The Twitter Diaries: 2009-09-27: CO

  • @ben I’m nearly finished with “Anathem” – wow! in reply to ben #
  • using TwitterKarma to see who’s following me, try to guess why, decide who to follow back. Those who post nothing but links & RTs bore me. #
  • oh, interesting. Acquaintance’s FB account seems to have been hacked by a scammer who’s asking me for mone #
  • yup, that was a scammer. After being hit up for money I asked “When did you last see me?” He blocked all further chat. Alerted abuse at FB. #
  • @ben it takes a while to get into the world, but well worth the trouble. Interesting feel of “The Name of the Rose.” in reply to ben #
  • just went for a brisk 45-min walk in the neighborhood, down around the pond and back – our neighborhood is extensive and beautiful #
  • RT @chrisfaron: Music event in Venice #
  • @gracekboyle everyone needs to be selfish now and then, and women do it less often than they should in reply to gracekboyle #
  • RT @stoweboyd: Atheists most hated US minority more hated than muslims, gays, and jews – that’s why we need to be OUT #
  • @stoweboyd Some people don’t even know they’ve ever met an atheist and think we’re some sort of exotic creatures, probably dangerous. in reply to stoweboyd #
  • @nonstick watch out – that may seem like a dumb pony ride, but it could be the first step on a long, slippery slope… #
  • @KeithBurtis I’d recommend Neal Stephenson, or almost anyone, over Dan Brown. in reply to KeithBurtis #
  • RT @deirdresm: about South Pacific… ooh, thanks! May be able to catch that when I’m in town. #
  • starting to rebuild my library of faves. Trip to the used bookstore yday netted “The Princess Bride”, GWTW, and Kim. #
  • RT @RepJackKimble: When will the #Emmys recognize what Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck do? – There’s an award for sowing fear and hatred? #
  • @ThinGuy <sigh> I was hoping the acq would be completed before the deadline for those classes. Just did that stuff a year ago. in reply to ThinGuy #
  • waking slowly from a good night’s sleep, a good cup of coffee and looking at the clouds. I’m beholden only to myself, and that feels good. #
  • if you’re a cycling fan you may enjoy this video I did a while ago Il Muro di Sormano: Where Bicycle Racers Hit THE WALL #
  • Roman Abramovich’s Estate Grows with St. Bart’s Buy – – maybe I should sell my photos to the WSJ. ; ) #
  • that St. Barth’s estate: Countries Beginning with I » Paradise Lost #
  • @csnlewis if your friend Juliet would like to see that St. Barth’s estate from the inside: in reply to csnlewis #
  • @jeffreytaylor I tried three times to post a reply comment on FB earlier, none went through in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @jowyang better yet: customers shouldn’t NEED to care what department you’re in. To them, it’s all one organization which they love or hate. in reply to jowyang #
  • “what a lovely way to burn” – Peggy Lee – Fever #
  • @saraford yeah, but you spent most of one of those days in a plane, so it doesn’t really count. ; ) in reply to saraford #
  • @bubbva sorry, no contest – the House always wins! in reply to bubbva #
  • @jeffreytaylor and you’re going to tell them to be afraid – very afraid – of me? ; ) in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @bklein34 umm… why did Bonobos name their company after a species of chimpanzee known for its wild sex life? or is that a dumb question? in reply to bklein34 #
  • okay, now I’m really pissed at Tivo. Stopped recording the last minute of House while I was watching it, I lost it trying to record #
  • whoops, Tivo did record it all – I forgot I wasn’t quite in real time #
  • first in the house AND first I owned: a Commodore Vic 20. With modem cartridge #gdgt #
  • will spend tomw working with SAGE on social media. I’m thinking the best way to reach teens is FB. Any thoughts? #
  • next time I travel, must set camera and Twitter time zone accurately. Too hard to reconstruct now, esp since there was much I didn’t record #
  • @jowyang seems a bit counter-intuitive to be speaking about listening. ; ) in reply to jowyang #
  • @RepJackKimble Huh? Ask my neighbors for money for medical bills? What if they don’t have any more than I do? What if I just moved here? in reply to RepJackKimble #
  • trying to read “La Bella Lingua”. Don’t have the stomach for an author who could indulge her passion for the language with… #
  • …pricey Florence hotels, private tutors, interviews with Benigni. My own Italian adventure (17 years’ worth) is most definitively over. #
  • @reiger you can’t do both? Damn. (Looks like LISA only for me.) in reply to reiger #
