The Twitter Diaries: 2009-06-07: San Francisco


^ Sunday morning coming down: Lynn spotted this sad little scene on 4th street in San Francisco as we made our way to the first of several conferences this week

  • @MissExpatria wow, you auditioned? for what role? phenomenal show. in reply to MissExpatria #
  • @pamt456 re. Wicked, you should read the book(s). Very meaty. in reply to pamt456 #
  • right… time to face the day. White noise machine not quite as effective as hoped in the snore battle. #
  • live stream of the OHAC summit at
    (not much happening yet) #
  • getting ready to start #ohac #
  • here’s what we’re doing today: #
  • Alan McClellan will be handling my twitter stream today – I’m operating a camera (or two) #
  • #ohac keen on getting started with the OpenHA Cluster summit. #
  • #ohac Dr. David Cheriton of Stanford is kicking things off with presentation titled “The Network is the Cluster.” #
  • #ohac If you are following the video ustream, note we are trying to fix the buzz in the audio. #
  • #ohac buzz fixed. xlr needed grounding #
  • #ohac Think of the network as a backplane for many loosely coupled systems. #
  • #ohac Network congestion hidden in the enterprise by “over provisioning.” Typically less than 10% utilization. #
  • #ohac But over provisioning not really a viable solution for cluster network. One node can demand huge bandwidth need. #
  • #ohac The network in the cluster actually assumes resource control similar to an OS. The network is the operating system. #
  • #ohac Modern network switch is essentially a fault tolerant computer. Dual fans/power supplies. #
  • #ohac Maybe expand the role / use of this switch to handle this network OS role? #
  • #ohac Many OS management functions could reside on the switch. Scheduling, DHCP, et al. #
  • #ohac Huge potential for switch extensibility…but this is a conceptual shift away from the notion of a “transparent” network switch. #
  • @MissExpatria hello, little girl in reply to MissExpatria #
  • @MissExpatria could totally see you in that role in reply to MissExpatria #
  • @glynnfoster only for the elect. Which is a mistake in reply to glynnfoster #
  • #ohac Some Q&A…. Can you imagine a user process making request of this network OS? Yes, say for routing based on available capacity. #
  • #ohac Do you see DBs on the switch? No, but can envisage more integration between servers and switches when it makes sense. #
  • #ohac Nice presentation. Break time. #
  • #ohac Starting panel discussion – high availability today and tomorrow. #
  • #ohac Downtime usually ends up in the news. Hard to quantify those [negative] costs. #
  • #ohac Availability is part of our everyday lives. Users understand and expect availability, but don’t really comprehend how it is achieved. #
  • #ohac Availability requirements differ for long running jobs vs. transactional work. #
  • #ohac Spectrum of HA varies based on the service that is expected. What is it you want to be available and what happens if failure? #
  • #ohac Customers typically do not really understand their availability requirements. Often driven by their budget. #
  • #ohac IT, admins, staff needs to understand their entire infrastructure to satisfy availability needs. #
  • #ohac Availability demands change based on whether the goal is service availability or data availability. #
  • #ohac Lot of emphasis on simplifying the interfaces for the user so availability issues are more obvious to isolate and deal with. #
  • #ohac But keep plenty of tools available under the hood for the experts who you need for that one catastrophic issue. #
  • #ohac …and hire/pay experts who can get under the hood and address the catastrophic problem. #
  • #ohac Providing tools to help the experts find the problem is a product responsibility. #
  • #ohac Users do not usually end up with entire HA solution from single vendor….rather an aggregation of technologies. #
  • #ohac In the end, successful HA demands standards, usability, interoperability, and intelligent customers. 🙂 And with that, we break. #
  • #ohac Nicholas Solter is now speaking about “Project Colorado: A Minimal and Modular HA Cluster for OpenSolaris. #
  • #ohac Seem to be experiencing some problems recording the Ustream feed. Should still be broadcasting. #
  • #ohac Ustream feed now being recorded. Needed to save previous recording before could resume recording Nick’s session. #
  • #ohac OpenHA Cluster bundles bunch of key packages. to get started. #
  • #ohac Project Colorado minimizes hw requirements by combining COMSTAR, iSCSI, ZFS technologies. #
  • #ohac These provide robust shared storage without requiring NAS. #
  • #ohac OpenSolaris VNICs (i.e., crossbow) is used to provide cluster private interconnect (using VNICs instead of physical adapters). #
  • #ohac Reduces overhead of initially setting up an HA cluster. Can share resources and simplify setup. #
  • #ohac Cluster membership uses model referred to as weak membership…two-node cluster does not require a quorum device. #
