The Twitter Diaries to 2010-06-13: San Francisco

hurt myself carrying stuff fm y’day’s Costco run, but now have stick blender, Brita, and (indispensable to every US household!) Corningware #

added to Getting Started with Solaris playlist: System Services, Networking #

@sogrady amen #

we tame our monsters, both current and historical, by ridiculing them: #

Rule of thumb: when lack of something annoys me more than 3 times, just buy the damn thing already. Today, it’s a toaster. #

recovered: Fibre Channel Concepts – Oracle Solaris Video #

RT @oraclenerd: Thoughts on #Exadata – #

@vdotw generally younger people seem to be worse at estimating ages. Especially men. #

@Chuckumentary Heavens, were you in any doubt? If I’m expected to be a bland corp rep online, I fail big time. Fortunately, not expected. #

FB procedure for when you think a friend’s account has been hacked is singularly unhelpful. I don’t have another way to contact this person. #

RT @SamHarrisOrg: Found: the most infuriating person on earth… – She, like the pope, should be arrested. Sickening. #

A friend tweets in Italian, I translate: The barista across the street says: ‘I’m married, but it’s nothing serious.’ #

@serendipitousP If I’d had the Legos I wanted as a kid, I might have grown up to be an architect. Must buy some now. #

the funniest sign I have yet to see on the Internet, and my mother took the photo: #

Flu + allergies + cramps. Can I declare today over and just sleep til tomorrow? #

RT @davest: Strong women: – nice to hear from a man who loves and is proud of strong women! #

aww, they’re so cute… Always makes me think of @italylogue #

@italylogue meh, not enough Cannavaro, too much Ronaldo. 😉 #

@italylogue not sure, I’ll try to find out. #

@rbanffy Heard the page owner panicked and removed it after threats, FB recovered it when he had 2nd thoughts. it’s there now #

@italylogue Ross says it might be Little Tony: #

today I’ll plant my kitchen garden in 2 big pots on the balcony: basil, thyme, sage, coriander, nasturtium, parsley, rosemary… #

Do journalists ever feel embarrassed about the drivel they put out? #

added a smugmug gallery to Italian Train Graffiti #

morning smile Traveling in New Zealand #

the first manual/user guide I ever wrote: #

Thx to TiVo/hulu I don’t have to worry about when a show will be on. But find I barely even care anymore IF it will. I’m my own soap opera. #

Gotta say, my tweeps, that the intense focus on #Lost seems a little Over The Top. After all, this isn’t BUFFY we’re talking about. 😉 #

We never see the POV of the classic Italian mamma. Does she get sick of the role? It’s not one you ever get to resign from, apparently. #

New! Index of songs: Translations of Italian Popular Songs #

4.5 hours?!? You people are crazy. I’ll watch Gone with the Wind on Netflix, rather. #

Right, I’m siging off Twitter for the night. Have zero interest in a million tweets about Lost. #

Face it, girls – I’m older and have more insurance – #

oh, damn, I’ve GOT to go to New York! To see Angela Lansbury in A Little Night Music. #

@bloatedlesbian lord I hope you’re being facetious, otherwise I will have to slap you. #

@NomdeB so did you get rained on in the end? #

The very purest form of birth control ever devised. Ever, #

We have disproved the statement that There are no Atheists in Foxholes #

Church wants Ital govt to encourage couples to have children; 50 have none. – Could get into some major snark here… #

Potting soil left over from herb planting. This is unacceptable. Ordered a larger planter box, will buy heirloom tomato seedlings. #

@bubbva that’d be great, thanks! is it something I can carry back on Caltrain? I prefer not to drive if possible #

@NomdeB saw that, but don’t have a place to hang them outside. Considering hanging houseplants inside, which is effectively a greenhouse #

@bubbva cool, thanks. I may decide to drive in late Thurs as I have a friend to pick up at SFO that evening. #

RT @openstorage: Fishworks – Sun Storage 7000 2010.Q1.1.0 Release: With our apologies for the delay in announcing here #

