bio The Twitter Diaries: Oct 2007 November 1, 2007 Deirdre Straughan Leave a comment drinking an evening smoothie while downloading video from Venice. Contemplating what to make for dinner. 2: sabato 6 ott.: pranzo seguito da degustazione vini valtellinesi, e forse anche il famoso Ciapponi a Morbegno. Who’s in? I have spent the day editing video and filing old papers. Very tired now. signing off for the night, while my computer continues to compress a video into Flash: Jeff Jackson in Milan last week, throwing t-shirts 3: @catepol sono sveglia, piu’ o meno, aspettando il primo caffe’ affatto sorpresa dalla notizia riportata da clarita82. L’ho saputo anni fa da un amico gay italiano. Raising a Non-Believer: my first “official” video to be posted for Sun: – a trailer for more, actually devo mandare un fax dal mio computer a Milano. Come si potrebbe fare? having fun blogging about Venice: 4: Euteliafax non ha funzionato. Qualcuno in prossimita’ di una macchina fax potrebbe aiutare? una pagina da faxare a Milano Argh! Missed delivery of my new laptop yesterday because our bell isn’t working. What do I do now? Sit at the gate all day? grazie, Telecom – sono rimasta senza ADSL per ore, e trattata da schifo come sempre. Almeno la linea e’ tornata new laptop arrived! now twitting from my new laptop! Windows Vista on a Dell. Yes, I am massively uncool. But it’s so shiny! @jeffreytaylor on the other hand, they generate a lot of waste – how good are they are recycling those little containers? @jeffreytaylor – meet us in India? awesome! MozBackup brought over all my emails and settings from the old laptop to the new one without dropping a single bit read it and salivate: @jeffreytaylor – Ross called today proposing Christmas in Goa. Which definitely would NOT suck. moving computers is a lot of work con Amazon guadagno $10 (in gift certificate) al trimestre, quando va bene. Con AdSense > $200 al mese. ’nuff said. 5: gynecologist and bureaucracy – it’s going to be a fun day! Vista wants me to run an update, but how do I know whether I need the x86 or x64 download? Thought this was supposed to be automatic… …at least I finally managed to get a fax through to the Indian visa service in Milan, so that should be in the works now. @pm10 grazie, adesso devo capire come capirlo – un nuovo OS causa sempre confusione… moving my entire life from one computer to another, I feel like a hermit crab changing its shell 2 hrs of intensive gardening – I think I’ve had my workout for today! stretching before me: a weekend in which I do not have a child GOING TO SCHOOL ON SATURDAY – how happy this makes me! 6: awake, awake… getting ready to go for lunch and wine tasting in Valtellina. (hey, I invited you guys!) so… leave Delhi Dec 16 or so, probably go to Mumbai and Goa, drop Ross in Kolkata Dec 29th, then back to Europe. Who’s in? oh, and Agra somewhere along the way – Ross hasn’t seen the Taj. just back from a long day of eating and drinking. Life doesn’t suck! 7: sul lago di Como il sole deve ancora arrivare : ( even at long distance, Ross still manages to put me through her teenage moments. <sigh> solidarity with mothers everywhere: so tired.But if I go to sleep now, I’ll be awake at 3 am. As usual. 8: not awake enough to do actual work yet, instead I’ll blog about this weekend’s lunch and wine tasting now pissed off at Vista – breaks video rendering to ask me to allow start of a program I’ve already used 20 times on this machine! how do I turn off this stupid Vista “am I allowed to do this?” warning? @gioxx – thanks, that did it! 9: I think I’ve gotten the very last thing (for now) working on my new laptop. Moving completed! damn! all set to make chutney, and I don’t have enough sugar I wish when someone follows me on Twitter they could tell me why. Marketing? Genuinely interested in me? (if so, why?) Feels creepy