Ci sono domande alle quali rispondo innumerevoli volte per inerzia, senza pensare alla risposta che sto dando.
ultimamente ho detto un sacco di volte le parole Texas, Hindi-Urdu, India, pendici dell’Himalaya.
sta di fatto che quando la donna sedutami di fianco, dopo circa 7 ore di volo, mi ha chiesto se stavo tornando a casa e` scoppiato il panico in me.
mi giro verso mia madre che non ha intenzione di aiutarmi
-E` complicato…lei vive qui, io sto andando in texas per l’universita`
annuisce soddisfatta
-pero` vivo in Italia
alza le sopracciglia, non si aspettava complicazioni
-solo che quest’ultimo anno ho vissuto in India!
la tensione e` rotta dalle risate di mia madre che conferma -e` complicato
Una lunga dormita, un film del cazzo, 50 pagine dell’ultimo libro di Irving e sono all’areoporto di Denver.
molto spazio, colori terreni, molto beige.
sulle pareti gigantografie in bianco e nero di ‘famosi’ Indiani d’America con di fianco incisi su placche di metallo i rispettivi nomi.
decido che il mio preferito e` Arapaho.
affittiamo una macchina che sia abbastanza grande per contenere le 4 valigie ma che non consumi troppo gasolio.
ci fermiamo ad un ristorante con troppe luci e troppe cose attaccate alle pareti e ordiniamo cheeseburger che ci vengono serviti in cestini di plastica. beviamo ghiaccio con un po` d’acqua.
mia madre paga l’affitto ad una tizia che e` via per lavoro fino a domani
i pavimenti della casa sono tutti ricoperti di sofficissimo tappeto beige
tutto e` beige o marrone, forse c’e` un po` di color senape qua e la
tutto e` PulitoPerfettoOrdinato, sembra una casa uscita da Desperate Housewives e il bello e` che io non credevo esistessero davvero posti cosi spaventosamente perfetti!
in cucina c’e` un bancone di marmo enorme, la forma ricorda vagamente quella di un cofano ma fa niente
spero che qualcuno ci abbia scopato sopra perche` a me sembra fatto apposta per quello
ho gia` buttato un po` di cose per terra nella camera dove dormo per sentirmi piu` a mio agio.
non so che ore siano,
domani andro` al centro commerciale mentre mia madre e` al lavoro perche` non conosco nessuno e non c’e` nulla di meglio da fare.
Category Archives: Ross
The Junior-Senior Banquet
After weeks of various stresses and preparations, the famous JSB (Junior Senior Banquet) has arrived.
As soon as I woke up, coming out of my room, I saw many of my co-tenants wandering around the halls with their faces green with “vitalizing” masks and their hair wrapped in towels.
The estheticians from our favorite Beauty Parlor showed up at 10 to perfect nails and hairstyles, and remove any superfluous hair from more than 60 girls.
An entire day dedicated to beauty and excessive personal hygiene. But you need a day like that every now and then, especially for a group like us, so far away from our habitual consumerism!
Myself and one Sydney ventured into the kitchen, making cookies as a present for our dates.
Time passes among polishes, brushes, and tongs.
Finally it’s time to put on the dress that that poor tailor had to work so hard on, with all the modifications I asked him to make. The result is good, although I look like something out of a Disney film.
Our knights arrived, washed and ironed. The gray-black of their various jackets and ties contrast with the flowers and chocolates they bring. I walk down the stairs, awaiting the sound of general stupor… without success.
He who was supposed to be my cavalier shows up with a twinkling earring and the Ray Bans I had chosen for him the first day we went out together, and gives his flowers and chocolates to the plump little brown girl next to me, pretending that he doesn’t even see me. (The story of our breakup is complicated.)
My substitute date arrives late, with two sad roses and no chocolate, in fact I end up eating most of the cookies I made for him.
We arrive at school, where everything is decorated in a “Midnight Ball†theme, with stars and moons everywhere. Everything glitters, at a bar the younger students serve us cocktails – completely non-alcoholic. Every few seconds a flash blinds me.
When it becomes clear that my ex is eating his heart out (having seen the results of the dress, makeup, heels, etc.), I decide to make things worse by chatting with him, complimenting him for his sunglasses, and showing him that my nails are varnished in his favorite color. In the end, there’s nothing he can do but return to his date.
The food is extraordinarily good, although I eat fearing I will explode in my TIGHT little dress or, worse, make the dress explode! But everything goes smoothly, and then we’re dancing. Fortunately, my substitute date has a good sense of rhythm and, putting together our creative abilities, we manage to have fun making up any kind of dance.
Something lights up in me and I can’t help smiling with enjoyment when I note that my ex’s substitute date makes it impossible for him to look as good, by refusing to dance with him.
This is the first event anything like a party that I’ve attended in two months, what a strange sensation. The school dance – just like the OC! The girls look like sweets, or like little girls who play at dressing up like princesses. The boys are too tiny/skinny for their pinstriped suits. Everything was extremely ridiculous. I was at a party where adults were present and there was no alcohol available (almost) , and yet – I had fun!
Junior-Senior Banquet Pictures
Choices Made
After more than a month, exhaustion – both mental and physical – is beginning to hit.
I didn’t leave myself time to realize where I am, what’s happened to me. All of a sudden, my life has changed, and it wasn’t an easy or gradual passage.
I’m happy, satisfied. Always. I’m sure I made the right choice, and if I was offered a return ticket, I’d turn it down.
But I’m tired, very tired.
I’m tired because my mind never stops.
I haven’t cried yet since I arrived here. Though every day, for one stupid thing or another, the tears rise and my eyes fill, I never manage to let them fall.
I’m tired, so tired I could whine and throw a hysterical scene. Get out while you can…
Slow Dancing
This school dance is serious stuff, there’s even a rehearsal.
MomComm: But what about electing Miss Woodstock? Do they not do that anymore?
My own class of ’81 failed to do so, actually. We voted three times, and each time reached a three way tie between Tina, Vinita, and Reem. I think this was because each represented a "faction": Tina for the missionaries, Vinita for the Indians (though her parents were also missionaries), and Reem for "everyone else".
Our solution? We decided to have three Miss Woodstocks. Then, just to keep people on their toes, we elected Durjoy "Mister Woodstock."