  • #ohac Places premium on service availability. Good for read-only apps, test cluster, demos, development. #
  • #ohac Nick and Thurston demoing with laptop on OpenSolaris w/ 2 instances of VirtualBox VMs also running OSOL 2009.06 & OpenHA cluster. #
  • #ohac They’re clustering the 2 VB OpenSolaris guests. Pretty neat. #
  • #ohac Welcome, Glynn. #
  • #ohac OHA cluster also features sw modularization: can install ha-cluster-full (all you need) or ha-cluster-minimal & extend as you like. #
  • #ohac Shameless plug for the OpenSolaris Bible, which Nick co-authored. 🙂 #
  • #ohac This is an open project… get involved and provide inputs on where you would like the OpenHA cluster work to go. #
  • #ohac There is OpenHA talk at CommunityOne, and deep dive sessions on Tuesday at the Intercontinental Hotel. #
  • #ohac Nick notes easiest way to obviate the problems of weak membership is to build 3 node cluster. #
  • #ohac There is work underway to integrate MySQL replication. Will be more on this in a session this p.m. #
  • #ohac getting ready to start the afternoon sessions #
  • #ohac Next session is starting in a few minutes. Sreeram Duvur is going to discuss Glassfish Clustering for Telecommunications. #
  • #ohac track 2 now streaming on
    Tirthankar on Getting Started with OHAC #
  • #ohac Telco and HA are synonymous. It’s taken for granted in most of the world. #
  • #ohac Need continuous service at scale. #
  • #ohac Challenges of application layer are many…multiple protocols, load/data partitioning, failover, rolling upgrade, preserving state… #
  • #ohac track 2 Tirthankar is explaining why you would need VNICs #
  • #ohac Clustering in telcom also requires integration into fabric of existing applications. #
  • #ohac track 2 Tirthankar says you should participate in OHAC for the “bragging rights” 🙂 #
  • #ohac track 2 Prasad Dharmavaram is now talking about Developing Custom Application Data Services on OHAC #
  • #ohac Ooops. Seem to have lost ustream broadcast. on MySQL / SunCluster session. Working issue. #
  • #ohac Apologies for usteam video probs. I believe audio is still coming through, so will wait until next break & restart ustream session. #
  • #ohac track 2 Prasad Dharmavaram is explaining the tools available for building applications in OHAC #
  • #ohac Track 1 – going to restart ustream now. Hopefully back up after break with video for you. #
  • #ohac track 2 short break till 2:20pm PT #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Looks like we’re back online with video. Sorry for those technical issues. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Thorsten Frueauf and Ashutosh Tripathi are presenting OpenHA cluster with VirtualBox. #
  • #ohac track 2 Marcelo Leal on OHAC and AVS to provide High Available services using NON-shared disks #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Using OpenHA and VirtualBox together a great way to achieve low cost, easy to set up dev, training, test system. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Requires min 3GB memory, 80 GB disk; dual-core CPU useful, and net connectivity to OpenSolaris repository. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Thorsten mimics use of Solaris zones with VirtualBox guests. #
  • #ohac track 2 Marcelo Leal is giving a live demo on using NON-shared disks with Virtualbox #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Thorsten is in the midst of an OpenHA cluster / VirtualBox demo. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Ashutosh is now talking more generally about HA in virtualized environments. #
  • #ohac track 2 10 minute break #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Taking another break now. Next up is Steve McKinty discussing HA and business continuity. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Steve is getting going…. wants to serve as a reminder of why we care about HA and to discuss OpenHA geo edition. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – HA is really about building resilience and safeguarding interests of stakeholders. #
  • #ohac track 2 Jim Walker and Sekhar Lakkapragada are now live talking about Testing OpenSolaris Cloud Clusters #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Steve refers to earlier comments by panelists… most users don’t know their HA needs. This needs to be top-down analysis. #
  • #ohac Track 1-Need to understand things essential to reestablish service. These drive HA priorities. (What’s most important to look after?) #
  • #ohac Track 1 – The OpenHA cluster geo edition combines Hot site + replication. Redundant clusters. #
  • #ohac Track 1 – Steve is wrapping up. I think that does it for track 1 OpenHA Cluster presentations for the day. Thanks for following. #
  • #ohac Shutting down track 1 ustream broadcast. #
  • @timbray free deep dives on these 2009.06 topics today and tomorrow at C1! in reply to timbray #
  • want to find me at C1? I’ll be wearing a black hat, probably with a large feather in it. #
  • The Clown’s Mask Slips -Times Online #
