The Twitter Diaries: 2009-10-04: Tucson AZ


  • @ThinGuy Mom is happy = win for Dad, no matter what. in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @rosso another thing I have NO nostalgia for: chasing mosquitoes in Milan apartments. Enrico was obsessive about it. in reply to rosso #
  • just posted (old) video I shot of a (new) Bollywood movie star: YouTube – Tenzing’s Monkey Tales #
  • @mschoenu if it weren’t for our evolved deep love for our children, very few of them would survive into adulthood. in reply to mschoenu #
  • @mschoenu I suspect girls are slightly easier toddlers. Always thought if I’d had a boy I would have killed it. in reply to mschoenu #
  • liking the new features on Twitter’s own Followers listings – obviates a bunch of third parties like TwitterKarma. #
  • “Berlusconi’s gazing at Mrs. Obama’s gown, instead of her face, and holding his arms out.. while the U.S. Pres looks on” #
  • daughter’s iPhone 3G battery has died. Suggestions? #
  • “…life isn’t fair. It’s just a lot fairer than death, that’s all.” William Goldman, The Princess Bride #
  • @debworks have you read the book? It’s even better. in reply to debworks #
  • @glynnfoster Whoa, didn’t know a little un was in the works. Congratulations! in reply to glynnfoster #
  • @cbs4denver on 128 near Indiana in reply to cbs4denver #
  • @debworks: I have long been tempted to get this t-shirt #
  • @jonasthaler What’s wrong with Jonas? Oh, those brothers? #Jonas #fb in reply to jonasthaler #
  • to do: prepare poster for #ghc09, flog videoblogging workshop in MPK Oct 14-15, plan USENIX LISA (some more), see dr., lv for Tucson tomw #
  • RT @WriteRCastle: if all of you get 1 friend to follow me today – I can double my followers… Are you all in? – only because you’re so cute #
  • Thanksgiving nailed down: Austin, so I can see Ross before she leaves for Italy and Australia, and so I can get my hair done properly (pink) #
  • RT @nexenta: RT @GeffsVoice: Rockwood #opensolaris, #ZFS, #Dtrace, #mysql, #sparc are here to stay it seems. #
  • @wendybiird still liked @NathanFillion better as Captain Tightpants, tho. in reply to wendybiird #
  • RT @italylogue: Uhh, no words for this one. Berlusconi calls Pres & Mrs Obama “tanned.” AGAIN. #italy #
  • @bubbva cheat! in reply to bubbva #
  • new video: Nick Solter speaks at CommunityOne on Developing on OpenSolaris – #
  • FREE eBook: HPC (High Performance Computing) for Dummies #
  • RT @oraclemix: win a free pass, even: #oow09 only 3 days left! (personally, just need a show floor pass…) #
  • @timbray there are a couple of best westerns nearish for 125-150, check axiom. in reply to timbray #
  • “…when we ask people to consider giving up their religion, we’re actually asking a lot. ” #
  • several new videos on OpenSolaris Security, from a BoF session at OSCON – start at #
  • I can hear a family of coyotes yipping and howling down by the reservoir. Remind me not to take walks at night around here. #
  • the fastest way to see the bitch in me come out baying for blood? Play pass the buck with a customer. I will take your f*cking HEAD OFF. #
  • gonna go hang with the geeks on IRC. I don’t understand 90% of what they say, but at least they don’t piss me off. #
  • Kernel Conference Australia 2009: Jeff Bonwick and Bill Moore keynote – Sun Video #
  • Mr. Deity and Da Man #
  • RT @deirdresm: Star Trek meets Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Snerch. – thanks for the bedtime LOL! #
  • @zephoria demonstrate to the parents with, say, office harassment? in reply to zephoria #
  • my dance card is filling up for my San Francisco visit during OOW/VidcampSF. Who else will be around? #
  • RT @dltq: “having fun at work. this is heaven “- What a great thing to be able to say! Congratulations! (I usually do, too,) #
  • RT @darrenmoffat: just booked my first ever flight leaving from LHR T5 for #lisa09 – looking forward to seeing you there! #
  • ” if you are well-liked at work it is because you care about and connect with people and look for ways to help them. #
  • @billstreeter it’ll be great to see you – I don’t think we’ve actually met in person yet, have we? in reply to billstreeter #
