The Twitter Diaries: 2009-10-11: Broomfield

  • Sleep status: not good. Back to my own bed tonight, if that helps. #
  • 5-minute interviews from Grace Hopper – sooner or later Teresa & I will be on here YouTube – EdandAshleyShow’s Channel #
  • Tucson Airport has really good wifi. #win #
  • @stevenbjohnson what you have found is the Nebraska of Italy. I could say more, but I’d probably get a bunch of Nebraskans mad at me. in reply to stevenbjohnson #
  • @stevenbjohnson my former stomping ground. If you need restaurant recs let me know in reply to stevenbjohnson #
  • Somewhat unusual to see people in suits at DIA. They seem to be here for a religious conference #
  • @alecmuffett LOL you’d have an awfully distorted perception of humanity, whichever one you chose in reply to alecmuffett #
  • Back in CO, lunch at Bloom then spa/gym, dinner in Boulder. “Normal” life resumes tomw. Writing tocatch up on about #ghc09 #
  • @Schlomo reminding you to look in the chron for oracle open world passes for me thanks! #
  • Mood improved by food, as usual. I’m not high maintenance but I do require regular feeding. And coffee. #
  • @creepyed great to see you too, pity we weren’t seated together – would have driven everybody crazy! Let’s plan to get together #ghc09 in reply to creepyed #
  • back home to my own Internet connection – we can now resume our regularly-scheduled programming. All lines are open. #
  • YouTube – James Taylor – Your Smiling Face (live 1988) #
  • @RepJackKimble Question 2: “agreed on anything” in reply to RepJackKimble #
  • recovering from a difficult conversation by reading a useful classic: “Getting in Touch with Your Inner Bitch” #
  • Italy’s top court cd strip Berlusconi’s immunity “Berlusconi uses politics to protect himself from his legal concerns” #
  • blog post » Gallery: The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2009 (mostly pictures of cacti) #
  • YouTube – “Berlusconi looks like the kind of guy that, if you told him to go f*ck himself, he’d give it a try!” #
  • NB the YouTube link came from @abeggi on Facebook – we need a way to RT from Facebook to Twitter! #
  • I guess I could try staying awake as long as possible in hopes that, when I do sleep, I’ll sleep hard. #
  • interviews with me/ and Teresa #ghc09 – I actually like myself in this video! thanks Ed & Ashley! #
  • RT @alexkrasne: RT me – good opportunity for Bay Area ACTIVISTS and artists to learn how to use video (VideoCamp SF!) #
  • running stats while I wait for the rain to stop so I can go home and… run more stats #
  • listening to an album I hadn’t heard in decades, amazed how much I remember: word for word, note for note – Miracles #
  • damn. My poor old 160 Gb iPod classic keeps losing its marbles and having to be restored. And I keep losing my playlists. #
  • amazing how energizing a phone bitch-and-whinge session with a dear old friend can be. #
  • @ajkeen ergo, only men and bearded ladies can be social media experts? in reply to ajkeen #
  • @ajkeen well, you did tell me I needed to grow a goatee to be considered a social media expert. ; ) in reply to ajkeen #
  • @ThinGuy I think by the time the incubation period is over, OOW will be past and gone. And you will have infected us all. ; ) in reply to ThinGuy #
  • Denver/Boulder girl geeks: looking for a Denver (north) location for the next Front Range GGD, Nov 19th. Suggestions? (Help also welcome!) #
  • @creepyed The First Colorado Front Range Girl Geek Dinner: Jai Ho! – Un Posto al Sole #
  • ps The Colorado Front Range Girl Geeks have a FB group which is the major communications channel now, so join us there! #
  • final days for early bird discount! OpenSolaris Developer Conference – Oct 28-30, Dresden Germany #
  • @OrganizeFISH there are GGDs all over the world – check the main GGD website for one in your area in reply to OrganizeFISH #
  • @OrganizeFISH I would strongly encourage you to start a GGD in your area – SO much fun! in reply to OrganizeFISH #
  • @OrganizeFISH the only difficulty I had was finding people the first time around. Once they heard about it, all were VERY enthusiastic. in reply to OrganizeFISH #
  • @creepyed great! Have them join us on FB. in reply to creepyed #
  • RT @Silona: response to the sexism and shuttleworth controversy helen queen of the internet! #
  • @missbhavens now I know why I’m hungry all the time – everyone keeps tweeting about food! And it all sounds yummy! in reply to missbhavens #
