Pirate Politics

The Usenet, that free-for-all haven of digital pirates, is an interesting place to observe grassroots political opinion. Generally, any new movie is uploaded (made available, illegally that is) for only a week or two around its release date, but “Fahrenheit 9/11” has been uploaded over and over again for months. Michael Moore has said that he wants the widest possible audience to see it, so presumably he doesn’t mind – though his distributors may feel differently.

Lesser-known films in a similar vein are also repeatedly uploaded, with titles like “A Colossal Mistake – Iraq, the Whole Truth Uncovered.” And some conspiracy thing about how Bush was actually responsible for 9/11 (I have not seen either of these, and can’t comment on how silly they may or may not be).

For the opposition, we have: “In Memorian [sic] 9/11 – an event that John Kerry, Michael Moore and the Dumocrats FORGET!”

People from both sides of the political spectrum have been posting clips from the conventions, and other items of more or less weird political rantery.

The audiobooks groups feature books from Maureen Dowd (of the New York Times – this is probably good), Jim Hightower, and Molly Ivins (these last two are Texas liberals – yes, there actually are Texas liberals, in large numbers even; they mostly seek refuge in and around Austin).

There Goes the Neighborhood

You may have heard that George Clooney owns a villa on Lake Como. He’s over on the Como/Menaggio side, about as far from Lecco as you can get and still be on the same lake, so we are not exactly rubbing elbows with him. But it seems that his fancy friends have now taken a fancy to “our” lake.

George has bought the two villas flanking his own, partly for privacy, partly to have room for all his guests. Brad Pitt and various other luminaries were up here a few months ago filming “Oceans Twelve,” and local rumor has it that Mr. Pitt fell in love with the place and is seeking a home somewhere in the Varenna area – a good deal closer to us.

Richard Gere is also supposedly looking for a villa somewhere on the lake. Well, none of these is among my favorite actors, but they’re not bad additions to the scenery hereabouts, so I guess I won’t complain. Especially if Brad Pitt goes boating in bathing briefs…


I’m going to say this only once: if you value your middle-class lifestyle, America’s reputation in the world, and your personal safety from terrorism, register NOW, and vote for John Kerry in November.

No, I don’t believe that John Kerry’s a saint, nor that George Bush is the devil – they’re all politicians, everybody is in somebody’s pocket, and every election I’ve voted in has been a choice of the lesser of two evils. But it’s still a choice and, if you’re an American voter, it is your responsibility to yourself, your country, and the REST OF THE WORLD to make that choice.

George Bush’s radical religious beliefs and cultural naivete’ have taken America from a position of great vulnerability (September 11th happened, after all) to one of even greater danger and vulnerability. We are not safer than we were – far less so, and anyone who tells you otherwise is playing you for a fool.

No single person or country will be able to fix the current world situation in a hurry; it will not get fixed at all without global cooperation. Kerry’s got a better chance of obtaining that than Bush.

As for the economy, there are no quick fixes. What it needs is long-term investment in human capital: a top-to-bottom reform of the American education system. America turns out some of the worst-educated high school graduates in the world, not fit for anything but flipping hamburgers. That’s why the country is losing its competitive edge in the world, and protectionism will not help.

As for the campaign ads, speeches, etc., I suggest that you ignore them. Nothing of substance is being said. Both parties believe that a political campaign is entertainment for the ignorant masses, who (they believe) are easily swayed by words and images that appeal to the emotions (negative ones more often than positive). They’re not telling you anything useful about who they themselves are or what they will do once in office.

There is a slim hope that they might do so during the debates. But a political ad is just that – an advertisement, to get you to buy the product: “Why I’m better than Brand X” (or why Brand X is the anti-Christ). The Republicans are business people, and very, very good at marketing. But, as a sophisticated 21st century consumer, you know very well that the ad has little to do with the product – are you gonna buy that just because some Madison Avenue ad-man tells you to?

Media coverage is almost as ludicrous as what the parties themselves are spouting. Watch “The Daily Show” – at least that’s played for laughs, whereas Fox News doesn’t even realize that it’s a parody of journalism.

Oh, and one more thing: Discussion is welcome. I don’t know what the world is coming to when it’s taboo to discuss politics in polite circles, for fear of giving offense or having an argument. I have friends and relatives who will probably vote Republican and, while deploring their taste and wishing to persuade them out of it, I don’t love or respect them any the less for that – even you, gentle reader, if you are determined to vote Republican. If Bush gets re-elected and the world goes even more to hell than it already has, at least I will have the bitter satisfaction of saying: “I told you so.”


Yesterday’s disingenuous quote from Dick Cheney: “It’s absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we’ll get hit again and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.”

Dear Dick: You know as well as I do that the United States is in danger no matter WHO gets elected. Yes, there likely WILL be more attacks, and some of them may be devastating. You haven’t done much to alleviate that risk, in fact you’ve made it WORSE.

Further reading/viewing:

The Daily Show

In their new book, “The Bushes,” Peter and Rochelle Schweizer, who interviewed many Bushes, including the president’s father and his brother Jeb, quote one unnamed relative as saying that W. sees the war on terror “as a religious war”: “He doesn’t have a P.C. view of this war. His view of this is that they are trying to kill the Christians. And we the Christians will strike back with more force and more ferocity than they will ever know.” – Maureen Dowd, NYT, Apr 29, 2004

Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power

Italian Recipes: Torta di Pane (Bread Cake)

This is a good way to use old, dry bread. The recipe is more or less one that I scribbled down from a magazine in a waiting room.

  • Cut/break 1/2 kilo of dry bread into smallish dice
  • Soak it overnight (in the fridge) in about 1 liter of milk; I also add a few tablespoons of amaretto or other liqueur
  • Mix two eggs with 50 gm melted butter, 200 gm sugar, and 50 gm cocoa powder (unsweetened is fine)
  • Add a grating of lemon peel, raisins, pine nuts or other nuts. I also tend to toss in any other dried fruit I have around, e.g. figs.
  • Mix in the soaked bread; I use an electric mixer, which also helps pulverize the bread into smaller pieces, but the batter will not be smooth in any case
  • Bake at 175 C / 350 F for about an hour   It’s okay if it comes out a bit puddingy. It tastes best when warm, and reheats well in the microwave.


Twelve Nepali hostages in Iraq were executed, and I had never even heard they’d been taken – and I look at headlines from multiple sources on news.google.com practically every hour. There is no Nepali military presence in Iraq and few Nepalis are Christian or Jewish, so their murderers had to strain to find an ‘excuse’ for killing them: “We have carried out the sentence of God against 12 Nepalis who came from their country to fight the Muslims and to serve the Jews and the Christians…believing in Buddhah [sic] as their God.”

I wish I believed that there was a just god who would eventually punish these evil people for their crimes, should humanity fail to do so. Sadly, I am unable to believe it – as usual, some god or other is conveniently invoked as an excuse for atrocity against fellow human beings.

Deirdré Straughan on Italy, India, the Internet, the world, and now Australia