Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Bersaglieri

I’ve been trying for years to capture a fanfara (band) of the Bersaglieri, and yesterday finally had my chance. Because I was commuting back home from Milan, the only equipment I had on me was my new Canon SD800IS digital camera, which I’d never tried for video before. Now I’ve learned the hard way not to use the zoom during video. But the sound quality is surprisingly good.

The occasion was a teaser for an exhibition of marching show bands held in Lecco last night, which we did not attend, nor did I stick around to record the interventi (speeches) by local politicians which always “grace” such occasions.

Note the military deployment of cellphone at the very end of the video!

Italy’s Amazing Summer Fruits

sculpture above done by Ross when she attended liceo artistico

Summer has arrived, and with it everyone’s favorite fruits – along with the desire to mangiare leggero (“eat light”) in the heat. At this time of year it’s not unusual to see mounds of cherries served as dessert, antipasto, or snack at parties and dinners. Juicy, sweet, bursting with flavor, all these need is a place to discard the pits and stems:

An Italian saying related to cherries (and applied to other things) is: una tira l’altra (“one pulls another”), as in: “I ate so many because they just kept coming out of the bowl, one after the other, their stems entangled…”

Have you ever seen more perfect plums? They come in many varieties and colors (blue, red, yellow, pink, purple), and all taste as good as they look:

If you’re visiting Italy in summer, here’s a restaurant tip: instead of dessert, order frutta di stagione (seasonal fruit). You may be asked what you want specifically, so here’s a little vocabulary:

  • pesche [PESS-kay] peaches
  • prugne [PROON-yay] plums
  • albicocche [al-bi-KOK-kay] apricots
  • ciliegie [chili-AY-JAY] cherries
  • pesche noci [PESS-kay NO-chee] nectarines
  • fichi [FEE-key] figs – these are often served as an antipasto, with prosciutto crudo – don’t miss it!
  • lamponi [lam-PONE-ee] raspberries
  • mirtilli [meer-TEEL-lee] blueberries

NB: Berries are known collectively as frutti di bosco (“forest fruits”). If you get a chance to eat fresh-picked wild blueberries (very occasionally available at restaurants and fruitsellers) do NOT pass it up. If you hike, keep your eyes peeled: you can find wild raspberries and blackberries free for the picking.

Peaches, plums, apricots, and cherries may be served floating in, or alongside, a large bowl of cold water. Dip the fruit in and swish it around to clean it, then eat! Many Italians peel their peaches with a knife before eating (often they are so ripe that the peel will slip away from the flesh with very little assistance), but you’re not obliged to – you’ll find that the skin is much thinner than you’re used to on American peaches.

BerluscaSpam: Silvio Wants Me to Share in His Millions?

I have received the following email:

Good day.

Please, understand my reason for contacting you today through this medium; I am Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Former Italian Prime Minister who was charge for purchasing of movie and television rights at Mediaset. Despite the accusation levy against me, I have be working tremendously to support the less privileged in the society.

Upon all the effort and support I have made, the Italian Government lead by it attorney general has probe my effort and tend to confiscate my wealth and money I deposited with a bank firm in The Netherlands which amounted to 10, 562, 987.00EUR. I will not disclose the bank for now, due to the investigation to scramble all my wealth.

See the web link for more details:,,1815571,00.html

On that note, I have decided to move part of the fund I deposited with the bank firm for a reliable business purpose and also gain access to fully support the less privilege which the government of my country is against. Under a supervision of a credible business oriented person(s) or company who can give a positive address on this note. This does not involve any illegal transaction of any kind, despite the nature of internet abuse.

The legal protocol and modalities of this transaction has been giving to my personal LAWYER and ADVISORY due to the security measure surrounding me. Also note that this transaction has to be done confidentially.

N: B Contact my Lawyer immediately for details of this transaction with the information below: –

Barrister Tom Hendry


Tel: +44-nnnn [number removed in case it belongs to someone innocent]



Mrs. Alicia Lynn


Prime Minister World.

Should I be concerned that someone is now putting Italy – and its wealthiest citizen – on a moral par with Nigerian scam artists?

I do find the idea of “Prime Minister World” amusing, or perhaps alarming – is that like Disney World, but populated with big-headed puppets of prime ministers in place of Mickey and Goofy? That would indeed be a house of horrors.