#techcastlive tomw 10am PDT w Joost Pronk on Oracle Solaris virtualization; bring your ?s – he’s a great explainer! #

Ross took some amazing photos in SF, so far available only on FB, but I stole these great portraits of me: #

There was a hummingbird fluttering outside the balcony door just now, apparently attracted by the little shiny mirrors. Must get a feeder! #

white paper: How to use Oracle Solaris DTrace in Oracle Solaris and OpenSolaris System #

can’t tell if I’ve got a cold, bad allergies, or some combination of the two (or something else). Whatever it is, enough already! #

@gracekboyle I saw the biggest tool is a disconcerting phrase alongside your Twitter icon. #

Italian senator proposes starting school a month later to help tourism #

@NomdeB been wanting a hibiscus plant, but they weren’t in yet at the garden center I went to. Bougainvillea wdn’t survive the wind. #

@dfugate At the very least, that is /grounds/ for spousal abuse. #

My six degrees of separation is so weird it amazes even me. I think I’m almost to Kevin Bacon now. #

The scenery included an exquisite @oracle banner! I think it’s the airport! RT Paris: day one (via @GuyKawasaki) #

@NomdeB thanks for the tip. I was planning on taking my Italian guest there as a cultural experience. 😉 #

The older, HTML portions of my site infected with malware again. How did this happen? #

just wasted a couple of minutes figuring out I have to register for support separately from site. Guys, fix this. #

starting soon! TechCast Live – Joost on virtualization, bring your questions! #

#TechCastLive – Joost on virtualization – LIVE NOW! #

Looking for more info on Oracle Solaris virtualization after #techcastlive? Try here for lots of video: #

Wow, I feel like absolute crap. Need emergency delivery of hot toddies, chocolate, and hugs! #

RT @macsun: Accelerating Cloud Adoption via Standards & Collaboration panel webcast. See it here: #

RT @SAGEProgram: You know you’ve been in India too long when… #

@bubbva great, thanks. Hoping I feel well enough to make it in this week. #

@davewiner Funny, I would have been thrilled to get flowers. #

@robbogio wil you make it out to this coast this time? #

Young people with a well-off family behind them go abroad, and get along. All the others are left behind. #

Busi quit state broadcaster RAI’s flagship evening TG1 news in protest at its allegedly pro-government editorial line. #

no need for Italian Church to imitate the German Church and set up a special commission to look into sex abuse cases. #

@NomdeB no, haven’t got around to trying it yet. #

Sorting out iPhones (moving mine to a corp plan), got a (very helpful) AT&T rep named Deidre. There are a few of us around. #

so excited about new toaster, had toast (with cheese, olives, salad, chutney…) for dinner last night. Now don’t want toast for breakfast. #

looks as if my site has been unquarantined by Google – I’d be grateful for confirmation! – Countries Beginning with I #

new video: The Problems Solaris Solves – 4 – Diagnosing Live Systems with DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video #

@ben @dogcow hmm, love Vegemite, but it’s a luxury import here. Never tried it with onion. #

@trine thanks! Now let’s see whether I’ve pinpointed source of the infection – might be the old Windows machine I’ve been updating html on #

@jwillie The Lipizzaner Stallions and Other Wonders of Vienna – and, as Billy Joel says, Vienna waits for you. #

@hemantmehta do your students think you have a high, squeaky voice that mutters unintelligible phrases? #fb #

Countries Beginning with I Wouldnt Surprise Me a Bit #

@juliebenz or there’s something seriously wrong with her tastebuds. Poor thing. #

RT @vambenepe: Ellison calls Exadata our iPhone ( via @ORCL_Linux) < Less likely to forget a prototype in a bar < ROFL #

Feeling whiny and irritable. This is what happens when they try to make me write (shudder) marketing words. #

@bubbva thanks. Still hoping for tomorrow, but we’ll see. Pretty dragged out at the moment. #

@jeffreytaylor Nothing like has-been desperation to change a once-honorable man’s views… Of course, we knew he was desperate with Palin… #