  • @jowyang who has support staff who need artificial aids to understand customer emotions? The Aspies are mostly in engineering. in reply to jowyang #
  • hey @digitalsista – if you think yr followers might be interested: FREE Security Summit – – Baltimore Nov 3 (with LISA) #
  • @digitalsista …and I’d love to meet you if you could make it up there yourself #
  • just realized @EventTechDept from the Tucscon Starr Marriott has been following me since #ghc09 – way to stay on top of service! Kudos #
  • checkin’ my tweeps, find some really impressive people started following me at #ghc09 – thanks, I’m honored! #
  • …but I should warn those new to me that I tweet on many wildly disparate topics: tech, social media, Italian politics, language, atheism #
  • okay, I admit that at this point /sto cazzeggiando/ (I’m just dicking around). Time to get back to the dreaded executive preso. #
  • @wordymusic Spamalot only involves one set of coconuts, as I recall in reply to wordymusic #
  • @shawnferry @Cdash you guys gonna drop in on us at LISA/Security Summit? Beers on me! in reply to shawnferry #
  • @Cdash that’s me – lubricating the community with beer ; ) in reply to Cdash #
  • @digitalsista great! I would really enjoy meeting you and talking. Looks like you do interesting things. #ghc09 in reply to digitalsista #
  • @shikohtwit that’s okay, it was a busy time & we all had lots of people to talk to! Pls stay in touch & tell me more about your rsch #ghc09 in reply to shikohtwit #
  • maybe my tag line should be “Putting IT Together”. I seem to spend most of my time and energy connecting people – and love doing it! #
  • “Italy’s highest court has overturned law granting PM Berlusconi immunity from prosecution while in office” – yeeha! #
  • @AmandaLorenzani a pox upon him! And all his houses. in reply to AmandaLorenzani #
  • Jack Adams and Nnenna Nwakanma of FOSSFA – Sun Video #
  • If [B’s] legal troubles pile up or he is threatened with jail he cd be tempted to go into exile as his mentor Craxi did #
  • RT @dboyll: Larry: “We are not interested in buying #Brocade.” #oracle – I do love clarity in an executive! #
  • travel plans changed (for the better) – I’ll now be in SF Nov 11-19. Looking forward to seeing lots of old friends, meeting new ones. #
  • will do a contest at LISA for the coolest/funniest geek t-shirt, examples here: – find me and get your photo taken! #
  • Join us at LISA to learn and talk about Solaris, OpenSolaris, & Solaris.Next – register before Oct 12 to save $300 #
  • Jack Adams Goes Walkabout at OSCON 2009 – Sun Video #
  • The Constitutional Court is a political organ. The trials against me are a farce. I will go on with or without the law. #
  • in case you couldn’t tell, Berlusconi’s attitude worries me. Shades of Fascism loom, and some Italians actually seem to want it. <shudder> #
  • Kung pao scallops and garlic spinach at pfchang’s – now I’m ready to go home and spend the rest of the night on that damned preso #
  • @saraford you don’t have pf chang’s in your neck of the woods? in reply to saraford #
  • running the numbers. In FY09 I shot ~150 hours of video, about half of which has actually been edited and published so far… #
  • @tablewhite Met one of your colleagues at #ghc09 ; she wants to hear more about our women@sun group #
  • @deirdresm just in FY09, I shot video in about 19 events/locations: Dublin, Grenoble, London, Bay Area (x n), Austin, Mpls NYC, Brazil in reply to deirdresm #
  • @willsnow your dog watches Monty Python? in reply to willsnow #
  • @nnenna did you see your video? #
  • @tablewhite whoops, sorry! I am now #
  • @jenniferwelker and getting ticks in delicate places? Hmm. in reply to jenniferwelker #
  • BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In pictures: Berlusconi’s annus horribilis “Next Image” #
  • damn. Haven’t had stress headaches in a while, could really do without them now. #
  • well… maybe I’ll have a chance to sleep tomorrow night… #
  • @nnenna camera guy?!? That was me! ; ) Glad you liked it – I think it came out very well, you’re a great on-screen presence. in reply to nnenna #
  • getting ready for our big preso to VP, while also wking on LISA, SC09 party, and oh yes need to do materials for next wk’s vid workshops #
  • The Economist, brilliant as always at the subtle dig. Take a good look at the photograph. #