as is. well, this guy did: – nice of him. @dottavi t’ho cercato a Sun Tech Days, ma eri sempre nella sala stampa! (Io stavo filmando per Sun.) quasi piangendo per la frustrazione-Telecom. Qualcuno mi sa’ indicare un ISP che non e’ cosi’ stronzo, incapace, maleducato, stupido…? NB: sull’ISP sono anche disposta a pagare un servizio davvero business, purche’ ci siano garanzie vere su disponibiilita’ ed assistenza touching my mouth with unwashed hands after cutting up a very hot pepper – that was fairly stupid… @alicetwain – <shudder> frustration makes me tired. @ruperthowe @trine all of those remedies sound good, minus the TV (we have 2 sets, but don’t watch TV as such) hate websites that force you to add www. – so old-fashioned. it’s been an irritating day & I’m very premenstrual. Husband is bringing home chocolate – this will probably save his life. 10: @missbhavens – you’re going on the Daily Show?!? even in the audience I’m SOOOO jealous. But I share his exact birthday & we’re both lefties Religious Belief vs. Health Care Tolerating the Intolerable in Italy @estragon – vedi l’ironia della pubblicita’ che hanno sul mio post di adesso (“the Nazareth cross”) @estragon – quello che vedi dipende da molti fattori. Dice “In Nazareth city of Jesus the world’s largest cross is being built, join us…” argh. Need a replacement battery charger for my digital camera. Amazon US or UK won’t ship it to Italy. !@#$@!#$@# qualcuno ha una ricetta buona per la salsa verde? Ho il giardino pieno di prezzemolo @alicetwain – graz, anche quella sembra interessante, ma ho gia’ fatto salsa verde tradizionale. E’ venuta bene! (anche il chutney di ieri!) this one made me laugh: 11: @scobleizer outside chance I might actually be in the US and be able to come to a PhotoCamp next April. Or you could come to Italy! ; ) qualcuno sarebbe disp. x 1 te/caffe pomeridiana a Milano oggi? @deirdres piu’ o meno Loreto @delymyth – dicevo, probabilmente Loreot, dipende se devo passare da TVBLOB 12: having experience moving between cultures is very useful when joining a new corporation – especially a big one tickets booked for India! oh crap. I think I’ve got a flu or something. @maephis – Almeno i bambini crescono e la smettono. I cani dei vicini che abbaiono tutte le notti sono adulti – non c’e’ speranza! too brain-dead to do actual work, so obsessively organizing my home office with new Ikea storage goodies colpo grosso: sono riuscita a rinfilare un mio link su un forum del New York Times: 13: it’s a beautiful day, and I have an ugly cold. Bleah. so much I want and need to get done, but my head hurts and I feel generally awful. Hope this flu passes quickly. Nabaztag sarebbe un regalo perfetto per la matrigna, ma sembra ancora tr complicato da configurare 14: Donne! Se avete intenzioni di venire al WWW (19-21 ott), fatemi sapere! nice to know that Ross, even far away in India living a new life, still values her mother’s, um, wisdom. 15: advice to young web designers: @jeffreytaylor in fact. I need a new iPod and am trying not to think that I could almost save money going to NYC to buy it! @estragon – compro l’iPod vecchio stile di 160 Gb, che lo spazio serve. Poi ho sentito che l’iphone se lo fai cadere e’ finito… sara’ @estragon c’e’ ne sono due di Chris Anderson, quello di Wired e quello di TED. Quest’ultimo ha fatto la mia stessa scuola in India. making extremely garlicky puttanesca sauce. The whole house reeks. We won’t be troubled by vampires tonight! 16: want a global web app to filter out all the crap – everywhere! – I don’t care about, like celebrity gossip and most sports. Britneykiller! che cacchio ha ‘sto tempo? Non vedo neanche il lago! cercasi videoblogger munito di videocamera e mic, disponibile a Torino il pomeriggio venerdi’ 26 ottobre. Prestazione retribuita. @estragon una videoblogger americana che ha bisogno di un cameraman(woman) a Eataly. Quella data perche’ lei ha disposto cosi’ qualcuno ha l’email di Fabrizio Ulisse aka Biccio? non ho combinato un cazzo tutto il giorno (quasi). Lasciamo perdere. 