  • I thought this fall was going to be quieter, but… #ghc09 #oow #vidcampsf then LISA (big job for me), then Austin for Thanksgiving w kid #
  • …only question is what to do for Christmas. No, it won’t be Italy. #
  • “the amount of financial assets held abroad illegally by Italian citizens is in the neighborhood of 300 billion euros.” #
  • why does something as simple as printing have to be so $%$%^$ hard?!? #
  • with all the Brazilians I’m now following, I’m learning Portugese. Not that it’s very hard with fluent Italian under my belt. #
  • kinda cool to think that I’m one of 1600 girl geeks converging on Tucson for #ghc09 this week. #
  • @ceri maybe they thought you’d enjoy the drinks more without them. in reply to ceri #
  • @miglsd oppure italiano! in reply to miglsd #
  • the dr. gave me an antibiotic that may make me sun-sensitive. And I’m on my way to Tucson. Anyone bringing sunscreen? #
  • a guy with real brains (video) #
  • @AKNickerson with my mostly Scottish/German heritage, I don’t even try to tan, but do like the option to be in the sun, esp when ill! in reply to AKNickerson #
  • RT @oracletechnet: am told there may be exhibit passes in the Sunday Sf Chronicle tho – can someone keep an eye out for me? Thanks! #
  • yet another keynote from the Kernel Conference Australia: #
  • Wifi at DIA used to be good but now is almost unusable. Got done what I needed to, tho #
  • Wonder how many people on this flight are going to #ghc09 #
  • Damn car rental agent is wasting everyone’s time trying to sell insurance #
  • @ben I’m afraid squishy ZFS is a Jack Adams exclusive. in reply to ben #
  • first session I’m attending at #ghc09 – “How to become a person of influence” (tho I’d like to think I already am one) #
  • recently added to Sun Video: buncha stuff from Sun’s HPC Consortium (Dresden, June) – more to come! #
  • “Anyone caught blogging or tweeting during this session will absolutely be invited back next year.” #
  • Jo Miller of Women’s Leadership Coaching. “are you the best-kept secret in your organization?” #
  • Wanting power means wanting to be a person who can make a greater difference than one person alone can have. #ghc09 #
  • “Our behavior teaches people how to treat us.” #ghc09 #
  • @jscarp think I already managed to lose my Sun water bottle! #ghc09 in reply to jscarp #
  • leadership qualities: know the people you’re working with, and care about them. People are not a means to an end, they ARE the end. #
  • @lskrocki I wish you were here, too! #ghc09 in reply to lskrocki #
  • you have an important job and people need to know about it, take every opp to educate others about your role & how you can help them #ghc09 #
  • The pitfall with positional influence is to over-rely on it and to imagine that, if you are higher up, influence comes naturally. #ghc09 #
  • ways to build expertise influence:don’t wait for an invitation to speak up about your area of expertise, promote your accomplishments #ghc09 #
  • it’s not about paper qualifications, it’s about owning and making visible the achievements you already have #ghc09 #
  • Secure Software Engineering / In-Kernel Security | Sun Learning eXchange video #
  • Resources Influence – ability to attract and deploy resources you need to do your job well eg budget#ghc09 #
  • relationships influence – you know who the key people are, & reach out to them to build authentic, trusting relationships. #ghc09 #


  • #ghc09 poster session ^ talked quite a lot about video in spite of no voice. Now at friends house wondering why Mac can see modem not net #
  • Alex Barclay, Laureate Inst for Brain Research: how to build a systems architecture to support next gen med imaging. #
  • @wordymusic re talking to Intel, just remember that you have a good story to tell. Start with WHY you want to talk to them #ghc09 #ghc09 in reply to wordymusic #
  • When a company is in turmoil and transition, managers who look after their teams make a HUGE difference. Just bcuz u are also in turmoil… #
  • …doesn’t mean you should shirk your managerial responsibilities. This is a shout-out to my boss @rohrer – who’s doing it right. #
  • Dame Wendy Hall Commander of the Order of the British Empire – “There have only been dames since the 20th century.” #
