of course my every trip is logged in reply to jdlasica #
  • cd be very tempted to jump on that Hawaiian Airlines flight to Maui… if I had someone to go with #
  • Just remembered: I’m going to be 47 soon. It’s been one hell of a year.. #
  • Lady in my row wearing a mask. I’ll make sure to sneeze on her #
  • @bklein34 I ve been doing things that wd now be called social media since 1992. Tools are better now, techniques haven’t changed. in reply to bklein34 #
  • Short course in corp Social media: be there, be nice, be useful. That’s really all there is to it. #
  • @lbridenne76 ooh nice. Got cites on that? in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • @dangillmor <shrug> credit system already knows far more about me than govt does – whose motives should I distrust more? in reply to dangillmor #
  • I understand wanting to look good. But travelling in spike heeled gladiator sandals in winter? #
  • @dangillmor of course, I work fir mcnealy’s company ; ) in reply to dangillmor #
  • @jowyang insights such as? Kudos alone aren’t terribly helpful to those who are not @shel in reply to jowyang #
  • It’s a beautiful sunny day in CO – so what else is new? #
  • @davest so far I’ve rarely had to shovel it. 😉 in reply to davest #
  • @dboyll here’s to spending out 47th years as colleagues! in reply to dboyll #
  • wow, so very, very tired. Better get some caffeine into me so I don’t fall asleep before 7 pm #
  • @willsnow congratulations! in reply to willsnow #
  • This will be my first full “holiday season” in the US in 20 years. Not sure I’m mentally prepared for this. Maybe just sleep til January? #
  • okay, let’s just be upfront about this: I am deeply jealous of anyone who gets to go to TED, let alone speak at it. #
  • “I would like – if I may – to take you on a strange journey.” #RockyHorrorPictureShow #
  • been thinking about doing more training-type videos. Completely coincidentally just got handed 15 hours of internal training on CIFs. #
  • if you work for Sun and want to learn videoblogging, DM me about a workshop I’ll be doing in MPK Dec 16-17 #
  • @KristineSimon Right now Sun isn’t hiring, and I’m not part of Oracle yet. Wd love to talk after the dust settles! in reply to KristineSimon #
  • drowning in way too much work, but I feel like giggling. I’m probably certifiable. #
  • @debworks dunno, maybe I get high from stress? ; ) in reply to debworks #
  • @pizzocalabro Bella has been reading too much Laurel Hamilton. And her monster boyfriends haven’t been reading enough. in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • yes, I am leaving the office early. Wanna see some sunshine! #
  • @mxcia thanks, she”ll mostly be around Sydney, but I’ll keep it in mind in reply to mxcia #
  • RT @bubbva: my book is published! Solaris Security Essentials! YAY! http://bit.ly/6Rjbd3 I’m an author! #fb #opensolaris #security #
  • dont’ know if my current evil mood is a cause or an effect of yet another headache. I shall attempt a beer cure. #
  • RT @pizzocalabro: Palin finally comes clean about her porn addiction. http://j.mp/6YGH8r #
  • RT @jeffreytaylor: Join the flashmeeting with #vlogeurope09: http://bit.ly/8ng5cd #
  • talking with my vlogeurope peeps about monetizing. (I’m the corporate shill in the bunch) #
  • had a crucial, totally unexpected conversation w dad. in trying to understand one relationship mess, I almost accidentally sort out another. #
  • @mfernest can you be more specific: which technologies? FYI, about to release 7 hours of advanced SGE administration in reply to mfernest #
  • @QueenRania that’s what you get when you live in a town called Forks – vampire or werewolf, all the good normal guys are taken. 😉 in reply to QueenRania #
  • my exciting activities for the weekend include ironing, dusting, vacuuming, cooking and (thank zod!) a massage #
  • oh, and ripping another 15 hours of video from tape… #
  • finally got around to opening envelopes and filing. Rewarded by $75 in checks to cash that I didn’t know about. $75/hr = not bad #
  • decided to pay for SmugMug, because I trust @DonMacAskill to keep my photos safely backed up #
  • @giovanni The queestion is whether unemployment would have been worse without that investment. Got any figures on that? in reply to giovanni #
  • one American thing I have a huge problem with: keeping the TV on ALL THE TIME. I didn’t grow up with this, I can’t concentrate. #
  • @giovanni I have close experience of natl health systems in the UK & Italy. Neither is perfect, but both are good enough and there for all. in reply to giovanni #
  • @giovanni …and I find it shameful that the world’s wealthiest country can’t do at least that much to protect its most vulnerable citizens in reply to giovanni #
  • @nautibitz growing up with constant flamenco guitar in the house surely explains something. 😉 Yeah, the news drove me crazy especially. in reply to nautibitz #
  • the Chris massage was amazing, as always. Sore now but my body will be thankful for it eventually. #
  • making plans to fill in my one free weekend between now and next year with a visit to a very dear old friend in Phoenix. Whee! #
  • I probably spend way too much on travel… #
  • @italylogue LOL. Truly spoken: it is not possible to spend too much on travel, especially when there are fine friends to see everywhere. in reply to italylogue #
  • @LusciousPear I almost always have friends to stay with, or else the mother ship pays for it. in reply to LusciousPear #
  • @MrsThinGuy Wayne Brady? Oh way too cool! in reply to MrsThinGuy #
  • I use the iGoogle weather widget to keep an eye on the weather in my upcoming destinations. It’s ridiculously long now. All warmer than here #
  • @LusciousPear yup, I love my Snorcle, and hope it continues to love me back. in reply to LusciousPear #
  • at any rate, Mamma Snorcle should be happy I am doing video rough edits all weekend so folks can see at least raw footage from recent events #

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