  • ““Mr. Prime Minister, I am a woman who is not at your disposal.” – you go, Ms. Bindi! #
  • phew! that went well. Having a celebratory shot of Talisker from boss’ stock. But 2nite may be another late one – need to talk w @jimgris #
  • @lskrocki uh…. reality is I’ll likely wake up at 6:30 no matter what, as I nearly always do. So let’s keep the date. in reply to lskrocki #
  • RT @u8out: Now this is bold advertising: – wow. And to think that all these years we’ve never done advertising. #
  • colleague saw me packing a box & worried “Is she leaving?” No, just shipping AV equip to CA. “I got thru all of this year, & I’m here!” #
  • my long stressful day (1 in a long, stressful week) ended with a sometimes painful but ultimately great massage. Right on campus. Now-food! #
  • “Italy’s problems, inc years of sub-par growth, pervasive corruption & deficit & national debt among Europe’s highest. ” #
  • a good song to start the day: 7000 Caffè (with translation) #
  • haircut for tomorrow, new hairdresser, hope I like what I get. Keeping up on all this girly stuff is a lot of work. #
  • a friend just pointed me to this great list of tech blogs, All by Women. | JavaWorld’s Daily Brew #
  • @lskrocki I find it… soporific in reply to lskrocki #
  • hmm. This guy is speaking my language. Like! #
  • @Schlomo you gonna be hangin at HoS on Sunday? Might bring some friends over after the keynote #
  • What. A. Week. Now 1 day to figure out 2 or 3 kinds of wardrobe for next week. Suspect I should NOT wear Sun uniform (jeans) to OOW. #
  • @bubbva good to know, thanks! I was planning on black trousers and shoes anyway in reply to bubbva #
  • @glynnfoster looking forward to seeing you ! in reply to glynnfoster #
  • RT @oracletechnet: you’ll see more geeks at OpenWorld than JavaOne, I suspect #oow09 – that’s my tribe ; ) #
  • @oracletechnet are those Oracle folks in the videos? BTW, I’m coming to OOW armed – with my camera. #oow09 in reply to oracletechnet #
  • no snow yet, but we’re getting some hellacious wind gusts up here – NREL: MIDC/NWTC M2 Real-Time Weather Display #
  • Silvio Berlusconi: “I believe there is no one in history to whom I should feel inferior. Quite the opposite.” #
  • “said that he had spent “200 million euros on judges,” only to be corrected, adding, “Excuse me, on lawyers.” ” #
  • @monkchips monitoring illegal logging is a dangerous job. I can’t see sending young volunteers to do it. in reply to monkchips #
  • have no idea what I’m doing for Halloween. Nor what I’m going to wear. It’s been decades since I celebrated it, really. #
  • @monkchips hmm. We could just arm the WWF? ; ) Seriously, I like the idea. Could provide employment protecting instead of destroying in reply to monkchips #
  • last week was crazy busy. Get up at 5 tomw to fly to SF and begin an even crazier week. But it’ll be a blast, tons of people to see and meet #
  • the girl geek packs: dress slacks, silk camisole, potpourri… USB cable, batteries, mics, tripod… #
  • RT @ghc: thinking about #ghc09 and what made it so fabulous: the community of 1600+ intelligent technical women who gathered there to share #
  • @deirdresm jealous! in reply to deirdresm #
  • happy with the new haircut – yay! Lots of other (more important) things to be happy about, too. #
  • another thing to be happy about: Ben Rockwood will be joining us for LISA ’09 – #
  • @jeffreytaylor damn, looks as if Chez Panisse is not open on Sundays in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • to do today: buy Ross’ tickets Austin-Milan-Austin, then Austin-Sydney. That’s your Christmas present from me, kid. And then some! #
  • …but she is, after all, my kid. Which means that travel is as necessary to her as breathing. #
  • @davewiner if your enemies played fair, maybe they’d be friends after all in reply to davewiner #
  • RT @RobinGood: The Pedagogy of Fun – FABULOUS! – thx 2 @NancyWhite via @moehlert @josiefraser @edwebb #
  • @davewiner weird – your reply generated two auto-spams, I wonder that set off the bots? in reply to davewiner #
  • @mtuckerb courage, independence, and kindness #lazytweet #parent in reply to mtuckerb #
  • @dfugate what’s the recipe for your toddy? I might could use it… in reply to dfugate #
  • was in a great mood all day, why am I crashing now? Does Desperate Housewives get to me that badly? #

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