The Twitter Diaries: Jan 23-Mar 5, 2011

~this date in 2003: Teenagers and Cellphones Standard Equipment for Italian Adolescents #
~this date in 2003: Largo al Factotum Why People Think I Know Opera #
2007: Guys, women don’t come to tech confs [because] were tired of trying to have conversations w your bald spots  g #
.@davewiner: an old article of mine that predates (maybe forecasts) the current debate about women at tech events, in this case in Italy #
~this date in 2008: More Things to Buy in India The Growth of a Consumer Society #
.@davewiner Did you read the whole piece? That phrase was meant to be ironic, & was written under dire provocation at the time. # Religion, however, tends to venerate ancient wisdom even if later knowledge raises doubts. #
@davewiner I’m sorry you found it insulting. #
.@davewiner As the owner of an ageing female body, I have probaly heard it all (& had it grabbed, groped & commented upon) most of my life. #
.@davewiner Oh, I do see it. And made a conscious choice to use it. A dumb choice for some, evidently, but a choice. #
I haven’t flown since the latest TSA escalation. How early do I need to arrive at SFO for a flight to Vancouver? #
.@davewiner Ironically, at that event the bald men were relatively young. Italian men often shave their heads completely – and look good. #
@milouness Thanks, this will be an 8:20 am flight, dunno whether that’s peak time on a Monday #
@saraford Thanks. How are Monday mornings? United at 8:20 #
@jlb13 It’s much more fun to have arguments in public #streamfullofconversations #
The Twitter Diaries, Dec 30, 2010 Jan 23, 2011 – an emotionally-charged few weeks, with photos and video #
@saraford Ugh. thanks for the warning #
@dogcow BAs as in bachelors’ degrees? #
@ben @dogcow Oh. I never did understand what that term means. #
Tomorrow will be relatively easy: up at 5:30, fly to Vancouver, go to office, film @mmayo , dinner, hotel, sleep… #
…It’s the rest of the week keeping up with @bcantrill that worries me. #
@pborenstein I recommend drugs to sleep on any flight > 4 hrs #
@jlb13 I just hide people if they get annoying. They’ll never know. #
Way too early for my flight, but this may be one of those cases where any later would be too late. #
@jlb13 Maybe they’ve hidden us as well. 😉 #err #
we can have feelings for people we’ve only seen on screens. I have embarrassed myself meeting actors…  #
This is why I hate flying United: so many long-time frequent flyers that plebs like me are treated poorly in comparison. #
‘Confidence in institutions down’ in Italy #
For once chose a window seat, so there had better be a view! #
@thinguy I’ll never qualify for an upgrade anyway, just get tired of seeing most of the plane board before me. #
Cantrill & Gregg Cloud Analytics: high-res, downloadable video now available so you can really see the pretty pictures  #
As long as I work for tech startups, my colleagues will mostly be smart, geeky, young(er than I am), and male. Not that this is a problem… #
RT @smaffulli: Il postribolo televisivo: ecco il video della chiamata di B a Lerner – such dignity, Signor Presidente #
Brendan’s blog Cloud Analytics: first video #
Sleepy in the gray weather, but enjoying being at the Joyent Vancouver offices, surrounded by engineers (yes, we have them in SF too) #
Webinars | JoyentCloud  You’ve Got Game: Planning for the Successful Scale and Performance of Your Game in the Cloud #
@sriramnrn Thanks, but that wasn’t my work – you can thank @jacksonwest for that one. I have a partner in video crimes these days. 😉 #
@dexterous good catch, thanks #
@jkstark @NomdeB Superstition at work – a dog that chews a shoe is naughty, a dog that chews a bible is the devil #
As you are my prime minister, I invite you to moderate your language. Mr Berlusconi, however, would have none of it  #
Miss Minetti the 25 yr old ex-dental hygienist makes as a fledgling City Councilwoman in Milan, more than Barack Obama. #
@ZackFord Yes, it’s a pity when patriotism makes everything a zero-sum game #SOTU #

^ View from Joyent Vancouver  #

^ .@pborenstein @joshwilsdon @bcantrill at Joyent Vancouver  #
I am such a geek. I get truly excited when I know I’m getting great, useful, and technically interesting video. #
.@kusor @joshwilsdon You all are awesome #