17: @mafe facciamo noi l’aperitivo come lo vogliamo noi e ‘ffanculo alla Nokia! (non sono invitata neanch’io) 18: argh! it’s going to get bloody cold this weekend! @alicetwain organizziamo un boycott di qualunque negozio mettesse decorazioni natalizie prima del 1 dicembre 19: went to an interesting exhibit last night in Milan of contemporary Indian art: now preparing to host a houseful of girl geeks for Web Women Weekend (first in a series?) @amandalorenzani – You’re planning on putting a tent in my garden? ; ) it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! finally, after days of horrible haze, we have a clear blue view of Lake Como. @DElyMyth – first come, first served. And you’ll be #1 or #2 to arrive new iPod arrived within 24 hours of ordering from Apple store. Damn. Should have got it engraved after all. It’s so pretty! (160 GB!) @feba – anche a me – vieni la prossima volta! Sara’ un bel gruppo. Vediamo cosa ne viene fuori. @stevegarfield – in our Slow Food winetasting course, the expert told us that a beer-style cap is actually the best way to preserve wine! 21: Web Women Weekend Was Wonderful @mafe hai perso anche un’ottimo pranzo Indiano (dico senza falsa modestia – l’ho fatto io) we had beautiful (if cold) clear weather for the guests this weekend. Now the last have left and I feel strangely let down. @delymuth d’accordo con te. Gia’ faccio di tutto per evitare le “notizie” sportive, come anche quelle di “celebrita'” varie di curry ce n’e’ ancora tanta, anche se l’ho mangiata di nuovo a cena. E vi siete dimenticate i vostri barattoli del mio chutney! troppo stanca per leggere, ma guardare un film da sola e’ troppo triste 22: finally, my lake the way it’s supposed to be! Day after day of clear blue gorgeousness @delymyth io SONO in letargo. Ci vuole un’altro caffe. E un’altro, e un’altro… frustration makes me tired. And gives me a headache. I don’t expect to hear from Ross this week – she’s off exploring “real” India (there are many, actually) in Chandigarh. And buying shoes. so many, many things I could write about. But my hands hurt. Has voice recognition software improved in the last 3-4 years? 23: It’s one of those beautiful days when I’m going to spend a lot of time staring out the window ripensando la cena di stasera – mi ci vorebbero 2.5 ore solo per arrivare! listening to Jethro Tull 24: I finally sprayed the roses for fungus yesterday. So of course today it’s raining. exercising my brain on marketing material for technology way beyond my current experience @pandemia potrei sembrare altrettanto cattiva, ma il pensar male mi sembra essere lo sport nazionale… Oh My Zod. (hat tip to Nicole @nicolamattina – questo l’ho gia’ sentito. Fara’ parte del inno nazionale? @delymyth gli spieghi che finira’ subito in blacklist e non potra’ piu’ fare mailing di nessun tipo. E’ successo a noi per 1 sbaglio banale @alicetwain argh. devo boicottare i supermarket? Meno male che vado in india e perdo le feste comandate. Non ne posso piu’. peggio negli usa finished editing another Sun video @igorminar only for Sun people, apparently – that wiki appears to be accessible only if you’re logged in greatest TV line of the week/month/year: “We’re gay Mormons.” 25: watching the clouds drift down from the north of the lake. A bright yellow tree livens the overwhelming gray @ruperthowe re. the T-shirts, I guess it shows a kind of creative desperate. Esp since Italians don’t wear t-shirts with writing on usually had a nice lunch today with my now-ex colleagues. Good people. I miss them. first video for Sun FINALLY published: three weeks from now I’ll be home in Mussoorie, with my daughter at my beloved school. @catepol – istruirli su come e quando si usa – la terza media non e’ troppo presto spent 7 hours today getting to Milan for lunch and coming back. Thank you, Trenitalia! !