More Virus Sneakiness

I received the following email last night:

“Dear user of e-mail server “”,
Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content) outgoing from your e-mail account. Probably, you have been infected by a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe, follow the instructions.
Please, read the attach for further details.
For security purposes the attached file is password protected. Password is “87240”.
The Management,
The team”

There was a password-protected zip (compressed archived) file attached.

The alarm bells started ringing in my head, even though my virus scanner had passed this attachment as clean. If Yahoo really had something to tell me, why would they put it in a password-protected file? I did NOT open the file, and I warned my fellow moderators of this Yahoo group not to open it. I turned to my group of expert friends for their opinions, and one told me he had recently received this warning from his ISP: “There’s a new virus on the loose that’s able to trick our antivirus program on our email server. It’s in a password protected zip file. Unfortunately, there is no method to scan password protected zip files, so our server sends it through.”

The moral of the story is the same as it’s always been: if you are not expecting a file from somebody, and/or anything seems strange about the situation, do NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. You’ll save yourself and everyone in your address book a world of trouble.

See also

The Bride’s Bouquet

A year after we met, Enrico and I attended the wedding of two high school friends of mine (I was a bridesmaid). At the end, I stood among the other unmarried women while the bouquet was thrown. I wasn’t particularly keen to catch it, and am no good at catching things, so I didn’t even raise my arms. I looked up, watching the trajectory, as the bouquet arced high and then fell – straight down into my startled face (good thing I wear glasses). It bounced off and into my hands, and so I “caught” the bouquet.

I took the accidental and unsought catch as a sign that, whenever I did get married, there would be something unusual and surprising about the circumstances. Turned out I was right about that, too. But that’s another story.

Some More Thoughts on Television

a follow-up to How TV Could Make Money Distributing Shows Online

Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, has one last refuge on television this year: “Angel,” the Buffy spinoff, eagerly followed by fans of the “Buffyverse.” But not for long. The show has been cancelled by its broadcaster, the WB, as of the end of this season, its fifth.

Apparently this has to do with the economics of television. After a show has run five years, costs such as actor salaries go up, I guess by some automatic TV industry mechanism, causing the overall price of a show to rise, just about the time that its creative energy is often waning, running the risk of a more-expensive show attracting fewer viewers. This problem arose with “Buffy” three years ago. Reports are that, during contract negotiations about what would happen after the show’s fifth year, the WB refused to pay more than $1.8 million per episode, which wasn’t enough for Fox, the show’s producer. Rival broadcaster UPN offered $2.3 million per episode, for two years, and that was how Buffy ran to seven seasons.

The cancellation of “Angel” was announced a few weeks ago, to furious reaction from fans and media commentators. Thousands of fans worldwide are supporting “save the show” efforts, sending postcards and even raising money to run ads in industry papers such as Variety. All for naught, apparently. The most likely candidate to pick up the show would have been, again, UPN, but they have now officially declined, saying that they made a mistake to pick up “Buffy” so late in its life – they lost money on it.

I’m disappointed that “Angel” will end, but am mulling over how a change in television distribution, such as the one I fantasized about earlier, might save shows like this, whose millions of viewers are still not quite enough for a show to survive the economics of traditional broadcast television.

Some facts supporting my idea:

  • Many “Angel” fans worldwide already go to some trouble to download the show (illegally), because it is not shown where they live until months after its US airdate – or not at all.
  • Many (most?) of these fans then go on to buy the show on DVD as soon as available. The production companies don’t release sales figures for DVDs, but Angel Season 4 was released in the UK on Monday, and today it’s ranked among the ten top sellers on (consider that most of us rabid fans pre-ordered it weeks or months ago, so are not counted in today’s sales figures).
  • Fox Filmed Entertainment, producers of Buffy, made $250 million selling DVDs of television shows in 2003, its top three sellers being “24? (season 1), “The Simpsons” (seasons 1 and 2) and “Buffy” (season 3). It’s been widely reported lately that sales of such TV DVDs are booming, so we can probably expect Fox’s earnings on Angel and Buffy to grow this year.
  • Although Whedon’s Firefly series died on television over a year ago (ratings – only four million viewers or so), its release on DVD has been a huge success. Again, no hard numbers are available, but it has been a top seller on Amazon since it was announced last July – and it didn’t actually ship until December. Sales have been good enough that Universal Pictures has now given the go-ahead for a film version. (Yay!)

There are similar examples from other shows, but I won’t bore you with the details. My point is: broadcast television is not a viable medium for some niche TV shows, but the audiences for those shows might be large enough to support them via some other distribution method. If every one of Angel’s 4 million weekly viewers was willing to pay $1 per episode, that should be plenty to cover both production and distribution costs, including generous cuts for the middlemen.

So what are the production companies waiting for?

Mar 28, 2004

I have now found the hard numbers:

The “Firefly” DVD has sold a surprising 200,000 copies since it was released last December. (The release fortuitously came out while U execs were debating greenlighting the pic.) – Variety

Strangers on a Train

A question that often arises in the travel forums is: “What’s it like to travel in Italy with small kids?”

Speaking from my own experience, it’s great. Italians love kids, and, when you enter a train compartment with a child in Italy, you don’t get the suffering looks that you get when boarding a plane with one in the US. Everyone’s ready to ooh and aah and spoil your child rotten. Well, almost everyone.

When Rossella was three or so, we had occasion to go to Rome by train. We ended up in a compartment with four middle-aged ladies. Three of them were travelling together, and were happy to spend the entire five-hour trip entertaining Ross, who laughed and was charming and sat on their laps.

The fourth lady was travelling alone, and seemed to be allergic to children. She would draw away whenever Ross got near her, and throughout the trip showed clearly, by grimaces and sighs, that sharing a train compartment with a child was akin to being in the seventh circle of hell.

Ross, of course, was not oblivious to this. She tried her best to draw the lady out, with all her most adorable three-year-old wiles. Nothing worked, and Ross was disappointed – she was accustomed to wrapping adults around her little finger.

Towards the end of the trip, Ross looked the lady full in the face and said: “Tu sei brutta. E pure antipatica.” – “You’re ugly, and you’re not nice.”

I made all the polite remonstrances that the occasion demanded, but the other three ladies and I had to avoid looking at each other, so as not to burst out laughing. It was hard to fault Ross, who had spoken the truth as she saw it, with brutal three-year-old candor.


The Old School Tie

I went each year to Ross’ class play, taking a seat in front row center so I could videotape. One year, this put me right next to a dignified old woman who had to be Signora Pavone, the retired principal of Setti Carraro. Our friend Patrizia, whose recommendation had originally helped get Ross into the school, had asked me to say hello on her behalf, so I looked for a way to start a conversation with this rather forbidding lady.

During intermission, she was approached by a very stylishly-dressed woman, the mother of one of the students, and clearly an alumna herself. When they had finished their conversation, I turned to Signora Pavone. “I’m glad to see that this school has a tradition of alumni sending their own children,” I said. “I went to a school like that, and it’s always a good sign. I assume that lady was also a student?”

Signora Pavone gelidly replied: “That lady’s great-grandmother was also a student here.”

End of conversation. Apparently, as the mother of a first-generation student, I was a mere upstart. Ah, well. Woodstock may be a few decades younger than Setti Carraro, but at least it is led by – and produces – people who are interested in engaging with the wider world around them.

Deirdré Straughan on Italy, India, the Internet, the world, and now Australia