  • #ghc09 posters still up today. If u want to hear about “Using Video to Communicate About Technology,” come find me. With hot tea (no voice) #
  • rm decorated w banners from earlier #ghc09 editions. In early yrs the figures of women were very stylized and nude. Now much more realistic #
  • Megan Smith #ghc09 talking about lack of Internet connectivity in Africa – entire east coast, many countries have no broadband at all #
  • …but it’s coming. And real talent is showing up in areas such as animation. #
  • transparency – as people join together to shine a light on corruption, it goes away #ghc09 #
  • NGOs have amazing knowledge, but it’s not on the web. How can we get it out of them? And make it available via web and mobile. #ghc09 #
  • @shikohtwit what’s ICt4D ? #ghc09 in reply to shikohtwit #
  • damn. My parents worked in development & appropriate technology in what was then called the 3rd world. Megan’s talk tempts me… #ghc09 #
  • how do we use technology to help? Megan Smith would like to hear ideas #ghc09 #
  • @leapingwoman @anitaborg_org – good opportunity for Bay Area activists and artists to learn how to use video #
  • So frustrating – lots of fascinating people I want to talk to and listen to, but I barely have a voice and it’s exhausting to talk. #
  • importance of studying local cultures/markets – big “duh!” for me, but it’s a point that often needs to be made to Americans #ghc09 #
  • short-term ROI of emerging markets? among others, younger employees demand social engagement & greenness from their employers #
  • Cisco Academy doing an incredible job in emerging markets – must find out more about this. #ghc09 #
  • ended up staffing the Sun booth #ghc09 and giving out lots and lots of t-shirts – unfortunately didn’t get one for myself! #
  • waiting for the start of Women and the Flat Connected World #ghc09 led by my colleague Meenakshi Kau-Basu (engineering director, cluster) #
  • @shikohtwit Ah! ICTD = appropriate technology for this century. Big change from bamboo water wheels and the like. #ghc09 in reply to shikohtwit #
  • Bev Crair “Trust breaks down after 6 weeks of not seeing someone. Could be supported by video conf – we use WebEx a lot. ” #GHC09 #
  • RT @corey_latislaw: treating imposter syndrome: “Act confident and you will be confident.” Very wise advice #ghc09 (via @jscarp) #
  • Sumitha Prashanth “there’s no such thing as work-life balance. You have to prioritize. And don’t feel guilty about anything.” #
  • Arrogance doesn’t bother me – if you’re really as smart as you think you are. And I always give the benefit of the doubt. #
  • discussing myth of work-life balance. #ghc09 I’ve balanced over years rather than days. Child-raising over, now concentrating on career. #
  • @bubbva Meena got that one right on her panel – pics and names onscreen very helpful #ghc09 in reply to bubbva #
  • did this get slashdotted or something? views through the roof #
  • In video conferencing watch out for bedhead and undone laundry – what is the message you are sending? #
  • oh, good, break after lunch. I can go take a nap in Teresa’s room. #
  • every panelist has repeatedly stressed the importance of face-to-face. Low-tech alternatives print pictures and post them on the wall #ghc09 #
  • also: leave videoconference on all day (maybe with sound turned down) can give a real sense of collaboration. #ghc09 #
  • collaborate in real time on documents during the meeting so everyone can comment. videoconf time lag makes everyone look stupid. #ghc09 #
  • choose your communications tech to suit the situation, e.g. pitching a big idea for the first time might go better in email initially #ghc09 #
  • record meetings, training etc. so those who can’t attend due to time zones can still see it and learn. #ghc09 #
  • will Google Wave be an important tool here? Can’t tell – I haven’t seen it yet. Bev: agile teams open a Skype line and leave it open #ghc09 #
  • “we keep an org-wide Skype chat and leave it on all day. Amazed how much people use that r than email.” #ghc09 #
  • Bev we used multiple monitors so you keep eye contact with someone you’re working with, while doing your own work on your own monitor #ghc09 #
  • @msgilligan yes, as long as the arrogance is justified. Geeks tend to be bluntly honest, about themselves as well as others. in reply to msgilligan #
