Reflections on Living in Italy

Sept 25, 2011: This is an old post, I don’t even know if all the links are working. I could update it with new (and worse) information, but frankly don’t have the heart to. I gave up on Italy several years ago.

Some Sobering Articles About Living in Italy

The Fading Future Of Italy’s Young
Reverence for the past is stifling the present
When in Rome, plan to go home
A holiday in Italy can make you wish you lived there – but the reality, says Sebastian Cresswell-Turner, is that it’s a land of almost unbridled anarchy
The slavery of teaching English
Why you shouldn’t count on your language to make a living.
Addio, Dolce Vita
The Economist on what’s really going on in Italy.
The true cost of la dolce vita
Some foreigners’ sobering experiences.
Americans Working Overseas May See Big Jump in Tax Bill
Wall Street Journal on how the US government wants to make it even harder for Americans to live overseas.
Empty playgrounds in an aging Italy – Europe – International Herald Tribune
Europe’s declining birthrates have been particularly profound in Genoa, Italy.
The Allure of Italy’s Lakes – New York Times
There goes the neighborhood…
Empty playgrounds in an aging Italy – Europe – International
Italians Don’t Like Italy Any More Feb, 2006
One Italian in three wants to move abroad. Figures for young people cause most concern with 55% wanting to relocate. Survey carried out by Eurispes.

Blogs of Other Foreigners Who Live in Italy
(or Wish They Did)

NB: Most of these I’m aware of because they link back to me (hint hint); I don’t necessarily have time to keep up with them all!

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