Everyday Italian: Newspaper Headlines, Dec 2008

headlines from Dec, 2008


  • The race for gifts paralyzes Lecco
  • Lecco [the soccer team] defeated during the last minutes


  • Nurse at Manzoni [hospital], native of Lecco, dies on the Medale [local cliff face]
  • Roads and trains in chaos [from holiday traffic, presumably]


  • Eluana: the decision [belongs to] the Udine clinic [this is a Terry Schiavo-like case, much debated this year in Italy]
  • Goodbye to Notaio Messina [a notaio is something between a notary public and a lawyer]
  • Crash: 17-year-old in critical condition



  • Incredible: the [local boating club] goes to the America’s Cup, and the city government asks them for 264 thousand euros
  • Trains and roads are disgusting: Lecchesi protest
  • Soccer: Lecco loses and closes the last round of andata [? soccer term I don’t know]


  • Hospital: they weighed one kilo between the two: Sofia and Vittoria win the challenge of life
  • Airoldi & Muzzi increases fees by 200 euros per month

3 thoughts on “Everyday Italian: Newspaper Headlines, Dec 2008”

  1. One small point: I wouldn’t say that a notaio isn’t really much “between a notary public and a lawyer”, but is more like “a lawyer with special additional notary public powers, and, more importantly, royal notaio blood”, as a notaio can call fees (well) beyond those of normal lawyers, and the process of getting a “studio notaio” is nearly unthinkable if not by legal bequest of heredity (or at the very least marrying into the family of a notaio). The licensing for new studios is “super-restrictive” and basically impossible.

  2. P.S. the soccer season is divided into two halves, Andata e Ritorno, in each of which they play all the same teams, once during the andata beginning half and once during the ritorno winding down towards the end of the season.

    Kind of a temporal sailing regatta buoy – half way there and half way back to the finish (Coppa! – trophy championship).

    Generally, one match is played in one team’s stadium in Andata, and in the other team’s in Ritorno, theoretically to even out the home team advantage over the season between the two teams.

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