back from New Year’s celebration with friends in Piemonte, back to work (in Dublin and Grenoble) next week. Not ready for vac to be over! 8:54 PM Jan 1st from web
“Apologizing” for Fascism 10:31 PM Jan 1st from web
@robinbloor thanks for the tip- Stanza looks like an app I’ll use! 10:54 PM Jan 1st from web in reply to robinbloor
hmph. Dublin hotel booking form requires me to be a Mr., Mrs., or Miss. None of the three is correct. 9:35 AM Jan 2nd from web
@deirdresm since I retained my own surname on marriage, Mrs. is simply dead wrong; there is no Mr. Straughan in our family 9:47 AM Jan 2nd from web in reply to deirdresm
@deirdresm I need a crash course in Irish – how to pronounce Saoirse? thx for the Far Side re-enactments – brilliant! 10:14 AM Jan 2nd from web in reply to deirdresm
must… face… the wardrobe. If nothing fits, the sales start in Milan tomorrow. Not that I can buy much in Italy. Wrong body shape. 10:19 AM Jan 2nd from web
Ross on her re-entry to small-town Italy: “I didn’t know so many Italians are racist.” 7:36 PM Jan 2nd from web
…and her friend’s 23YO ex boyfriend just died of a drug overdose. No, Italy is not quite the paradise Americans fondly imagine 7:39 PM Jan 2nd from web
@mmcallen I have [had Amazon ads on my site] for years, to VERY small returns. Classic, I think. 11:21 PM Jan 2nd from web in reply to mmcallen
couldn’t be happier that Terry Pratchett got a knighthood, unless they also found a cure for his Alzheimer’s 12:01 AM Jan 3rd from web
@deirdresm don’t know anything; in spite of my name (which has nothing to do with my ancestry), this will be my 1st visit to Ireland 10:34 AM Jan 3rd from web in reply to deirdresm
had a day in which Italy did its best to remind me of all the things I do NOT love about it 11:36 PM Jan 3rd from web
@deirdresm thanks, but doubt I’ll have time this trip. Just there Monday afternoon to Wednesday morning – this time 11:42 PM Jan 3rd from web in reply to deirdresm
what I miss about Italy 9:58 AM Jan 4th from web
@Roam2Rome Mexico will be a lot cheaper. Italian dentistry is so expensive people leave the country for treatment 11:10 AM Jan 4th from web in reply to Roam2Rome
the Vatican reaffirms its medical ignorance 1:12 PM Jan 4th from web
@tara_kelly yup, according to the Vatican’s chief of medicine, the birth control pill causes male sterility. 1:24 PM Jan 4th from web in reply to tara_kelly
Ross’ way of making up with me after a fight: “You can take this makeup of mine to use on your trip if you want. Just don’t lose it.” 10:55 PM Jan 4th from web
@trine you have to go through horrible teenage tantrums before you get that kind of treatment… sometimes 3:46 PM Jan 5th from web in reply to trine
in Dublin, about to film Michael Pryc on IPS package manager GUI. Any particular requests for what he should cover? 5:04 PM Jan 5th from web
the menu of Sun’s employee canteen in Dublin includes a “potatoes” course. And steak & Guinness casserole for lunch. Yum! 12:17 PM Jan 6th from web
@deirdresm it was good, though they gave me way too many potatoes (if such a thing is possible) 2:12 PM Jan 6th from web in reply to deirdresm
I wish cut & paste from OpenOffice to Roller worked the same on the Mac as it does on Windows 3:54 PM Jan 6th from web
good day of filming in Sun’s Dublin office yesterday, followed by a nice dinner, then total collapse. No time to see sights, unfortunately 9:41 AM Jan 7th from web
I hate multilingual websites that assume that my country is also my preferred language 9:43 AM Jan 7th from web
in a hotel in Grenoble with a very shaky wifi connection. Argh. 6:50 PM Jan 7th from web
Italian train graffiti 6:58 PM Jan 7th from web
Words of Wisdom from Irish Taxi Drivers 8:07 AM Jan 8th from web
at Sun’s Grenoble engineering center, can’t yet see the towering Alps that everyone assures me surround us. Better weather this weekend? 11:04 AM Jan 8th from web
filming over for the day. Got some great stuff on Amber Road aka Sun Storage 7000, OpenSolaris desktop, Java RTS, and more 5:27 PM Jan 8th from web
I love the location of this Ibis hotel in downtown Grenoble, but the wifi sucks royally 7:40 PM Jan 8th from web
time to hit the icy streets of Grenoble in search of breakfast. Wish I could find some fruit, but the hotel buffet is sad. 8:02 AM Jan 9th from web
wrapped the second day of filming in Grenoble with an interview with a campus ambassador, in both English and French 5:25 PM Jan 9th from web
hubby not going skiing, so we plan a day of sightseeing and shopping in Grenoble. Ate amazing foie gras last night, with Burgundy 10:31 AM Jan 10th from web
best purchase this trip: album from The High Kings (at Dublin airport) 6:10 PM Jan 11th from web
humor: The Italian Adam 6:52 PM Jan 11th from web
have packed a much smaller bag for tomorrow’s UK trip. Hate lugging stuff. 8:26 PM Jan 11th from web
@davest 1-1 in a coffee house – I like! 5:49 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to davest
@italylogue [who provided a playlist of Italian songs, with links to my translations for some] get I should get cracking on translating the rest, eh? ; ) 7:07 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to italylogue
@plasticbagUK thanks for the LOL! It’ll be interesting to see what kinds of ads you get instead, though. 7:13 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to plasticbagUK
just used Final Cut Express semi-seriously for the first time, not quite as hard as I’d feared. Now to figure out the compression 7:49 PM Jan 12th from web
@lbridenne76 thanks, was using Roxio VideoWave before! 10:17 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to lbridenne76
at Sun’s Guillemont Park office, which reminds me of a very nice shopping mall. Lots of bright open spaces. 11:48 AM Jan 13th from web
@tara_kelly nope, in the UK this week, back to Italy for the weekend, back to Colorado on the 21st 2:57 PM Jan 13th from web in reply to tara_kelly
a foggy day in London town 9:23 AM Jan 14th from web
filming at Sun’s Customer Briefing Center just over London Bridge 11:54 AM Jan 14th from web
…and next door to this [the London Monument, below] 11:55 AM Jan 14th from web

last day in England, for which I am thankful. This damp cold gets into my very bones. Unfortunately, Italy may not be much better 1:36 PM Jan 15th from web
@lbridenne76 In my book, that’s a no-brainer: customer service/experience IS marketing, and the most important part of it 5:18 PM Jan 15th from web in reply to lbridenne76
pensiamo di andare ad Abano Terme (o altre terme) questo weekend (20mo anniversario). Qualche suggerimento? 8:07 PM Jan 15th from web
is the horrible hold music almost over? and can we all learn how to use “momentarily” correctly? 9:07 PM Jan 15th from web
@Hellyski hope to make it Saturday [to a social/new media podcamp in Boulder] if not dead with jet lag 9:16 PM Jan 15th from web in reply to Hellyski
woke up at 3:30 am to get to my 6:30 am flight in Luton. Which turned out to be too early. 11:50 AM Jan 16th from web
started a new blog to aggregate and tag Sun video (at least the portion of it that I have anything to do with): 5:37 PM Jan 16th from web