  • Open Source Community Development panel #ghc09 – Valerie Fenwick up first #
  • panelists: Stormy Peters, GNOME; Kathryn Vandiver NetApp, Sandy Payette Fedora Commons, Teresa Giacomini Sun, Terri Oda Linuxchix #ghc09 #

  • @apperceptions re all-day videoconf, I think the idea was more to have a sense of presence rather than all-day active collaboration in reply to apperceptions #
  • RT @mtuckerb: Where would you stay if you had 1 night in Hong Kong? What would you see? Where would you eat? – help a friend here, gang! #
  • RT @mtuckerb: 33 Days until TEDIndia! – I’m so jealous! #
  • Teresa on tactics to grow communities in diff parts of the world: you have to take cultural diffs into account, eg meeting style prefs #
  • Stormy Peters tweeting while ON the panel. #ghc09 Interesting. #
  • RT @storming: What’s hard about growing communities? Getting newcomers into a complex development environment. #ghc09 #
  • reaching developers in Africa: problems include lack of bandwidth, many languages. What can we do to help? #ghc09 #
  • I wonder if the TED translation project cd be applied to open source software translation needs (specifically, for hi tech videos like mine) #
  • wish I wasn’t feeling so awful. Normally an event like this would have me shooting off sparks. #
  • how to get people to participate? invite them! #ghc09 #
  • cd TED translation project be applied to open source software translation needs (specifically, for hi tech videos like mine)? #ghc09 #
  • audience ? about impact of the Oracle acquisition. Valerie deflects it nicely. ; ) #ghc09 #
  • Terri Oda: Linuxchix has two rules: be polite, be helpful #ghc09 #
  • Hot water with Maker’s Mark helping my voice a lot. And my mood #
  • Awaiting free tequila shots at Salud bar #
  • Gran Centenario Azul Reposado hmm #
  • Arriba Abajo al centro al dentro! Yum #
  • How many hundreds of women dancing at #ghc09? Wow! #
  • “Not since Mussolini’s time has an Italian government’s interference with the media been more blatant or alarming.” #
  • Happy Gandhi’s birthday, everybody! #
  • Berlusconi’s “eagerness to continue cracking racial jokes shows how outdated he and a big chunk of Italian society are.” #
  • “A burglar who used Facebook on a victim’s computer has been arrested after police traced his e-mail.” #
  • @brendanlawlor cultural shows? My ref to women dancing was 1600 girl geeks at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in reply to brendanlawlor #
  • #ghc09 – Next year’s Grace Hopper Celebration will be in Atlanta. #
  • okay, okay, I have no problem with Atlanta. Don’t really need to see a promotional video about it. #ghc09 #
  • RT @terriko: Open Source Communities panel members! Women in open source rock! #ghc09 #
  • loved last night’s #ghc09 dance party, esp the Arabic music and the women who showed us all how to dance to it. #
  • today is one of those down days. Being sick and not sleeping well aren’t helping. Let’s go find someone inspiring to talk to. #
  • “The Uneasy Relationship Between Feminism & Technology ” starts with video interviews asking “What does feminism mean to you?” #ghc09 #
  • @saraford sadly, I don’t think anything has been filmed – and I offered! Lots of notes, blogs, tweets #ghc09 in reply to saraford #
  • then asking “Are you a feminist?” Answers to both questions range from great to frightening. #ghc09 #
  • overheard on campus: “Do not call me a feminist in public. How do you expect me to get a date?” #ghc09 #
  • “No reason men & women shd get equal pay. Women get maternity leave. If they want equal pay, they should keep their legs together” #ghc09 #
  • grad student: “I’m not a feminist because I don’t have penis envy.” #ghc09 Also: “I’m not a feminist, but…” Many afraid to claim the title #
  • So why not find a new term? We have a perfectly good word, we have much to be proud of. #ghc09 #
  • But “feminism” was originally “nicer” than “women’s lib.” It’s now stigmatized like… “liberal”. #ghc09 #
  • “I’m not a feminist because I’m a Christian.” – augh! #ghc09 #
  • Why do we care? women about 20%, and not equally dist across levels. Only 10% of corp officers and 11% of board of tech Fortune 500 #ghc09 #