  • today’s C1 OpenSolaris sessions will be streamed live. See for schedule and to pick your stream. Keynote at 9 PT! #
  • Dave Douglas talking abt citizen engineers & exercising responsibility #
  • Over 600 students at #c1 today 87k in osum community #
  • @lbridenne76 and we’re about to return the visit at FISL! #
  • @macsun are you here in person? #
  • Recs on a full-featured twiiter client for iPhone? #
  • Communities seem to need recognizable leaders. But there’s a risk in relying on a personality to brand your comunity #
  • @monkchips OTOH there’s a new release of OpenSolaris you can get your hands on right now. #
  • @monkchips cloud APIs avail at #
  • #c1 john fowler sez opsol 2009.06 is the bee’s knees #
  • @Silona see you at the c1 party tonight? Shd intro you to ghc team #
  • Tired of hearing American execs slaughter Indian names. #
  • “as network developers we’re a bit GUI-challenged”. Cool anyway: drag and drop network creation #c1 #
  • @lskrocki what is the twazzup stream using? My gang isn’t represented #
  • Want to find me at #communityone today? I’m wearing a black Aussie hat #
  • Learn more about network virtualhzation in today’s session with architect Sunay Tripathi. #communityone #
  • @darios se non lo bloggate voi, probabilmente non lo sanno. Immagino che i mass media italiani sono focalizzati su Berlusc/Noemi in reply to darios #
  • Pete Dennis & Brian Leonard introducing what’s new in OpenSolaris 2009.06 in the Managing OpenSolaris Track, esplanade 304. #communityone #
  • for full coverage of the Managing OpenSolaris track follow @u8out today #
  • RT @jeffhuber: Learning how to become a ZFS Ninja from the master himself @benr. #communityone #
  • Managing OpenSolaris track #communityone live on Ustream.Tv #
  • Developing ON OpenSolaris track #communityone live on Ustream.Tv – #
  • Managing OpenSolaris streaming live at #
  • @webmink I suspect using the #communityone hashtag would help in reply to webmink #
  • #communityone #opensolaris Managing OpenSolaris track ~120 people in the room, 30 on the video stream #
  • if you have questions for the speakers, tweet them with #opensolaris hashtag – specific speaker or track, there are two running! #
  • @jeffreytaylor are they? we have smarter strategists @Sun. We did invent a nice media platform, though: in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • #communityone #opensolaris Becoming an OpenSolaris Power User with Dave Miner, co-author of “The OpenSolaris Bible” #
  • @altae check
    for the opensolaris tweet stream #
  • whee! Aaron Newcomb and I will speak at FISL on Using Video to Communicate About Open Source Software #
  • still need to sign up for tomorrow’s FREE deep dives on OpenSolaris at C1 West? go to #
  • producing social media coverage for an event like this is a whole ‘nother job – in addition to the emcee/track organizing job I’m also doing #
  • @RealShamu that is one happy tiny monkey!! in reply to RealShamu #
  • @lskrocki I, for one, am thankful she’s wrong! Wild women FTW! in reply to lskrocki #
  • @pclark Open Storage with ZFS & COMSTAR 5 pm today Esplanade 304 #javaone #cloudcamp in reply to pclark #
  • Sun execs wandering around Moscone Center in knight costumes (with Kelly N. as the princess) – photos to follow! #
  • @Silona ummm… party tonight? we’re all running tracks today and tomorrow. Or catch us at the OpenSolaris deep dives at the Intercon tomw in reply to Silona #
  • thanks to @u8out and @AltaE for live tweeting our OpenSolaris sessions today (and tomorrow) – doing a great job! #
  • I love more every day. Who do I pay for this service? #
  • RT @tmolini: Sun Crossbow gang #communityone #opensolaris #crossbow #
  • RT @dreamofitaly: RT to win 1 of 5 copies of La Bella Lingua by Dianne Hales courtesy @dreamofitaly 5 RTs randomly selected Friday #
  • coming up: last session of the Managing OpenSolaris track today, Open Storage with ZFS and COMSTAR – mostly demo! #
  • 6 pm – 7 pm OpenSolaris Town Hall in Esplanade 305 #
  • @Silona there’s no such thing as being too busy for networking, especially when you’re unemployed. ; ) in reply to Silona #
  • @Silona party tonight 7-9 pm at Moscone, always useful to show your face. Probably useful to turn up and hang around in general. in reply to Silona #
  • @jeffreytaylor your mum is a pleasure – I will gladly have dinner with her again anytime! in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • La – Ten questions to Berlusconi #
  • @jeffhuber aw, shucks… #CommunityOne in reply to jeffhuber #
  • @altae live tweeting the developing in #opensolaris track #communityone #
  • Chris Armes creating an #opensolaris distro before our very eyes #
  • No #
  • #opensolaris Crossbow BoF tonight at Intercon 3rd fl ballroom 530 pm. Come hear from early some adopters about network virtualization #
  • Twitter is way slow on #javaone coverage. Pretty sure @templedf tweets were done over an hour ago not 45 secs #
  • @templedf thanks for the live tweets. V useful for those who had to be elsewhere #