@edsai Welcome aboard! #
Not being able to have my usual goffee in bed is seriously disrupting my morning routine. Grumble grumble grumble #
@fitzage Also can’t handle Dvorak without coffee #
@fitzage just learning, in hopes of reducing RSI. So far mostly reducing typing speed. #
@fitzage After 30+ years of touch Qwerty, it’s tough. @brendangregg is Dvorak-macho: he’s been learning 1-handed as well. #
way cool to learn about new colleague @edsai on Twitter this morning, then immediately and unexpectedly meet him at Joyent’s Vancouver offc #
Getting video intros of Joyeurs in Vancouver #
Dear Keynote and PowerPoint: please resolve your differences. I do not have time for conversion to be difficult. ps I hate you both. #
@missbhavens Blood orange martini recipe? Sounds like my kinda drink (after all, I was born in NOLA). #
[Because] it is more Christian to impose oneself by refusal #

^ Beer o’clock at Joyent  #

^ School of fish  #
@bdha umm… The Apocalypse is upon us? #
[Some Italian men] respect a woman’s professional capacity, admire her intellect & suggest she should be ambitious #
@jlb13 [Parenting is] like riding horses: until you fall, you’re not really doing it seriously. Generally everyone survives. #

^ Snow at Summit and 17  #

Pigeon Point lighthouse  #

Seems my daughter has made up her mind – and I’m grinning from ear to ear: Boogie Back To Texas  #
@edsai I’m sure they do, but the people at your new work like you, too. We go to new places to keep our minds and lives fresh. #
@riccardo_iommi She’s lived in Austin before (as I have). It’s not like anyplace else on earth. #
@riccardo_iommi Austin calls itself the live music capital world, probably justifiable. All kinds of music, too. #
.@adamsbaldwin Are you a member of SAG? #
Damn. Worried about friends in Christchurch #

returning from Monterey yesterday  #
@pborenstein I wasn’t all that warm when I shot that photo, but not as cold as that either #
[The best speakers] have figured out the way to connect with other people and to make them want to care. @TEDchris #
.@adamsbaldwin …and your SAG membership? #
A leader more consumed with his virility and Arab women 1/4 his age than with governance does not serve Italy well. #
India will catch up with the US economy in 2048 – Hans Rosling on  #
@ltdanchoi You’ll have seen a dear friend of mine auditioning for a solo, I think #
Grrr when people believe that privileges they themselves enjoy, such as collective bargaining, are socialism when extended to others. #
no reason to strip away workers bargaining rights if they had agreed to benefit cuts. – NYTimes  #
A bright and interesting friend looking for people who are exploring (or have followed) alternative educational paths #
@bcantrill I, too, am awaiting news of friends in chch #eqnz #
RT @arekdreyer: @DEVOPS_BORAT @DeirdreS I had no idea DEVOPS_BORAT existed. Should I be afraid? – Very, very afraid #

^ @sh1mmer #
.@kbeninato Las Vegas is where everyone goes to have the illusion of misbehaving. New Orleans is where the actual sinning takes place. #
@polotek These aren’t in a logical order yet, but @brendangregg has been the subject of many videos on DTrace: #
@NomdeB Anna’s in Wellington, Meaghan may be in India right now. #
Happy I’ll get to see my daughter soon. I’ve missed her. #

^ Life is uncertain – eat dessert first #

A beautiful cross-cultural piece: Mukteshwar  #
A bridge builder has a strong foundation on his own side, then builds a strong foundation on the other side, then…. #
@wanderingitaly Hey, shoulda told me you’re in town! #
@wanderingitaly Yup, I live in SF now #
@divinacucina whereabouts are you? #

just found a great version of one of my favorite songs: Dil Se Re- Misfitz and Global Rhythms  (wake-up music) #
@lskrocki As long as he didn’t club you and drag you to his cave. 😉 #
First look at the DTrace book, and a big, fat chapter you can download! #
Get your Node on with Joyent: We’ve got news. – Event Tuesday evening, March 1, at Joyent HQ  #
SAGE Program – Gap Year & Volunteer Service in the Himalayas: scholarships now available!  #
The smart thing for us to do right now is to impose a 1-a-gallon gasoline tax #
.@milouness But we had also bought a modem, and that was how I found out what computers are really for. #
4 years ago: Translating #
Ross 2007: even if I had never spoken of India with my mother, the desire to go wd have started pulsing in my veins.  #
Learn Italian in Song: La Terra dei Cachi #
everyone at Sun seems to have been there for at least ten years… Sun demonstrates that it values its people <sigh> #
@vdotw Yes, I do think the Sun diaspora is ultimately good for the industry, if painful for us. #