  • @brendanlawlor Ah, I see.Sorry, tweeting so much and so varioulsy I’m losing track. in reply to brendanlawlor #
  • This should be the theme song for #ghc09 – I’m gonna be an engineer #
  • @monkchips wow, I’ve actually been to the Fish Bar – some friends live near there. Good food, too. in reply to monkchips #
  • “I want my daughter to believe that men & women are treated equally, but I know we’re not there yet.” #ghc09 #
  • @ThinGuy nah, most of us actually figure you males are still good for something. ; ) in reply to ThinGuy #
  • umm… having a hard time caring about a detailed taxonomy of feminism. Meh. Maybe I take too much for granted. #ghc09 #
  • @alecmuffett I stand by my own tasteless remark and your right to make equally tasteless ones! I’m not thin-skinned. in reply to alecmuffett #
  • @alecmuffett I think the key in all human interactions is to have a sense of humor and to always give the benefit of the doubt. in reply to alecmuffett #
  • $25k Gandhi pen: “I certainly have to say, I wouldn’t have thought that people would have reacted negatively,” #
  • Pakistan: women often can’t work outside the home, but are using technology to do high-powered jobs from home. I have mixed feelings #ghc09 #
  • A/V medium most effective with the illiterate. How to involve women in the creation of relevant content? I could do that… #ghc09 #
  • @digitalsista we should have been doing live video streams for those who can’t attend. Maybe I can help with that next year #ghc09 in reply to digitalsista #
  • waiting for Brenda Laurel’s session on Human-Computer Interface research #ghc09 #
  • The gaming industry for 25 years poisoned by assumption that their whole market was young men – Brenda Laurel #ghc09 #
  • @alecmuffett Yes, sadly – political correctness is usually utterly lacking in sense of humor. in reply to alecmuffett #
  • Purple Moon was to persuade girls 8-12 to use computers and help them have a personal rehearsal space to help develop sense of self #ghc09 #
  • NB: bought Purple Moon games for my daughter, which she enjoyed tho puzzled about US school culture – she was growing up in Italy #ghc09 #
  • women are body-centric navigators, whereas men are great at dead-reckoning – Brenda Laurel #ghc09 #
  • social status among peers: girls engage in covert competition #ghc09 #
  • probing for mixed gender signals with toys like a pink fuzzy truck – was considered “for girls” because pink/fuzzy overrode truck. #ghc09 #
  • but a dolphin with bloody teeth was a boy thing. Barbie in GI Joe clothing was roundly rejected by ALL. #ghc09 #
  • @digitalsista thanks! glad to meet new cool folks this way! in reply to digitalsista #
  • Purple Moon rsch: girls talked about two selves – inner/private and exterior social self – wonder if that would be different today #ghc09 #
  • I wish my daughter was here – the “Rockett” games would be totally a blast from her past. She’s 20 now. #ghc09 #
  • Everything you know or wish true likely wrong. Human-centered rsch is fundamental to design, esp design intended to change things #ghc09 #
  • Laurel now running grad prog in design at California College of the Arts. I could be tempted… So much to do, in only one lifetime! #ghc09 #
  • Laurel: I could have used this research to create the most evil cosmetics company and made a lot of money. #ghc09 #
  • RT @terriko: “if grace hopper had only concentrated on women’s stuff, she wouldn’t have become an admiral in the Navy.” Laurel #ghc09 #
  • Tip to researchers: you can tell a lot from the shoes – look at the shoes – Laurel #ghc09 #
  • people who have extreme behaviors can often tell you a lot about the range of behaviors – Laurel #ghc09 #
  • people at Whole Foods doing dance of the whales to park their giant Lexus SUVs to go buy organic produce – noted that in Austin #ghc09 #
  • everybody who has kids knows they turn into cops, e.g. telling parents not to smoke #ghc09 – totally didn’t work with my dad, 50 yr smoker #
  • @bubbva how about Sun booth cause she’s meeting me there before you in reply to bubbva #
  • argh. How am I supposed to answer questions about Sun internships and hiring? #ghc09 #
  • no, we do not have any more t-shirts to give away #ghc09 #
