poster for Aggiungi up Posto a Tavola, showing a dove sitting on the back of a wooden chair against a blue sky

Aggiungi un Posto a Tavola: Buttalo Via

Throw It Away


Daccelo a noi a te non serve


Give it to us – you don’t need it

Quel legname* daccelo a noiGive that wood to us.

 Del legname ormai che te ne fai?


 What will you do with that wood now?


 Il suo legname non le serve


 You don’t need your wood anymore.


 Non mi serve piu’, strulla! Strulli tutti


 I don’t need it anymore? … You all

are raving
Quel legname vale tanto oro quanto pesaThat wood is worth its weight in gold.
Quel legname é denaroThat wood is money.

 Questa e’ solo carta straccia

All three:

This is just ripped paper

Presto te ne accorgeraiYou will soon realize.
Butta butta tanto che te ne faiThrow it, throw it [away] – what will you do with it?
Via via via buttalo viaAway, away, away, throw it away.
Via via via fai puliziaAway, away, away, clean up.
Butta butta non ti serve piu’Throw it, throw it, you don’t need it anymore.
Straccia straccia non ti serve piu’Rip it up, rip it up, you don’t need it anymore.
Brucia brucia brucia fanne un falo’Burn it, burn it, burn it, make it into a bonfire.

 Non ci credo e questi nessuno me li prende!


 I don’t believe it, and no one will take these from me.


 Papa’  tu devi credergli


 Daddy, you have to believe him

Silvestro e prete e quindi se ne intende!Silvestro is a priest so he knows about it!

 No, no, no e poi no


 No, no, and again no.

Quel legname é mio e non ve lo daro’ mai!That wood is mine and I’ll never give it to you.

 Via via buttalo via (12 volte in crescendo da sussurrato a normale)


 Throw it, throw it [away] (12 times, in crescendo from a whisper to normal [tone of voice])

Fai pulizia buttalo via fai pulizia ma siiiiiiClean up, throw it away…
Via via via fai pulizia
Aria aria aria tutto per aria!Air, everything in the air…
Butta butta non ti serve piu’

Legname is wood in the sense of timber for building, while legno is raw wood to burn, or wood as an adjective.

next: Notte per Non Dormire

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