The Twitter Diaries: 2009-06-21: Chicago, CO

  • @AmberCadabra I’m guessing you’re getting a lot of ROI questions. What’s your answer? in reply to AmberCadabra #
  • @travelocity bait and switch? Twice started looking at flights MIL-AUS at $1217, twice arrived at “We’re sorry, price changed” – by $300! in reply to travelocity #
  • @EnricCirne wd be interesting to know: had you heard of Gaiman before you started following? why do you follow him? in reply to EnricCirne #
  • comparing flight prices in realtime via Skype with Enrico back in Italy. = exactly the same. Unfortunately, also expensive. #
  • @timbray re Iran motorcycle cops footage, give me a link – I can translate the Italian for you #iranelection in reply to timbray #
  • I’d really like to hear from someone who knows Farsi – what are they saying? #
  • “the crowd found isolated policemen, now THEY’RE getting beat up” “They got him, there’s risk of a lynching” #
  • – shots of burning motorcycle, speaks of “the 1st victim,” not clear if that refers to the policeman or the motorcycle #
  • oh, no, there’s the policeman – bruised but not much #
  • not clear who’s doing the footage in Italian. No TV logos on it, tho the style seems pretty typical of an Italian TV commentator #
  • it did come from Italian news crews, see more on Italian journos apparently still there, tho some got beat up #
  • RT @DeirdreS: #iranelection Italian journos apparently still there, tho some got beat up #
  • LOL! Google ad on this morning’s Producing Social Media post is for Zmanda! #
  • raining hard, seems to have got in the habit here every afternoon. And my flight for Chicago leaves at what time tomorrow…? #
  • <groan> Berlusconi says “I’m going to Obama nice and tanned.” Gaffe compounded. #
  • @darrinschaos waiting til D Day to see whether I can afford that much camera. ; ) in reply to darrinschaos #
  • ack! looking over my tweeple, connected to a site that first played music, then asked me to take a questionnaire, then gave another popup… #
  • still wishing for a “why I’m following you” on Twt. Baffled by many of my followers. Travel & food categories obvious enough, but some…? #
  • @Roam2Rome suspect that generational shift holds in many countries. But it’s always a mistake to assume older people aren’t interested. in reply to Roam2Rome #
  • is there a way to allow anyone to DM me whether I’m following them or not? #
  • RT @scottycline: New proxy server is up 4any protesters who need it. IP is por … #
  • now that I look at who’s following me (slowly), it would be useful if follow notifications worked anymore. Some v interesting new folks #
  • just heard today that there’s going to be a TED India. Massive cool. Wish I could be there. Hmm. Must think… #
  • some neighbor’s yappy little dog has woken me up at 6:30 and 7:30 am, then again when I was trying to nap this afternoon. KILL KILL KILL #
  • @CommunispaceCEO the catch for social media experts is to distinguish themselves from those who merely claim to be social media experts in reply to CommunispaceCEO #
  • @Roam2Rome re clothing, sometimes I like to fit in, others I like to mix it up. I am convinced that Indian clothing looks great everywhere in reply to Roam2Rome #
  • “lat or par meaning being beaten to the verge of death.” how scary is it that Farsi has 2 words for “beaten to the verge of death” ? #
  • @ThinGuy mine, too, interpreted “get all that stuff off the floor” as “throw it all in the laundry basket” in reply to ThinGuy #
  • burst of creativity on the preso was soon over. I’m gonna be one of those speakers who submits slides at the very… last… minute… #
  • Woman on airport pkg shuttle saw a huge funnel cloud s of denver. While the van radio is playing “somewhere over the rainbow”. #
  • @algore why do
    You want more followers? You hardly tweet. in reply to algore #
  • United’s freq flyer program is too old. Half the passengers on every flight use the red carpet. It ain’t special anymore. #
  • @ThinGuy today’s flight us den to chi. So they get me coming and going. I’m platinum for lift on klm, much good it does me in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @Shamu arrived ohare. Noticed there’s A graveyard next to the runway in reply to Shamu #
  • @jdlasica In NYC, what will you do that isn’t mass transit? it’s the only kind that makes sense there in reply to jdlasica #
  • So this is Chicago. Cta train into the city. I’m a public transport kinda gal #
  • This Chicago hotel has, of all things, a British pub. Magner’s cider, bangers and mash for dinner! #
  • Kinda freAked that my room has no windows, only skylights. Maybe I’ll like that in daylight #
  • time to iron. It’s been a while since I attended a conference that wasn’t all geeks in t-shirts and jeans. Wearing an actual suit jacket… #
  • @sfoskett Nope, this is the Club Quarters. I had bangers and mash. Stomach a bit delicate today… in reply to sfoskett #
  • @ThinGuy better to go with a younger airline where people haven’t had so much time to build up the mileage. Make ’em want you! in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @jeffreytaylor @missbhavens we have to find a time and place for all THREE of us to meet. I suspect it will be an epic occasion! #
  • @dave_enz Haven’t heard “tidy casual” before. Non-ragged jeans and a collared shirt? We’ve been warned FISL is t-shirts, layered for cold in reply to dave_enz #
  • @bubbva I’ve barely been to Chicago before. I think I was sick last time I came here, too. Not Chicago’s fault. Hope to get out tomw night in reply to bubbva #
  • Learning a lot at this conf but can’t tweet it for lack of bandwidth #
  • conosco Stefano Maffulli? sembra che saremo ad una conferenza assieme… #
  • @missbhavens @jeffreytaylor yup, when he said “Disneyland for adults”, New Orleans immediately came to mind. I may be there mid-Oct in reply to missbhavens #