@Britopian I had some similar thoughts a few years ago: Communicating with Your Customers #

RT @PizzoC: I may have gotten up but I’m damned if I’m going to accomplish anything. – Amen, brother! Not sure I even got up. Damn sinuses #

Combating hatred with humor: Friendly Atheist by @hemantsblog The Boot Protest #

way to go British Airways: btw strikes, ash cloud, & incompetent booking staff, daughter having v hard time changing her tix back to Italy #

so much to do, if only I could find two brain cells to rub together. #

RT @OracleBlogs: Video Whiteboard on Exadata Smart Flash Cache – #

having tea in hopes it will wake me up for the drive to SFO to pick up a friend coming to visit from Italy. #

@italylogue with pictures? OF COURSE. #

@italylogue do you have a link to the D&G ads they did last time around? was sorely tempted to steal posters out of the Milan metro… #

^^^ can’t get my car out of the damned garage to go get my friend. The parking company better reimburse the taxi she now has to take. #

@italylogue Watching Football #

RT @jimgris: Huge thanks & best wishes to @schahn OpenSolaris would not have been possible without his leadership . #

speaking Italian intensely, about intense topics, for two hours. Unaccustomed mental exercise! #

@rbanffy true. My mannerisms change when I speak Italian, not sure about personality. Rusty at the moment, though. #

received my advance copy of Tony Hsieh’s Delivering Happiness @dhbook – shd make interesting holiday reading #

@dhbook …so the first job offer Tony Hsieh got leaving Harvard? Yup – Oracle. #

@ajkeen I’ll come watch all the Italy games with you, if that helps – guess I’ll need to find somewhere to watch since I don’t have a TV. #

RT @TomBolini: the last masterpiece of Caravaggio (1610) Il Martirio di Sant’Orsola (@ Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano) #

RT @nicolamattina: Dice il Vaticano che… translation: The Vatican says that hell will be harder for pedophiles – great deterrent! #

Yo-yo championship going on in Goldfn Gate park. Always something in this city! #

It appears that girl yo-yoers are rare. # Silvia #

This place wd be still more fun with a kid. #

a nice day out at market, museum, and park ended with an excellent Persian dinner at Lavash #

thanks to one Woodstocker, today saw another I hadn’t seen in years. Somehow we always have interesting lives. Persian meal was appropriate. #

Countries Beginning with I The Original Basilisk Stare #

They thought they wanted to be taken out of themselves, and every art humans dreamt up took them further /in/. Terry Pratchett #

just tried this, works pretty well: Clean Your Bathtub With A Grapefruit & Salt #

@NomdeB if the chemistry is right, I suspect, the person looks good to /you/ regardless of third-party opinions on their looks. #

@NomdeB and that’s what they sell on shopping channels for 20, right? 😉 I don’t think I actually own silver cutlery etc at the moment #

had forgotten about these, nice collab between Ross’ photos and my video #

@billstreeter I suspect Malia is wiser, kinder, and infinitely more mature than Glenn Beck. She who laughs last… #

new video: Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video #

Countries Beginning with I Home Update #

Hmm. I post a DTrace video on a (US) holiday weekend and it gets retweeted six times. I guess I can see what folks want more of! #

RT @NomdeB: @DeirdreS Oh that is the CUTEST stuffed sheep… – isn’t he great? He goes baaaaah, too. #

@hosamalali Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace – Oracle Solaris Video #

for those who want more, all my DTrace video can be found here: #

Oracle Solaris is the number one choice for mission-critical systems #

a video recipe for the holiday feast: sticky chewy Chinese BBQ ribs #

Countries Beginning with I Conversation in a Bar #

if you were on holiday this wkd and missed it, new vid: Observing Your App and Everything Else it Runs on Using DTrace #

@bubbva Remind me where you are, I can probably take them home on the train today #

