The first and only time I attended this famous conference, seeing and meeting some people I already knew, some I didn’t, some I admired, some I didn’t.
Category Archives: my life in tech
Open Storage Summit, 2008
Sun Broomfield, August 2007
This was my first visit to a Sun Microsystems campus, when Dan Maslowski brought me on as a contractor in the summer of 2007. I flew to Colorado from London, after dropping off my daughter Rossella on her way to do her senior year of high school at Woodstock. While I was there, Sun held a talent show among its employees, and a few other things happened.
Open Source Grid & Cluster Summit, 2008
Held in Oakland in May, 2008. I think I went primarily to film Dan Templeton giving a workshop.
Sun Community One, 2008
During my time at Sun Microsystems, I was involved in many events. Community One took place in San Francisco and was a Big Deal, including custom illustrations from Hugh MacLeod who was also at the time a Big Deal. Yes, that’s Ian Murdock, who had joined Sun a year earlier to try to Linux-ify Solaris.