  • Will Ferrell stands up for the real health care victims #
  • RT @Chuckumentary: Sarah Palin is speaking in Hong Kong now @cellomonkey is there (via @tigerbeat) MANY LULZ! #
  • @silviagreen I wish! The author of “La Bella Lingua” did. All my own writings on Italian can be found on in reply to silviagreen #
  • The Blog of Ben Rockwood: OpenSolaris Security Summit at LISA including ZFS Crypto details to be added to agenda soon! #
  • Jack Adams [the puppet] Interviews George Wilson on ZFS – Sun Video #
  • @bubbva thanks for the heads-up – I neglected to flip the switch to make the video public. Fixed now. in reply to bubbva #
  • @briansolis there’s already been a movie about Facebook (sort of), made in Italy: Feisbum! – il film #
  • Larry says: “We’re keeping everything.” – #
  • RT @oracletechnet: Zounds! James Gosling will be the Oracle Develop keynote speaker on Mon. Oct. 12 at 1:45pm #oow09 #
  • on #2 of 3 mandatory training modules. Wd be easier to take it seriously if the courseware used pictures of people who actually look like us #
  • dining tonight with ZFS folks. A cool side benefit of my job is getting to hang with really smart people. #
  • @nonstick creepy-looking people in suits, and a guy who’s supposed to be starting a job in sales but looks like he’d be in a band in reply to nonstick #
  • @ThinGuy good advice, thanks – got through #2 much more quickly in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @csnlewis it was a gorgeous place, I’m sorry it’s gone… in reply to csnlewis #
  • hmm. Should I be worried that I got the question on sexual harassment wrong? #
  • @ThinGuy Hank. Aww, poor Hank… in reply to ThinGuy #
  • Firefly Extended Gag Reel, Part 1 – MySpace Video #
  • Michael Shermer » Mr. Deity and the Skeptic #
  • Feeling grumpy because what I want is not here right now. #
  • last night’s dinner involved a “vertical” of Silver Oak cab 02, 03, & 04. Never done that before, it was interesting. Now need coffee. Lots. #
  • here’s a little music to get the day rolling: ZZ Top – I Thank You (yes, I am old-school Austin) #
  • @KeithBurtis Tools > account settings > [mail account] > Composition & Addressing in reply to KeithBurtis #
  • Join us at the OpenSolaris Security Summit on Tues Nov 3rd, co-located with Usenix LISA in Baltimore – details here: #
  • RT @oracleopenworld: get a free Full Conference pass to Oracle OpenWorld #
  • “Such is the tarnished coinage of political debate in today’s Italy.” #
  • Been half asleep all day, now that I have a camera to run – I’m awake #
  • Chuck baker about to talk about the open storage community at frosug #
  • @missbhavens Clinique is your friend. And mine. in reply to missbhavens #
  • @Shamu Diphylla ecaudata in reply to Shamu #
  • @Shamu oh, no – more likely Desmodus rotundus in reply to Shamu #
  • @bubbva tip from @ThinGuy: just do the tests, they’re easy to pass. Saves hours. in reply to bubbva #
  • @bubbva not that tricky, and you can take it over and over – still faster than listening to all the damned narration in reply to bubbva #
  • rec’d in the mail 2 fountain pens and ink. I have no idea who sent this or why. Hmm. Interesting choice of mystery gift. #
  • @ThinGuy – @bubbva must have figured out Hank on her own. in reply to ThinGuy #
  • Michelle O with Berlusconi: “A handshake, delivered with the caution of someone feeding a dead mouse to a crocodile” #
  • I woke up at 5:30, but went back to sleep til 8:30. I feel so decadent. #
  • @giovanni what’s the current penalty for not having car insurance (I honestly don’t know – still getting used to this country again)? in reply to giovanni #
  • @giovanni So, no car insurance = you don’t drive. What’s the appropriate penalty for no heath insurance? in reply to giovanni #
  • @alydenisof make sure she has something to suck on (breast, bottle) during descent – helps her ears pop, saves pain and crying in reply to alydenisof #
  • @miraclelaurie it was a good start, lots of interest ?s about personhood and identity. Will be even better if they get answered. in reply to miraclelaurie #
  • A song for the men who love cougars? » Learn Italian in Song: Amo Tutte le Signore #
  • YouTube – Authors@Google: Louann Brizendine (author of “The Female Brain”) #
  • @giovanni in Italy you pay a tax for public health coverage, so I guess not paying would be treated as tax evasion in reply to giovanni #
  • YouTube – An Engineer’s Guide to Cats #
  • yes, home alone on a Saturday night, but too ill to care. Damn sinuses. Yes, I am finally going to see a dr. this week. It’s only been 6 mos #
  • strange weather – warm, dry and very windy. #

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