  • @creepyed okay. Hanging at the booth right now. in reply to creepyed #
  • @creepyed I’m out on the terrace outside the bar. If you don’t want to come here, let me know wher to meet you in reply to creepyed #
  • got interviewed for Ed & Ashley’s 5 Minute Show, once about video, once about community (with Teresa). Not used to being front of camera #
  • @msgilligan I suspect the computer gaming industry has figure it out now with games like The Sims #ghc09 in reply to msgilligan #
  • hmm. Four fighter jets flying in formation over Tucson. #
  • did the Starbucks Via taste test. Preferred the instant Via stuff – but I don’t actually like the Starbucks roast anyway, too burnt. #
  • a colleague remarked that she’d never seen me in a skirt before today. Really must learn to ditch the jeans from time to time. #
  • taking a conference break. Live-tweeting a content-rich presentation is hard work! (and fun) #
  • the session I thought I wanted to go to turned out not to be what I thought, so now killing time until I get to go play with Legos. #ghc09 #
  • @bubbva the friend who hired me into Sun said “I haven’t done a cold interview in 11 years.” In the end, it’s all about who knows u #ghc09 in reply to bubbva #
  • a little surprised that students who come to the Sun table #ghc09 don’t know we’re in the process of being acquired. Research, ladies! #
  • huge line for Legos, so I’m in “Empowering Immigrant Communities thru tech” #ghc09 #
  • @anitaborg_org the video is fun, but I prefer the term Girl Geek in reply to anitaborg_org #
  • uh, academic overkill I don’t need this many stats to convince me there’s a digital divide that disproportionately affects Latinas #ghc09 #
  • digital divide:only 56% of Latinos online, Spanish-dominant Latinos only 32%, only 31% of those w/no high school #ghc09 #
  • @jonasthaler I think that’s a different movie in reply to jonasthaler #
  • massive cool: Google runs THRough Education and Active Dialog – volunteer-based computer skills classes for Google support staff #ghc09 #
  • @JoyceSolano yeah, a little too heads-down in academia. in reply to JoyceSolano #
  • THREAD originated from on-site ESL classes paid for by contractor/union #ghc09 #
  • @shikohtwit which is you? We should talk after. I’m the blonde with glasses sitting by the window, kinda sideways #ghc09 in reply to shikohtwit #
  • RT @ghc: if you missed session on feminism & technology, great notes on the wiki at speakers w/post slides #ghc09 #fword #
  • @angelkbrown I suspect geek is becoming an aspirational class Think of all the HS geeks who have grown up to be rich, famous, world-changing in reply to angelkbrown #
  • @angelkbrown what I mostly get from non-geeks is “You know tech – you must be so smart.” (compared to most of the people I work with, not!) in reply to angelkbrown #
  • “Berlusconi speaks of freedom of the press: it is much greater in Italy than any other Western country.” ” – yeah, sure. #
  • @shikohtwit sorry, those were our Sun GHC t-shirts and they ran out fast. I didn’t even get one and I work for Sun! #ghc09 #
  • cautiously hopeful that the antibiotic is working – starting to feel more like myself after days (weeks!) of misery #
  • RT @dilmamds: 2nd time I hear a student say “the old people who are 40 …” at #ghc09. – ouch! #
  • sponsor night #ghc09 looks like it’s going to involve insanely long lines. Uh, restaurant anyone? #
  • @angelkbrown seen the nerd Venn diagram? Superior intelligence is part of the definition of geek in reply to angelkbrown #
  • Kinda miffed that I scored ghc shirts from google and msft, but not from Sun! #
  • Enjoying sitting down with a good cuppa in a lovely quiet place. Even I occasionally need time to myself #
  • @plasticbagUK at least we can’t see him crying in reply to plasticbagUK #
  • @bubbva I think she needs to make one up, as I did. Teresa, what job title do you want on the video? @organizefish let me know when it’s up in reply to bubbva #
  • Either this antibiotic us kicking my ass or I’m just completely worn out. Tho I did sleep pretty well. Hope food will help. #
  • @msgilligan people lose money and much else by acting on assumptions in reply to msgilligan #

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