The Twitter Diaries: 2009-02-15: Colorado

  • @rosso and she left Colin Firth for Ralph Fiennes. Tough choice. [The English Patient] in reply to rosso #
  • this week had a conversation with a videographer who read about my videoblogging job and wanted to know how he could do the same. #
  • I advised him to pitch a proposal to a company he’d like to work for, about how cheap and effective videoblogging is (I can supply stats) #
  • @trine thinking healthy thoughts for you. in reply to trine #
  • NOT pleased to be having trouble with my WP on DreamHost today #
  • @SaraD govt is involved [in marriage] because it’s a legally binding contract, which the law enforces. Church or other religious institution optional in reply to SaraD #
  • @mmcallen OTOH, big gain for environment in reply to mmcallen #
  • @SaraD depending on your beliefs, you could try: “Some people like to get married in a church with a priest, but it isn’t really necessary. in reply to SaraD #
  • @SaraD and go on to a fascinating discussion of all the other ways to get married, including other types of religious ceremonies in reply to SaraD #
  • @seancarlos status says there were DNS changes. in reply to seancarlos #
  • @ChuckBlakeman because people don’t know how to manage relationships, but do know how to buy advertising. Real marketing IS relationships in reply to ChuckBlakeman #
  • fiddling with Ross’ new blog so she can start making her own money on ads, instead of letting Fotolog do so #
  • learned how to mount an NTFS hard disk on a Mac using MacFuse – yay, me! #
  • it was a nice party – good company, dancing, food. Launch the copy of Tivo’ed House and Housewives for husband and daughter. Then bed. #
  • @ChuckBlakeman OTOH “build good relationships with your customers” is good practice for any size of business. Exactly how to do that varies in reply to ChuckBlakeman #
  • @MMaryMary I have very mixed feelings about all the ways American kids are turned into sales forces. Glad we didn’t have that in Italy in reply to MMaryMary #
  • octuplets’ mom “looks to God for help”(Reuters). Didn’t she ask Oprah first? #
  • @italylogue I’d like to see it in reply to italylogue #
  • @italylogue ranted back at you. ; ) in reply to italylogue #
  • @Schlomo aww. I’ll be out in your fair city soon,and will happily give you a hug. in reply to Schlomo #
  • <sigh> Italy is even managing to screw up the things it’s supposed to be good at: #
  • Enrico getting organized to spend 2.5 months (research) in US. Columbia, MO, isn’t exactly commuting distance, but it’s closer than Italy. #
  • @italylogue as I was saying: in reply to italylogue #
  • where’s Martin Luther? #
  • ironically, two of my tweeps within 5 minus of each other: 1. “Great day! ” 2. “For the record: today was awful. ” #
  • took out 4 of the 5 stitches, I think the last one needs a little more time. Now it’s all itchy around there. #
  • the mysterious mole was just that – a mole, not a melanoma. And I still have one stitch to remove #
  • hmph. it always has to snow on days I absolutely have to go in to the office (in this case, to film an open storage roadshow) #
  • Filming a road show on open storage #
  • @rosso is that [backup] a standard wp feature? Need it badly #
  • registration for the Open Storage Summit coming along nicely. Is there any interest in remote participation? #
  • @jeffreytaylor @missbhavens @trine often the case that my online readers know more about me than my parents, who don’t read me online in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @seancarlos stumbleupon has always been a good source of traffic for me, I just need to remember to stumble my own new posts in reply to seancarlos #
  • @davest as if there was any doubt for SuperDave! in reply to davest #
  • damn. Denver Twestival is the other side of the city from me, way too far to go after a long workday in a tiring week #
  • @gapingvoid but then Austin would have to secede from the rest of Texas… in reply to gapingvoid #
  • @lskrocki in reply to lskrocki #
  • @gapingvoid re UHaul, does that reflect a desire to escape Austin or a shortage of UHaul trucks in SF? in reply to gapingvoid #
  • @gapingvoid been going on for decades. Probably all Michael Dell’s fault. Austin was a much smaller town when I last lived there (’85) in reply to gapingvoid #
  • @jyarbrough which boat was that? whichever it was, I think I fell out & drowned a while ago. in reply to jyarbrough #
  • at least the workday ended with good scotch & a pleasant meeting. To be followed by massage and a Bollywood tearjerker #
  • roomie helped me get the last stitch out. So that’s over. #
  • reviewing video in the USB stick we’ll be giving out at the Open Storage Summit and FAST. It surprises even me how much video I’ve done #
  • damn. Dad’s in the hospital again. Sounds awful. yet another chest infection. Tell me this has nothing to do with 50 years of smoking? #
  • @trine what book is that?(and thanks for the good wishes for Dad) in reply to trine #
  • !@#$@# just found seven edited videos I forgot to post back in December. I am doing way too much. #
  • @reiger we did give out 4GB sticks at HPC events, which included the HPC developer software stack. in reply to reiger #
  • @lskrocki you might want to follow @seancarlos – tweeting live from SMXWest, useful stuff in reply to lskrocki #
  • @trine very cool! has @jdlasica seen it? JD: (review) and (book) in reply to trine #
  • @lskrocki did you get a confirmation on those $ yet? in reply to lskrocki #
  • glad to see my favorite fanvid is still on YouTube: #
  • something to think about: many of the high-powered, successful women I’m meeting have stay-at-home husbands #
  • Kal Ho Naa Ho is fun, but too long to finish watching in one night. And what is with Shah Rukh and his damned hair? [always smoothing it back] #
  • Jill Tarter’s TED prize wish got me to thinking. Emails were sent. Results are happening. Stay tuned! #TED #
  • you know community video is working when… (see last comment) #
  • @storagebod any chance you’ll be in the Bay Area for FAST? We’d love to meet you at the Open Storage Summit #
  • @storagebod sorry to hear it. We’ll be having another around SNIA in September, maybe that will be our chance. in reply to storagebod #
  • @ThinGuy agree re the [modern Saturday morning] cartoons. The few I’ve seen look so ugly. in reply to ThinGuy #
  • major psyched: Tucker Bradford of SETI will speak at the Open Storage Summit about SETI’s storage needs and how our community can help #
  • …and that’s a result of #TED #

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