@italylogue Gattuso! Yay! #

@bubbva perfect timing: got home to find my new planter box had arrived from Amazon #

video replay: TechCast on Oracle Solaris Virtualization – Oracle Solaris Video #

@montymunford Dum Maro Dum as a movie? Huh. #

@montymunford The most fun to play, I suspect. And now you’ve met another famous dastard, Tenzing. #

@bubbva yes, they look pretty happy this morning #

Work today was mostly about moving boxes, opening them up to see exactly what was inside, counting up, and putting away again. #

@jlb13 umm, no, don’t do that. You’d probably be arrested for suspicious behavior. #

Seeing a big white Apple logo go up on Moscone Center. I guess there’s a conference coming. I could be within spitting distance of Jobs. Yay #

@craigmorgan Argh. My neighborhood will be crawling with Apple fanboys. Think I’ll go hang out in the Castro. #

@NomdeB Maybe Al and Tipper broke up in disagreement over lyrics? #

daily LOL: Indian Arranged Marriage #

@dfugate sounds as if you could barter for each others’ services #

@#^#^ allergy season. Lots of intellectually-demanding work to do, and I feel as if my head is stuffed with cotton. #

I get twitchy when people tell me they don’t possess a valid passport. If that were me, I would go into an absolute panic. #

Fell down stairs onto concrete. Nothing broken, but the knee is going to hurt for a while. And the skinned finger. #

@bubbva @bsousapt made it to lunch and back, now icing the knee. Hard to touch type while trying to not bleed on the keyboard. Not my week! #

@jeffreytaylor Yay! Many many yay! #

Oracle Solaris Studio Express 6/10 is now available! #StudioExpress #

someone who willfully and routinely asserts distortions as fact should not be given such a prominent platform. #

Need a way on Facebook to indicate have a deep, visceral, vomit-inducing hatred of. Y’know, NOT like. #

new video on the launch of Oracle Solaris Studio Express – Oracle Solaris Video #

@bubbva I use TaxiMagic to order up Luxor cabs via GPS. Pay cash, tho – there’s a surcharge to use the app’s credit card feature. #

About to see shrek in 3d IMAX #

Today’s fall was sorta like falling off horses used to be. But that was onto sand, not concrete, and I was a lot younger. Ow, ow, ow. #

how did I manage to bang up my left arm and my right leg in the same fall? Must have been impressive to watch. Unintended acrobatics. #

@vdotw Ow! And of course instinct is to protect the child, so I bet the bruises were all yours. At least I didn’t bang my head. #

the new English that will emerge in the world, will come from India – liberally mixed with Indian languages! #

up early to see my friend off back to Italy, not driving her – areas of pain all over my poor battered body #

Watching a second big white apple go up on Moscone North. Kinda miss the old rainbow apple. #

Small wounds can be surprisingly painful. Time to find out what it’s like to shower with a lot of skin missing from one finger. #

@jlb13 Probably vaudeville, though everyone who saw it was kindly concerned, including a FedEx guy with a Texas Longhorns cap on. #

@NomdeB Should be fine on my shots, with all the travel. It’s just one of those stupid little wounds that will be annoying until it closes. #

@vdotw Fun, mommy! Do it again! #

Hmm, I’d lost sight of this one: Examining ZFS On-Disk Format Using mdb and zdb: Max Bruning – Oracle Solaris Video #

here’s one for the storage performance geeks: Visualizing System Latency – ACM Queue #

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning in SF, feeling relaxed and happy and wondering – very idly – what to do with the day. #

@NomdeB hmm, yes, but all too much effort for this weekend. We drove down to Santa Cruz last, next week I get very busy with film course… #

@NomdeB lazy day on my nice sunny balcony would also qualify #

@urbanturbanguy uh oh, now I have to work at being scintillating and fascinating! #

@NomdeB Shrek was great, would have been impressive even in plain old flat screen. And fun. #

