Learn Italian in Song: Sandokan

as sung by… Claudio Baglioni???

I noticed that someone had ended up on my site while searching for these lyrics. Sandokan, the Tiger of Malaysia, is an old favorte of mine, so I’m happy to fill this gap.The video above is a montage that gives you an idea what the TV show was like, using the song as recorded for the show. Below you’ll find a sing-along version!It’s not a great song in any way, but the show and song are fondly remembered by many (including me, though I saw it in later re-airings).

Piu’ crudele e’ la guerra Crueler is war
e l’uomo sa cos’e’ la guerra And a man knows what is war
Caldo e tenero e’ l’amore Warm and tender is love
e l’uomo sa cos’e’ l’amore And a man knows what is love
Giu’ dal cielo scende un tuono A thunderbolt descends from heaven
tutto intorno un grande suono All around there’s a great sound
nasce il seme dalla pianta The seed is born from the plant
il grande albero adesso canta The great tree now sings
ritornello: refrain:
Corre il sangue nelle vene Blood runs in the veins
grande vento nella notte calda si alzera’ A great wind will rise in the hot night
Sandokan Sandokan, Sandokan, Sandokan
giallo e’ il sole la forza mi da’ The sun is yellow, it gives me strength
Sandokan Sandokan, Sandokan, Sandokan
dammi forza e ogni giorno ogni notte coraggio verra’ Give me strength, and every day, every night courage will come.
La conchiglia suona piano The seashell sounds softly
il mare ormai e’ gia’  lontano The sea is now far away
Sale e scende la marea The tide rises and falls
che tutto copre e tutto crea Which covers all and creates all.

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