@#$@#$# Now have work to do and too tired to do it 26: Why are people who dial wrong numbers always so sure they know who has answered? “Pronto, Marta!” I’m not Marta. “I got the number wrong?” finished a piece of work, time to make samosas and masala chai for Woodstock guests arriving soon since I’m no longer commuting to Milan 2 hrs each way, I suddenly have a lot more time on my hands! drank white wine at lunch, had a vicious headache the rest of the day. Same thing happened last weekend. Red wine only from now on. 28: @basykes who was so insane as to breed a chihuahua and a pit bull?!? hate when I have new articles all ready to go and can’t publish them due to Dreamhost problems The Economist: “Americans poised to lay out a record $5 billion this year”… on Halloween. What ever happened to homemade costumes? report on Web Women Weekend: whoa 29: hmm. vedo la solita netta mancanza di donne: as a blogger,it’s interesting working for a CEO who really gets blogging: @maephis hai tutte le mie simpatie. Purtroppo, la scuola qui (e altrove) puo’ avere quest’effetto. E’ un enorme spreco di cervelli giovani anybody know anything about a file size limit on FTP transfers? (very slowly) trying to upload a 9GB file, it refuses to go further than 3GB Ross’ 1st qtr report card contains amazing comments from the teachers. I could weep for joy to see her in a place where teachers get her! @jefferytaylor – why not suggest that to Chris Anderson, the curator? I think he’d like the idea of having extra money to give to charity. @jeffreytaylor I’m holding out for a speaker invite. ; ) @alicetwain vado a farmi la tisana anti-mal-di-gola al limone, miele, e aglio. No, non e’ schifoso quanto sembra, e funziona! not even 5 pm and it’s so dark. I hate winter. 30: @mafe avrei preferito che tenessero la LORO vita privata separata dalla MIA salute e i MIEI diritti (e il loro decalogo professionale) OMZ! Jonathan Schwartz and Joss Whedon were in the same class at Wesleyan! c’e’ qualcuno tra i miei ascoltatori che conosce/usa Solaris? @androm sto valutando la possibilita’ di creare un user group a Milano/dintorni @4Everyoung concordo con te, e ne avevo gia’ parlato poco fa: a great, a Catholic pyramid scheme is advertising on my site now here’s a really good use of social networking: @palmasco spiegagli che non e’ affatto adatto a quest’utilizzo e consigliali astroglide o qualcosa di simile. @jeffreytaylor – thanks for that. Nirodh used to be the only condom brand in India; I because it’s become a generic term! @palmasco adesso cantiamo tutti in coro: “Ev’ry sperm is sacred…” I’ll probably like this movie: giunge richiesta di “an Italian Christmas song that I could teach to second graders? Possibly about La Befana?” – aiuto! my head hurts so badly. I wish someone would give me drugs. Or just whack me with a crowbar or something video day for me, too – time to start cranking out some more for Sun. mio primo post in italiano (spero non troppo anglicizzato): Ross is back! (on fotolog, that is) “Gli immigrati pagano 2 miliardi di tasse” – e gli italiani? <wry smile> migraine never really went away, now getting worse. Can I just crawl into a corner and whimper? triple whammy of coffee, brownies, and ibuprofen has cured headache, maybe. ma come si fa a trovare un HD case esterno multiplo? trovo solo singoli just renewed my subscription to the Economist for another 3 years. Lost count of how long I’ve been reading it. @blusfumato – non esco neanche per sogno, dopo 2 giorni di emicrania. You might also like: The Twitter Diaries: Oct 14-30, 2010 The Twitter Diaries: July, 2007 That Italian Shoe Thing Largo al Factotum… Why People Think I Know Opera