I was thrilled to have the opportunity to present this talk at the Monktoberfest in Portland, Maine.
Slide deck with notes – Marketing Your Tech Talent
Some very kind words about the talk from Joe Brockmeier here.
I’m just gonna brag a little here:
Videoing the talks at #monktoberfest pic.twitter.com/p6XnDGDL2O
— Tom Raftery (@TomRaftery) October 3, 2013
“Anything you can do to get technologists talking to each other is worth it.” @DeirdreS #monktoberfest
— Joe Brockmeier (@jzb) October 3, 2013
everywhere I go and inquire.. the Sun mafia is the single strongest force in the IT ecosystem #monktoberfest #startuplife — Aneel (@aneel) October 3, 2013
Seriously honored to hear @DeirdreS perspective on marketing…this is what makes #monktoberfest shamazing. — tylerhannan (@tylerhannan) October 3, 2013
To engineers: be authentic. Execs: that will likely include beer and at least one “fuck” @DeirdreS #monktoberfest
— plank10 (@plank10) October 3, 2013
Great engineering marketing talk by @DeirdreS. About authenticity direct from engineers without corporate filtering. #monktoberfest
— Paul Wright (@wrighty) October 3, 2013
“It’s a conversation between technologists, not between a company and a customer” – great talk @DiedreS #monktoberfest — Heather Huffman (@hhaustin) October 3, 2013
#monktoberfest talks tend to the meta. @DeirdreS is subtler but no exception — she’s marketing @brendangregg & @bcantrill very honestly. — Justin Sheehy (@justinsheehy) October 3, 2013
RT @jzb: “Does anybody care about white papers anymore?” @DeirdreS #monktoberfest (I don’t. Sad, they were a good market back in the day.)
— DanaBlankenhorn (@danablankenhorn) October 3, 2013
“White papers – meh. Put good tech content in a blog, make it available without the registration wall” @DeirdreS at #monktoberfest
— Pat Patterson (@metadaddy) October 3, 2013
“whitepapers: meh” @DeirdreS at #monktoberfest — tylerhannan (@tylerhannan) October 3, 2013
White Poopers and Data Shits #Monktoberfest — Michael Ducy (@mfdii) October 3, 2013
“Datashits” was a Freudian slip. Really. I promise.
@DiedreS loved your talk- very relevant to what I do daily- thanks! #monktoberfest
— Heather Huffman (@hhaustin) October 3, 2013
@DeirdreS is walking us through the #bluegalaxy business plan at #monktoberfest.. Great to get the validation
— Duffy Fron (@Duffy_Fron) October 3, 2013
Accepted talks are way better than paid talks. @DeirdreS #monktoberfest <– Yes. This. 100x this. — Joe Brockmeier (@jzb) October 3, 2013
“if you can afford it, get your videos transcribed too” @DeirdreS #monktoberfest — Joe Brockmeier (@jzb) October 3, 2013
“I happen to have the top 3 perf people from Sun in SF, let’s get them on camera and just let them talk” @DeirdreS #monktoberfest < smart
— Langdon White (@1angdon) October 3, 2013
Hmmm… given the multi-national nature of open source, would “video interviews” of people talking on irc be interesting? #monktoberfest
— Langdon White (@1angdon) October 3, 2013
Most useful #monktoberfest talk so far: @joyent‘s @DeirdreS on getting your techies to do your company’s marketing — Diane Mueller (@pythondj) October 3, 2013
Enjoying @DeirdreS using a Hollywood metaphor for the relationship between companies and “talent” at #monktoberfest. — Justin Sheehy (@justinsheehy) October 3, 2013
“I’m not talking about taking marketing VPs and turning them into stars, I’m talking about actual talent” @DeirdreS at #monktoberfest
— Pat Patterson (@metadaddy) October 3, 2013

It was a great talk Deirdre! How about next time considering using the embedded tweets feature: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/embedded-tweets
Makes it easier to interact with the tweets than via screenshots!
Hope all is well!
Good idea, I may go back and do that now that I’m not in such a hurry! Sadly, however, when I embed tweets in WP they lose the avatars.