RT @stevewoolf: At this moment: web video writer’s group – where? #

Countries Beginning with I Balcony Garden #

@urbanturbanguy AGGGHHHHH! Uh, no. Totally out of my demographic. Will you settle for SRK? #

re. balcony garden, am resisting the temptation to buy window boxes to hang along the rails. Need a big indoor plant, but bored of the usual #

also, just rearranged the living room, which is easy to do when furniture = 1 twin bed, 1 sm armchair, 2 end tables, cowskin, cushions #

@urbanturbanguy I follow @sachin_rt as well, but he doesn’t tweet as often. SRK is both entertaining and sweet Both seem like nice guys IRL. #

scared off the city pigeons from balcony with squirts of water, now scruffy finches are back, and getting bolder. Gonna be in the house soon #

drinking Malbec, eating Toblerone, watcing HP6. A nice way to spend Saturday night after a hectic week. #

People change and forget to tell each other, #

driving back from Santa Cruz last wkd, passed a sports car on Hwy 17 with the license plate Teramo. Huh. #

Americans are genetically risk-takers, descended from people who upped & left their home countries, taking a huge risk to build a new life. #

…What does that do to/for our society, our economy, our national psyche? #

@helena_andrews In books, I recommend Chelsea Quinn Yarbro’s Saint Germain series, but go back to the older ones like Blood Games #bdjm #

@helena_andrews I discuss some more vampire books etc. you might like here: #

@johnnysunshine Going back to the original human diaspora is taking it a bit far; recent history is far more likely to affect current soc #

I can think of a million things I would rather do than wrestle with the corp VPN today… #

@johnnysunshine NB What I said also applies to Canadians, a bit differently to Aussies/Kiwis. #

Forgot how cute Bring it On is #

RT @jlb13: Holy crap, real daiquiris are awesome. #IBA #ftw – recipe? #

a little light viewing for a Sunday evening – Performance: The Not a Problem Problem – Oracle Solaris Video #

@mjasay Kids on planes are fine when parents at least TRY to make it easier on fellow passengers. Some seem to abdicate all responsibility. #

Does Andouille sausage go with pierogis? #

@SaraD I had shoes my daughter wanted to wear, but by the time her feet were big enough she’d mostly lost interest. Except for that one pair #

@SaraD they have, in fact, mysteriously disappeared! #

Oh, yes, WWDC is in my ‘hood this week. I fled to Menlo Park. #

video fixed! Performance: The Not a Problem Problem – Oracle Solaris Video #

Spent the train trip writing an article, haven’t done that in a while. #

Oh, yes, WWDC is in my ‘hood this week. I fled to Menlo Park. #

Day did not start well. Having no wifiOn campus is not improving it #

Shakedown cruise on new cafeteria not going well, v slow lines. How much employee time are we wasting? #

video fixed! Performance: The Not a Problem Problem – Oracle Solaris Video #

Moved more boxes around today. Somehow I became the tsar of t-shirts. #

@dave_miner you’re right, there was an upside. #

film course delayed by a week which, in the current state of my life, feels almost like a vacation. Or at least a reprieve. #

@jessicacolley please let me know what you hear – I’ll have to deal with that sooner or later. #

new: Brendan Gregg and Roch Bourbonnais share the thought process they use to troubleshoot system performance problems #

RT @faseidl: Tim Minchin never pulls a punch – The Good Book (Live) – Rock! Thanks! #

If God is real, and religious believers can perceive him… why is anyone an atheist? #

RT @vicweast: the contortions attempted to control women’s sexuality are truly astonishing: #

@montymunford I had a lot of cute young Brazilian guys want their picture taken with me, if that counts. 😉 #

Still working on my article about the #deliveringhappiness book @zappos hey, at least it’ll be long. #


RT @om: Kids are like farts, you can tolerate only your own: brazilian st saying – Italians say Every cockroach is beautiful to its mother #

Liaise, liaise, liaise… Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing all morning. And counting t-shirts. #

who’s at MPK today? Contact me. Stuff to give away. #

more T-shirts?!? #

RT @oracletechnet: @JavaOneConf & @oracledevelop are best sources of up-to-date info about those respective conferences #socialmediaoverload #