Watching this Joyent video from before my time, I LOL’d. Guess which interviewee I actually know?  #
@davidpaulyoung is that 50 of or 50 OFF ? #Launchconf #
If behavior spreads through social networks, working in a toxic corporate environment is really really bad for you #
Damn, I work with a lot of smart people! #
@fitzage We’ll put you on both lists 😉 #

^ Rainbow over Moscone Center  #
@wanderingitaly God has decided not to punish San Francisco 😉 #
.@tweir Thanks – we know they’re awesome, but it’s always nice for them to hear that they’re appreciated! #awesome #custserv #
Pilgrimage planning? You are really following the wrong tweeter. If God wants me to go on a pilgrimage, he can make the travel arrangements. #
Having trouble finding a tweet backup option that actually works – suggestions? #

^ Pretty sure no taxidermist would have foreseen this #
one of my earliest videos, 2005 – La Bottega del Maiale: A Salumeria in Lecco #
.@billblum @willbldrco Once saw a taxidermied, poised-to-strike rattlesnake in the offices of a tort law firm. At least our goat is friendly #
@notmatt yup. I’ve seen those before – Thailand maybe #
It would be good if I could stop declining and falling about. Especially on concrete. #
Umm I guess it makes sense that Twitter thinks @davidpaulyoung @mmayo @johnnysunshine & @orlandov are like me. #
Out of every that funds WI s pension & health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from state workers.  #
@nilofer I can be all of those things, in turn. #
.@ewancube Technical difficulties for a stream that night, but we’ll see what we can do. At the least we shd be able to get video out soon #

.@daviddonnelly @Chuckumentary Didn’t Spinrad write a book like this decades ago…? Or was it Brunner? #weareWI #WIunion #
@rosso …and you expected otherwise? #
Ok, time to get this row on the shoad. #
@hudsonette another thing you and I share taste in – men! #
Learn Italian in Song: Voglio Volere #
Italian Seasons (a collction of articles)  #
Italian Freedom Fighters: Cultural Attitudes Towards the Law #
Still recovering from (very) early morning adventures in the bowels of Moscone Center. Next time, I wanna drive a forklift! #
I’d like to see someone on the red carpet wear something really sumptuous #
.@hudsonette Slowly transferring articles from my old htms site to WP. This just surfaced – of course thought of you! #
You don’t need an ultimate goal. A lot of people we celebrate as successful didn’t have an ultimate goal.  #
Battisti in German?!? Fucking Sony has removed the original Italian from YouTube  #
5 vials of blood – I really need breakfast now! #