  • @reiger when? in reply to reiger #
  • @stacylwilson ah, now I recognize you on Twitter! Your icon photo doesn’t do you justice. #
  • @ElaineEllis you’re in Chicago? So am I! in reply to ElaineEllis #
  • @debworks hi! #
  • @lskrocki hearing good things about you from a fellow speaker/attendee at #commtell09 in reply to lskrocki #
  • why I wanted my daughter out of Italy #
  • RT @monkchips: very very very funny. Jim just showed us the ayePod… one for the scots. @9600? LOL of the day! #
  • @koolinus I gave Italy 17 years. It just got too hard for a middle-aged foreign woman to have a professional hi-tech career there. in reply to koolinus #
  • #commtell09 Gallup relies on a robust social network with deep profiles to be able to quickly tap employee expertise worldwide. #
  • BTW, if you’re interested in Sun-related video (mostly very technical talks), I aggregate “my” stuff at #
  • reminder: Are you a student interested in high-performance computing? If so: it’s PARTY TIME! #
  • @koolinus I know. And I feel deeply for all the bright, talented young people I’ve met in Italy who deserve so much better. in reply to koolinus #
  • @jdlasica less than 1 mo, actually – was May 31st, tweets all gone already MAJOR FAIL #140conf in reply to jdlasica #
  • Hearing social media war stories from other companies points up how very unusual Sun is in this: #
  • read #commtell09 later today to see live tweets on my preso about employee video. (Being on the receiving end may be scary – my first time!) #
  • @u8out not sure I get the intersect between CRM and social networks. Let me know how it is – I’ll be traveling that day in reply to u8out #
  • @koolinus as in Sunnis, about Iran? in reply to koolinus #
  • RT @lordorica: SAP embedding twitter into their CRM software, so companies can support customers who report problems via their social nets #
  • @koolinus me la mandi? in reply to koolinus #
  • cool, all companies should do this, maybe include staff lists AT&T – Social Media #
  • Facebook allows marketers to do incredibly targeted ads. So why do I keep getting stupendously irrelevant ones? #
  • Bought a romance novel (a genre I never read) because there’s a Deirdre in the title. So the unsuitable suitor is… a mathematician. #
  • @sumaya “how are you” is easy because most of the time people don’t expect a real answer. “where are you from?” is hard. in reply to sumaya #
  • note to self: become italian prime minister RT @StephenAtHome couldn’t be worse than Berlusca, and at least you have a real sense of humor in reply to StephenAtHome #
  • @Padmasreewas interested to learn at #commtell09 about Cisco’s social media activities, internal & external. We think alike. ; ) #
  • @timfoster nor any language I’ve ever heard of, at least in that useage in reply to timfoster #
  • didn’t get home til after midnight, but woke up at 6 am as usual, in the office before 8. Now very tired. #
  • Silvio Berlusconi and the press: Language problems | The Economist #
  • watching #Chess in Concert. I’ve waited 25 years to see a decent production of this show. So far, so good, tho changed from the 84 version #
  • #Chess Adam Pascal is no Murray Head. Idina almost comes up to Elaine Page, but… we’ll see on the hard songs. #
  • #Chess Kerry Ellis singing “Someone Else’s Story” (which I hadn’t heard before) was worth the price of admission. #
  • wild lightning out there #
  • wishing I was with my vlogging peeps in NYC. But I must admit that going to Brazil Saturday doesn’t suck. At all. #
  • Boss says “I hope we find time to talk.” Well, we’ve got a 24-hour trip together to start with… good thing we like each other. #
  • @seancarlos how about people married to Americans? in reply to seancarlos #
  • final day in the office before being away until July 27th. Making sure I get all the bits & pieces of info & equipment I need to bring. #
  • @jeffreytaylor wd be helpful if there was something on the stream to tell me who’s talking #openvideo in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • registered for OSCON (gee, that’s a whole month away!) #
  • Jon Stewart takes on Berlusconi – priceless! #
  • RT @oracletechnet: James Gosling on life post-Oracle (from EWeek) #
  • Gosling: There is Life for Java After Oracle-Sun Buyout “Sun is now a viral body in a strange host.” #
  • I’m about to be out of the office for almost 6 weeks. What am I forgetting? #
  • woke up at 5:30, but that’s good since I’ll have to spring fwd 3 hours for Porto Alegre – then back 15 for Auckland. Jet lag hell coming up. #
  • @templedf good luck with the festivities in Hamburg. Sorry I can’t be in two places at once! in reply to templedf #
  • Berlusconi pays “image girl” 10,000 euros to party with him [in Italian] #
  • @AmberCadabra you waited way too long. Massage is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Or, rather, have done to you. in reply to AmberCadabra #
  • farming out a lot of my video editing backlog so that, in this next month while I’m traveling, I can concentrate on writing. So much to do! #
  • another Berlusca girl – who went well beyond “image” – was paid in “help in having a residence built” [in Italian] #
  • On my way to dia. I love almost any kind of travel and do a lot of it, but this is a BIG trip even by my standards. Whee! #
  • @jeffreytaylor tell mike I say hi, when you get the chance in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • Very easy exchange rate for Brazil. #
  • Flight to sao paolo canceled. We’ll probably be 24 hrs late #
  • Flight to sao paolo canceled. American airlines handling this very badly. 90 minutes in line already #
  • Finally on our 2nd flight, destination Buenos Aires. Not our original destination, but we’ll get there #

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