poster for Aggiungi up Posto a Tavola, showing a dove sitting on the back of a wooden chair against a blue sky

Aggiungi un Posto a Tavola: Quando l’Arca si Fermera’ 

When the Ark Lands

The townspeople complete the ark and are prepared to sail away when the flood comes.

La colomba tornera’ e il sereno arrivera’ The dove will return, good weather will arrive 
ed ognuno sbar – che – ra’ quando l’arca si ferme – ra’. and everyone will debark when the ark lands 
La colomba tornera’ e il sereno annuncera’ The dove will return, good weather will arrive 
ed ognuno sbar – che – ra’ quando l’arca si ferme – ra’. and everyone will debark when the ark lands 
Nuova terra bacera’, nuovo sole guardera’ everyone will kiss new land, look at new sun 
tutto nuovo appari – ra’ quando l’arca si fermera’. everything will appear new when the ark lands 
Urra’ sui primi grappoli, di gia’ i piedi ballano Hurray for the first clusters of grapes, and already feet dance 
che buon vino si berra’ quando l’arca si fermera’. what good wine we will drink when the ark lands 
Urra’ macina, macina e gia’ le spighe sbri- cio – la Hurray, grind, grind, and the grains already crumble 
che buon pane si fara’ quando l’arca si fermera’. what good bread we wil make when the ark lands 
O muratore tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! A builder [wall-maker] – you 
Le pietre porterai, con le tue mani tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! will bring the stones with your hands – you 
La casa tua farai, e tu vi abiterai, you’ll build your house and you’ll live there 
e tu vi abiterai in pace e liberta’, in pace e liberta’ and you’ll live there in peace and liberty 
quando l’a – a – a – a – arca, quando l’a – a – a – a – arca, when the ark lands, when the ark 
quando l’ar – ca, la nostra ar – ca, quando l’arca si fermera’. when our ark, when the ark lands 
Una rosa na – sce – ra’ , che miracolo sara’, a rose will be born, what a miracle it will be 
la natura esplo – de – ra’ quando l’arca si ferme – ra’. nature will explode, when the ark lands 
Un agnello bele – ra’, un bambino ridera’, a lamb will bleat, a child will laugh 
tutto ricomin – ce – ra’ quando l’a – a – a – a – arca, everything will begin again when the ark lands 
quando l’a – a – a – a – arca, quando l’ar – ca, when the ark lands, when the ark 
la nostra ar – ca, quando l’arca si ferme___ra’. when our ark, when the ark lands 
Nuovo sole sor – ge – ra’, nuova terra bacera’, New sun will rise, it will kiss new land 
tutto nuovo appa – ri – ra’ quando l’ar – ca si fermera’. everything will appear new when the ark lands 
Tutt’intorno alla citta’ un gran bosco crescera’ all around the city a great forest will grow 
a noi tutti appar – ter – ra’ quando l’arca si fermera’. everything will belong to us when the ark lands 
Un modo nuovo si’! D’amare e vivere! a new way to love and live 
I nostri figli si’! Saranno liberi! our children, yes, will be free 
E l’arca sara’ – Si’! Si’! Si’! Si’! – and the ark will be – yes yes yes 
la continuita’ dell’umanita’ quando l’ar – ca, the continuity of humanity when the ark 
la nostra ar – ca, quando l’ar – ca, la nostra ar – ca, when our ark, when the ark 
quando l’a – a – a – a – arca, quando l’a – a – a – a – arca, when the ark, 
quando l’arca si fer – me – ra’. when the ark lands. 

The townspeople are all boarding the ark when a “very high prelate” of the Church arrives, summoned by the skeptical mayor. The townspeople grovel before him, intoning: “How beautiful is the cardinal! How great is the Cardinal!” The Cardinal proclaims that there will be no flood and that Silvestro is possessed: “You dishonor the cassock you wear.” Silvestro removes and throws away his cassock. The townspeople leave with the Cardinal, leaving Silvestro and Clementina alone on the ark.

God decides that no one is worth saving except these two, and the deluge begins.

next: Love, According to me (reprise)

Aggiungi up Posto a Tavola full song list

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