Tag Archives: portfolio

Marketing Your Tech Talent

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to present this talk at the Monktoberfest in Portland, Maine.

Slide deck with notes – Marketing Your Tech Talent

Some very kind words about the talk from Joe Brockmeier here.

I’m just gonna brag a little here:

“Datashits” was a Freudian slip. Really. I promise.

Monktoberfest tweets
Screen shot 2013-10-04 at 5.07.11 PM
Monktoberfest tweets
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Screen shot 2013-10-04 at 5.06.50 PM
Screen shot 2013-10-04 at 5.06.10 PM

Woodstock School Memories: The Student Survival Kit

This was the first manual/user guide I ever wrote, a student handbook for Woodstock School, incorporating the school’s rules and policies, survival tips, a fill-in class schedule and diary pages. I wanted to make the rules easier to understand, and more accessible, by applying simpler, clearer language and a sense of humor. Apparently it worked. I heard from students who worked on revisions 20+ years later that my style was still the template for student handbooks at Woodstock.

Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to get the pages in order in this gallery.

The cartoon illustrations are mostly by my classmate, Jeet Singh.