Woodstock 150th & Class of ’81 Reunion

in memoriam, Diana Biswas – photo by Fiona

photo from Sharon Seto

Attendance and where we arrived from:

  1. Durjoy – Minneapolis
  2. Deepak – Mumbai
  3. Fiona – Mississauga (near Toronto)
  4. Lauri – NYC
  5. Sanjay – Mumbai
  6. Anne – Afghanistan, by way of Mumbai, she’s now home in Scotland
  7. Margaret – St. Paul
  8. Deirdré – Lecco, Italy
  9. Chris – Hyderabad
  10. Denise – Louisville, KY
  11. Sara A. – Ahmedabad
  12. Jenny – Liberal, KS
  13. Teeran – Germantown, MD
  14. Marilyn W. – Forestville, CA
  15. Vinita – on her way to Bahrain
  16. Yuti – Mumbai and Mussoorie
  17. Rohit – Yorba Linda, CA
  18. Deepu – Mumbai
  19. Pinder – Naivasha, Kenya

Not pictured:

  • Jeet – St. Bart’s
  • Sunita – Columbus, OH
  • Alan Howard – Woodstock staff


  • Rachana (above) was in Mussoorie the day before everyone arrived, but couldn’t stay.
  • Bharaty was in Delhi, on a very brief visit to her parents, but couldn’t come up to Mussoorie, nor could we track her down in Delhi.
  • Nitin couldn’t get away from his duties with the president of India. We hoped to see him for dinner in Delhi afterwards, but he had to go to Abu Dhabi for the funeral of the head of state there.
  • Nina: Sanjay and I thought she was coming, but she never turned up. ???

With us in spirit:

  • Susy S.C. sent a PowerPoint presentation with pictures and narration of her family – 10 kids! It was a fun way for her to share her life with her classmates; I look forward to receiving similar efforts from others whom we haven’t seen in person recently.

We had the second-largest class turnout for the Woodstock 150th celebrations; the winners, naturally enough, were the centennial class of ’54. But the class of ’81 had the best parties. <grin>

travel and arrival

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