Bollywood Western – who knew? – Muqqala Muqqala – Humse Hai Muqabla  #
@kbeninato He can tie his own turban, video tutorial here #nola #
I’m sure that, somewhere in the world, there is a chocolate cupcake with my name on it. #
@NomdeB clear but chilly (by our standards) – 40s-50s. in the city, likely warmer out. Tell him to call if he has time for a meal/drink #
@reiger cool, looking forward to seeing you! #solaris #joyent #
4 years ago: A School Year Abroad #
RT @StopBeck: when I encounter a Beck devotee, I just wanna break out into song. Poor unfortunate soul from Little Mermaid – LOL! #
…in other words – we will, we will ROCK YOU!  #
…and if you wanna know how that works under the hood: DTrace probes for Node v0.4.x #
Look Inside the DTrace book on Amazon – and see if you can figure out which is my favorite part 😉 #
Live stream of Node event at Joyent tonight  …as requested. We assume those signed up will still come for beer! #
RT @notmatt: I work with geniuses, and I helped make this. #
@Fabryz ~6:30 pm Pacific time #
What Makes Node Sexy? Joyeur – Guys, you totally blew it. The sexiest thing about node is… Ryan. #
Node.js Community Event on USTREAM: March 1, 2011 – live stream NOW #
@Fabryz Sorry – it’s hard to get local attendees earlier #
RT @DeirdreS: Node.js Community Event on USTREAM: March 1, 2011 – live stream NOW – fixed #
@brendangregg showing cloud LIVE analytics Node.js Community Event on USTREAM #
@hnfirehose see it live right now #
Ryan Dahl up – Node.js Community Event on USTREAM #
@reiger fixed aspect raito? #
UStream problems were frustrating as ever, but it’s all captured – video of sexy cloud analytics will be forthcoming! #
It’s been an eventful day, now trying to wind down my brain enough to sleep. #
new comment on Italian Idiom and Sayings asks: does anyone know what scrinfio means?  scrinfio #
Learn Italian in Song: Volare #
planning a homecoming reunion at Woodstock School, Mussoorie, India  #
@sogrady You’re not the only one. #
.@elliotross @PeterKretzman People have different prefs and learning styles. I’m a reader myself, but I produce video because many want it #
.@PeterKretzman @elliotross I’ve found that people like to download video to watch at the gym, on the plane, listen mhile driving… #
@elliotross ps if you’sre just getting started [in video], you might find this helpful:  #
San Francisco OpenSolaris User Group meeting Weds Mar 9: DTracing File Systems – Brendan Gregg – details #
@markovaldo @lucaconti Ma dove si trovano ‘sti ebook italiani? Vorrei aggiornarmi su Montalbano #
Not in the mood for technical irritations today, but then, who ever is? #
Apparently this is a day when nothing is going to work. I should just give up. #
.@avinash Perhaps it’s time to redefine education, knowledge, testing. I never cheated, got good grades, but never felt I was really working #
Why, yes, I am drinking a beer before 5 pm. It seems preferable to screaming and breaking things #
.@avinash Wasn’t convinced of the value of my BA even then. My work has always been about stuff that didn’t even exist when I was undergrad. #
.@NomdeB @avinash Cultural differences, both national and generational? #
@billjohnston Sounds like my kind of trip – I’ve spent a lot of time in both those places! #
Been a long week, and its only Wednesday. #
@markovaldo @pandemia Scomettiamo che non accettano CC da fuori Italia? Provero’, ma… #
node.js Community Event: Rough Cut Videos #
RT @nerdist …insane musical remix of George Carlin’s stand-up – not sure the music was necessary, but it’s fun #
.@jimpick node.js 0.4 and cloud analytics goodness! #
.@stiefkind More recent look at Cloud Analytics here – we’re moving fast! #cloud #joyent #
Dear Google: the integration between Google Apps sign-on and YouTube appears to be non-existent. You have me in verification loop hell. #

GDC  #
I hold this truth to be self-evident: Beer is good. #
the mandate for people of faith is to retain a deep commitment tofaith while remaining open to respecting others #
@davidpaulyoung Today was somewhat less frustrating than yesterday. Actually got video posted. I get very cranky when I can’t publish. #
.@jimpick @zbialecki You can see a live demo of cloud analytics here #
.@nigVSqeZbLPRuOB Yup, in fact a number of the tools in /usr/bin in OS X are from @brendangregg ‘s DTrace toolkit #

^ Seen at GDC  #
In Germany, this sort of thing sparked scandal that led to a ministers resig but in Italy it helps people to get by #
I must recant my prejudices about Italian food in the US. Have had two very good meals in two weeks. #
@badnima want! #

nighttime streets of San Francisco  #
.@nmar L’Osteria del Forno (cheap!) ~Abruzzese and Perbacco (not cheap) Piemontese #
re-reading Les Mis after many years. Hard to swallow the “sublime mystery of the convent”. A prison for surplus noblewomen, more like. #
@billblum The delay has been very painful for us most closely involved. Pre-print copies next week, look for an opp to win one! #Dtrace #
@billblum Heh. Come over to the DTrace side… #Dtrace #
gah! Windows! #

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