@rbanffy Menlo Park, a bit out of geographic range for you I’m afraid. #

@montymunford wow, your own stunts, too! In the best #bollywood tradition #

@montymunford Do try not to be hospitalized. #

nothing like starting the day with a credit card hassle #

CC co sorted it quickly. Customer svc seems to be improving across all companies. Anything’s better thn Telecom Italia #

Given all I’ve just read about @zappos, shoulda expected it: rec’d 2 hardback copies of #deliveringhappiness book from Amazon. #

They don’t feel safe in coming out because they are afraid of repercussions on their family or professional life, #

Learned on Twitter: many ppl I consider otherwise rational & intelligent are obsessed with sports. I don’t get that, any more than religion. #

Dunno why the v thot of DMV makes me tense, actual experiences not bad. Too many yrs of Italian bureaucracy? #

@NomdeB that whole tribalism thing eludes me. We belong to the v small but v inclusive tribe of Woodstockers, I guess. #

@NomdeB people are always looking for an us to belong to and a them to exclude. Blah. #

Looks as if I’ll be here a while. This may end up being a personal day, except for the working dinner tonight. #

The DMV employee standing in front of the car asks: is it 2 door or 4 door? 4 wheels? ?????! #

Took an hr to get car VIN officially looked at. Now waiting fr my # to be called. Adding statewide lost productivity to CA budget probs #

When I was in college, we were boycotting apartheid South Africa. So happy to see it host the World Cup. #

RT @NomdeB: @ProfOrganizer Any advice for @kdoland on Roman hotels? – not from me, but @italylogue can probably point you #

the DMV adventure ended, after 1.5 hours & chat w nice Lithuanian about FIFA, in triumph & new license plates. Fll’d by burger & choc shake #

Italians are largely oblivious to the routine trampling on the rights of suspects & others caught up in investigations. #

@saraford I asked my cuz, once a zydeco instructor, what zydeco dance was like. It’s like having sex, only standing up. Works for me! #

Is @saraford intimidated by anything? 😉 I doubt it. #

It’s good when colleagues are also friends with whom you can share laughs over a bottle of wine. Team-building at its best! #

@bklein34 One of the most important uses of twitter is blowing off steam about relatives who upset us – preferablly without them knowing. #

@elizadushku you make dork look awfully good. #

nothing like starting the day with a financial screwup due to their damned confusing website… #

RT @NomdeB: Jai Ho! AR Rahman World Tour. – he’s in SF June 26th – Oracle Arena. – Woohoo! Who’s coming with me? #

ZFS Discovery Day: Demo – Oracle Solaris Video #

dunno why this disappeared off the blog, but it’s back now: Performance: Experimentation – Oracle Solaris Video #

At SF’s Old 1st Presby for #sfgmc concert of Rutter’s Magnificat. #

RT @StopBeck: Glenn Beck says Obama has a reaction to typical white people bred into him. – he hated his own mother? # dueling social media @sfgmc Magnificat concert #

SF Girls’ Chorus Alumnae amazing! #

RT @davewiner: Naked bicyclists in the Mission. – that just looks uncomfortable #

Passed a passel of hard-looking women, dressed to the 9s with f*ck-me shoes. What’s up at sfmoma tonight? #

wake me up when it’s over #

Skyy ginger vodka + San Pellegrino limonata + blueberries = killer summer cocktail. #

Thou Our Refuge sung by @sfgmc #

@jeffreytaylor you’re welcome, lots more to come! How was the evening concert #

@jeffreytaylor Fantastic! So well-deserved! #

Damn. I think I’ve painted myself into a corner with my review of the #deliveringhappiness book. #

@SFGMC watch this space – more on the way! Thanks for a fantastic performance. #

Damn, not enough time to see my friend at the Crafts Fair in Berkeley before my 1:15 hair appointment. Too much running around for a weekend #

Countries Beginning with I Delivering Happiness – read, comment, and win a copy @dhbook #

been a while since I exercised my writing muscles (the ones in my brain). That was fun… #

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