Learn Italian in Song: Translations of Lyrics for Italian Songs

A friend told me that she learned Italian via song lyrics. My Italian husband, as a teenager, wanted to learn English so he could understand the lyrics to Jesus Christ Superstar. So, to aid in your Italian studies, I present side-by-side translations of some popular (with me, at least) Italian songs.

These translations do not attempt to be elegant – they are intentionally very literal, to help you learn, and therefore do not do full justice to the linguistic beauties of the songs in the original.

Jun, 2007 – Ultimamente, anche degli italiani mi dicono che trovano utili queste traduzioni nel senso opposto: cosi’ imparano l’inglese!

11 thoughts on “Learn Italian in Song: Translations of Lyrics for Italian Songs”

  1. i have some italian cd’s and looked them up and i got the lyrics but now i need them translated to english. please help. thanks very much, josephine cioppa

  2. feel free to give me the name of the song,
    and i’ll translate it for you.

    if you already have the italian lyrics, pls send them too.

    i Love italian music.
    i am happy to hear non italians, have interest 🙂

  3. would love to help out josephine cioppa…..i teach italian and use italian songs in my classes.

    regards, tricia

  4. would like the english translation to the music CD ITALIA A FESTIVAL OF MUSIC

    I am mtrying to learn Italian & have been told to listen to music but I don’t know alot of words yet. Can someone help me. Or recommend some others also.

  5. If you can find any Italian-to-English translated songs would you mind forwarding .
    Thanks, Tom

  6. I forgot something, the song is “ah grazie si rendano” by W.A. Mozart No. 3719 page 8. and i need it to be translated to english, thank you.

  7. hello..would be VERY interestetsd if someone had the time and inclination to translate the songs of Jimmy Roselli
    into english …..his italian albums are fantastic…literal translation would do just fine
    thank you , so very much…

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