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Aggiungi un Posto a Tavola: Peccato Che Sia Peccato (ripresa)

It’s a shame that it’s a sin (reprise)

Clementina comes to tell Silvestro boldly: “I love you!” They rehash their long-standing argument about why this is a sin.

C: Ma perchè non si può? S: Non si può, lo sai perchè. C: Why can’t we? S: We can’t, you know why.
Dov’è scritto – è peccato – chi l’ha detto – è peccato – Where is it written? It’s a sin. Who said so? It’s a Sin.
Ma che peccato, no. Clementina… But what sin, no. Clementina…
Clementina, Clementina oh oh oh… Clementina, Clementina…
Peccato che sia peccato, ma che peccato sì sì lo so, It’s a shame that it’s a sin, but what sin – yes, yes I know.
peccato da cancellare, da rifiutare, da dire no. It’s a sin to be erased, to refuse, to say no.
Se l’amore è peccato – Clementina – If love is a sin
non riesco a capire – Clementina – I don’t undertand
perchè è stato inventato, perchè si è impadronito di me. Why was it invented, why has it taken me over?
L’amore in sè non sarebbe peccato, è per me che è sbagliato, Love in itself wouldn’t be a sin, it’s for me that it’s wrong,
condannato, proibito, in assoluto vietato. condemned, prohibited, absolutely forbidden
Ma non è giusto che pure io, che strano destino è il mio But it’s not fair that I, too, what a strange destiny is mine
devo essere obbligata al celibato tale e quale a te. That I am obliged to celibacy exactly the same as you
Peccato che sia peccato, peccato… It’s a shame that it’s a sin, a shame
Che cosa… sh… leggendaria sarebbe stato vive – re con te, What a legendary thing it would have been to live with you
questo volevi dire tu… That’s what you wanted to say
E’ un bel castello in aria, purtroppo irraggiungibile per te. It’s a beautiful castle in the air, unfortunately unreachable for you
Ma che peccato che sia così, che tutto finisca qui, But what a shame that it’s like this, that all ends here
peccato sia peccato volerti bene e non dirti… It’s a shame that it’s a sin to love you and not tell you
peccato che sia peccato It’s a shame that it’s a sin
peccato Shame
Clementina dai ti prego Clementina, please, I beg you
Clementina Clementina uhuh uhuh uhuh
Clementina Clementina uhuh uhuh uhuh

Dancing ensues, and Don Silvestro ends up kissing Clementina. Then he sends her away and says: “My God, what have I done?”

“What have you done?” asks God.

“I kissed Clementina.”

“I saw.”

“Don’t you have anything to say?”

Auguri e figli maschi responds God – this is a standard Italian wedding wish for “Good luck and male children.”

Don Silvestro is momentarily struck dumb. “But priests can’t kiss girls… and, and all the rest. Celibacy!”

“Celibacy?” asks God incredulously. “What celibacy?”

“Priests cannot marry, neither can nuns. It’s one of your first rules. Didn’t you establish that?”



God explodes: “Have we gone crazy? I invent a method of procreation which (I can say without modesty) is one of my finest creations, and then I forbid its use to my direct collaborators? Silvestro, be logical!”

“But they say it’s a sin!”

“Who says it? How do they dare? … It really is time that I organized a new flood, things must change!”

Silvestro, delighted, runs off to find Clementina.

Clementina, prodigiosamente è cambiato tutto, Clementina, amazingly, everything is changed
è quasi inverosimile, è come in una favola, It’s almost unreal, it’s like in a fairy tale
all’improvviso tu sei qui, Suddenly you are here
non sei più una musica proibita, tu sei qui. You are no longer a prohibited music, you are here
Clementina, Clementina proibita, Clementina lontana, Clementina, Clementina prohibited, Clemenina far away
Clementina perduta, Clementina no. Clementina lost, Clementina no
Clementina, Clementina da non guardare, Clementina, Clementina to not look at
Clementina da non pensare, Clementina da far paura, Clementina to not think about, Clementina that causes fear
Clementina mai. Clementina never
Clementina, notizia aspettata per la vita Clementina, news I’ve awaited all my life
ed arrivata quando non ci speri più; Has arrived when I no longer hoped
lungo sogno sognato ogni sera sì! Ogni sera. A long dream dreamed every evening, yes, every evening
Clementina, Clementina ora, Clementina qui, Clementina, Clementina now, Clementina here
Clementina, Clementina sempre, Clementi – na sì! Clementina, Clementina always, Clementina – yes!

Next: Ti Voglio

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