Tag Archives: illumos Day

Enhanced OS Virtualization for the Cloud

Joyent’s Jerry Jelinek speaks at illumos Day.

SmartOS is an Illumos-derived distro developed by Joyent as the base OS for their cloud. This presentation focuses on the OS virtualization capabilities of SmartOS and details the extensive
enhancements made to the OS, based on real-world production experience deploying SmartOS in the Joyent cloud.

SmartOS Operations – Ben Rockwood at illumos Day

On illumos Day http://zfsday.com/about-illumos-day/, Joyent’s own Ben Rockwood http://cuddletech.com/blog/ gave us an in-depth look at the tools and techniques he uses to manage Joyent’s public cloud http://joyent.com/ on SmartOS http://smartos.org/, covering everything from monitoring to configuration management and troubleshooting. Here’s video of the complete talk: 55 minutes of deep devops goodness, packed full of knowledge – and humor.