  • #opensolaris sadly, tracks not streamed today but video will eventually be available #
  • @SaraD I should drop by there and say hi to @schlomo #
  • one more very full day to get through. I can has sleep tomorrow? #
  • Family doesn’t get that running around filming engineers doing strange things IS work #
  • Enjoying the sunshine in Yerba Buena park #
  • Next team finally arrived. Filmed them doing tech support dancercise #
  • Did I mention they’re playing the Go Game? #
  • The next person who tries to talk to me about unions is going to get hit with a tripod #
  • @medgno If you can recommend a venue that doesn’t habitually rip off its corporate customers #
  • @lbridenne76 I was allowed to film out in the park. In the intercon hotel I have to pay expensive union labor to SCREW IT UP #
  • The Marriott BtW had no problem letting me run my own show #
  • It would be cheaper to fly all our attendees somewhere – anywhere! – else in the world #
  • @Silona I’m in intercon sutter 5th fl along w sev people u sd meet #
  • @nonstick perish the thought. Didntbwe fail a long time ago to unionize high tech? #
  • Back at osug meeting waiting for Go Game results #
  • @davest the Go Game was great as always! #
  • @ben will keep it in mind. Is it unionized? ; ) #
  • Discussing how #opensolaris user groups can collaborate with each other #
  • @ben sounds as if you need a differnt type of professional services! #
  • Is it a bad sign that I dreamed about Larry Ellison last night? #
  • @missbhavens take a deep breath and remember: you’re only going to wear it once #
  • @nonstick he was an evil hyper Catholic conspiracist a la Da Vinci Code – and I hated that book #
  • Lots and lots of discussion at osug leaders meeting #
  • @vdotw suckiness of food options at DIA is a big issue for me – I’m there way too often #
  • Not enough time for my social media/videoblogging talk to osug. A bit disappointed, a bit relieved #
  • Lots of good info coming out of this mtg. A lot of smart people are passionate about #opensolaris #
  • @jeffreytaylor darn that gay conspiracy! #
  • User groups need leadership succession planning #
  • #communityone ends for us with an osug dinner at the Crab Houss. Looking forward to NOT getting up at 6am tomw #
  • Don’t have a book to read, so I’ll play a game on the iPhone to wind down for sleep. Won’t take long #
  • @jeffreytaylor when is it? #
  • I am so done for this week. R&R with hubby today, heading north tomw. Intercon jacuzzi sounding about right… #
  • Enrico won a USB kit at J1. Includes a black plastic box with on/off switch & USB connector w flanges so it can’t actually connect. ??? #
  • Sex with Ducks #
  • leaving San Francisco today for Santa Rosa and Calistoga. Under orders from the boss to have a mud bath. #
  • @NathanFillion The Barge pub in Milton Keynes – lovely old place, good food, too. in reply to NathanFillion #
  • where’s a good place for breakfast near the Intercon in San Francisco? Mel’s is NOT the answer. #
  • tip: a blog comment that links to a porn site or better sex tips – probably spam #
  • @amandachapel LOL “Troia” in Italian means “whore” #ethics in reply to amandachapel #
  • @lbridenne76 take a deep breath and think about… sleeping late tomorrow! in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • generation gap: my daughter’s online presence is mostly on Facebook these days, mine is mostly twitter #
  • @robbogio thanks, but we’ve got a pretty full schedule already, and have to get back to our flights Sunday noonish. in reply to robbogio #
  • @amandachapel now, now – don’t give away all our linkbait secrets! in reply to amandachapel #
  • Massage and mud bath in Calistoga perfect ending to a hard week. Now -wine! #
  • @glynnfoster now I know what category of gifts to get for you! What are microplanes? #
  • words you never want to hear from your kid: “What do you know about the Cook County jail?” #
  • hotel has thoughtfully supplied half-and-half to for the in-room coffee maker – yay! #
  • at C1, Irish colleague Robert told me Sun’s Dublin office have started videoblogging as a result of my January visit – yay! #
  • @pizzocalabro umm… lots of Village People imitators in that parade? in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • an old classmate we hadn’t heard from since graduation popped up this week. Always interesting to learn about life journeys #
  • LOL! RT @pizzocalabro: No Means No: More candid conversations with library patrons #
  • By complete chance, the first winery we stop at is owned by a Sun alum. Excellent Syrah-Zin blend #
  • @dreamofitaly Thanks! Looking forward to reading it. in reply to dreamofitaly #
  • not impressed with Arrowood’s Rhone tasting, didn’t really like any of the 4. Whereas I liked all 6 tasted at #
  • just received email containing a photo of “Italian golf shoes” – black and white. Very spiffy, but… why? No explanation given. #
  • so !#$%#$%$% tired of all the “offers” United Airlines makes me wade through to just get checked in #

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